PERC H310 Adapter 0: yMap: phy = 11 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 12 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 13 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 14 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 15 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 16 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 17 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 18 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 19 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 20 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 21 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 22 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 23 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: Environment data: T4: VERSIONS=BIOS_4.37.00_4.12.05.00_0x05290003,HIIM_01.41.00,APP_2.121.14-3416,PCLI_03.02-015:#%00008,CTLR_3.00-0024,NVDT_3.09.03-0039,BTBL_2.02.00.00-0001 T4: PACKAGE=20.13.0-0007 T4: Flashable=1000_0073_1028_1f4e T4: VALIDATION=GCA_05/02/14_13:06:48 T4: MFC data: T4: vendorId/deviceId=1000/0073, subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f4e, OEM=2, SubOem=0, isRaidKeySecondary=0 T4: MFCF: clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=0, disableWideCache=0 T5: disableRaid5=0, enableSecurity=0, enableReducedFeatureSet=0 T5: enableCTIO=1 enableSnapshot=0 enableSSC=0 T5: MFCD: sasAddr=5c81f660d254e700, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00 T5: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4 T5: writeBack=0, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0 T5: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined) T5: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None) T5: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0 T5: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0 T5: maxChainedEnclosures=4, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1 T5: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0 T5: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1 T5: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=1 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 T5: enableLedHeaders=0 useFdeOnly=1 delayPOST=0 enableCrashDump=0 enableLDBBM=1 T5: allowUnCertifiedHDDs=1 treatR1EAsR10=1, maxLdsPerArray=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T5: failPdOnSMARTer=0 nonRevertibleSpares=0, T5: snapVDSpace=a, autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a T5: disablePowerSavings=7f spinDownTime=1e T5: enableJBOD=1 ttyLogInFlash=1 T5: breakMirrorRAIDSupport=1, disableJoinMirror=1 T5: MFC MFG data: T5: date=10/11/13, sn="3A70006", reworkDate=10/11/13, rev="A05" T5: can_flush = 0 T6: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex) T6: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10 T6: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e T6: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e T6: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=4, spinupDelay=c T6: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0 T6: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=1, eccBucketSize=f T6: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0 T6: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0 T6: disallowHostRequestReordering=0 T6: abortCCOnError=0, copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0 T6: prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1, useFdeOnly=1 T6: disableNCQ=0, SSDSMARTerEnabled=0, SSDPatrolReadEnabled=0 T6: enableSpinDownUnconfigured=0, disableSpinDownHS=1, spinDownTime=1e, autoEnhancedImport=0, enableSecretKeyControl=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T6: enableJBOD=1 T6: allowBootWithPinnedCache=0 T6: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, useDiskActivityForLocate=0 T6: OnOffProperties=c0447118 T6: autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a, snapVDSpace=a T6: defaultPSPolicy=fe autoPSPolicySupported=0 T6: maxPSPolicySupported=0 cachedWritesSupported=0 T6: disablePSTime=0 disablPSInterval=0 T6: spinupEnclDriveCount=6 spinupEnclDelay=8 T6: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 0x280 bytes T6: powerSaveInit: Init structures T6: EVT#05809-T6: 261=Package version 20.13.0-0007 T6: EVT#05810-T6: 266=Board Revision A05 T6: RAID_READY_QUEUE_START_ADDR=c0600000 T6: ready_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=74e0 T6: rebuild_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=1760 T6: line_info startAddr=c05e74c0 len=dec0 T6: ready_list=c05f6b60 (e9c elements) T6: rebuild_list=c05f53c0 (2ec elements) T6: lines_info=c05e74c0 (dec elements) T6: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=0 T6: MEM_END_ADDR=0 T6: KM_KeyMgmtInitTRNG: security is not enabled T6: Device Module Version 1.1 Date May 2 2014 Time 14:33:13 T6: PCI Device Info: T6: vendorid = 0 T6: deviceid = 0 T6: bar0 = 1 T6: bar1 = 4 T6: bar2 = 0 T6: bar3 = 4 T6: bar4 = 0 T6: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1 T6: Chip=0 vendorId 0000 deviceId 0000 T6: Pl firmware version T6: Do not set SEP GPIO Bit during Init T6: PLMEM INFO : start address = 0xc0079900 End=0xc0089900 T6: index 0x00, size 0x00001600, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc0079900 T6: index 0x01, size 0x00000800, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007af00 T6: index 0x02, size 0x00000010, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b700 T6: index 0x03, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b720 T6: index 0x04, size 0x00000840, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047d2a0 T6: index 0x07, size 0x00000c00, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047dae0 T6: index 0x08, size 0x000000b0, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e6e0 T6: index 0x09, size 0x00001400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e7a0 T6: index 0x0a, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007fba0 T6: index 0x0c, size 0x00000014, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffa0 T6: index 0x0d, size 0x00005000, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffc0 T6: index 0x0e, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e50c0 T6: index 0x0f, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x04, Addr 0xc05e5060 T6: index 0x10, size 0x000000a8, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e4f60 T6: index 0x11, size 0x00001a40, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e34e0 T6: index 0x12, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3480 T6: index 0x13, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3420 T6: index 0x14, size 0x0000030c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e30c0 T6: index 0x15, size 0x0000001a, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3060 T6: index 0x16, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2c20 T6: index 0x17, size 0x00000360, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2880 T6: index 0x18, size 0x00000090, Attrbute 0x13, Addr 0xc01e27a0 T6: index 0x19, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2740 T6: index 0x1a, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc0484fc0 T6: index 0x1b, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e26e0 T6: index 0x1c, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2680 T6: index 0x1d, size 0x00000074, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc0084fe0 T6: index 0x1e, size 0x00000334, Attrbute 0x14, Addr 0xc01e2300 T6: Total Memory allocated to PL: static = 0000b754 Dyn=4502 total=fc56 T6: Current head after allocating PL mem: c0085054 T6: SGL FRAME INFO: Start address in SRAM is : xc0085060 T6: DM_PL_AllocReqFrames: Max SGL frames in SRAM: 48 T6: From SRAM: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames x48 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc0485060 T6: Total memory allocated for SGL Frames in SRAM is : x4800 T6: Allocating left over xb8 SGL frames in DDR at address : xc05d6ac0 T6: From DDR: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames xb8 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc05d6ac0 T6: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete T7: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T7: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte T7: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T7: Disabling UART for 120s due to discovery T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_ENCL_DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGE T7: DM_HndlEnclStatusChgEvnt: EnclosureHandle x0001 Reason x01 PhysicalPort 0 T7: ELI 5c81f660d254e700 NumSlots x0009 StartSlot x0000 PhyBits x00000000 IOCLogInfo x00000000 IOCStatus x0000 T7: Ctrl enclosure device added T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x8 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x08 devHandle x0009 parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x08 slot x09 deviceInfo=x00004801 sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700 T7: Device is SEP T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x4 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x04 devHandle x000a parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x04 slot x03 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b58629 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x5 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x05 devHandle x000b parentDevHdl x0002 phyNum x05 slot x02 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x6 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x06 devHandle x000c parentDevHdl x0003 phyNum x06 slot x01 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b214495 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x7 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x07 devHandle x000d parentDevHdl x0004 phyNum x07 slot x00 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T7: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T8: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T8: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x04 StartPhy=x0 T8: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T8: Phy changed - phy 00 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 01 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 02 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 03 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 2 Count 0 InitState 0 T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T9: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T30: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 0 Count 0 InitState 0 T30: First discovery completed in 23 seconds T30: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = c05e7000 size 150 T30: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0 T30: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8 T30: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY1: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY2: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY3: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY4: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY5: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY6: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY7: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0 T30: DISM: Queued! T30: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400 T30: DevId=1 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T30: DevId=0 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T30: DevId=3 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T30: DevId=2 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448000) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448040 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T30: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 0 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T30: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 1 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x1 uniqueTag = 0x400159db T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x400159db T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x0 uniqueTag = 0x27f7f747 T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x27f7f747 T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x3 uniqueTag = 0x5e4e470a T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x5e4e470a T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x2 uniqueTag = 0xfc7731b T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0xfc7731b T30: Dell Encl Found !! enclPd = 20 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x1 T30: devId 0 - slot num - 0 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x3 T30: devId 1 - slot num - 1 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x7 T30: devId 2 - slot num - 2 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0xf T30: devId 3 - slot num - 3 T30: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal T30: DISM Complete T30: gDevInfo=c0566ca0, size=160 T30: Total Device = 5 T30: PD Flags Size S N F Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH WU BFw BRev T30: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T30: 0 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 00 5000c5001b213cb5 03 07 0d 0 NA NA T30: 1 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 01 5000c5001b214495 02 06 0c 0 NA NA T30: 2 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 02 5000c50057b584e1 01 05 0b 1 NA NA T30: 3 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 03 5000c50057b58629 00 04 0a 1 NA NA T30: 20 01400005 0 0 0 0 DP BP12G+ 1.00 0 0 20 5d81f060d254e700 00 08 09 0 NA NA T30: 42 00400005 0 0 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 3416 0 0 ffff 0 00 ff 00 0 NA NA T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b58629 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b584e1 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b214495 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b213cb5 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 5 Path1PDs 0 T30: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 15 T30: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started T30: SES_GenericCallback: enclPd=20...RDM_STATUS =1 retries: 0 T30: Cmd Details: 1c 01 00 00 20 00 T30: SES General Error on EnclPd:20 sts:1 RetryCount:0 msg:c0450400 txfrAddr:c05870c0 T31: SES_InitSMNextState: Supports BP Bay ID T31: SES_InitSMNextState:SES_INIT_STATUS_PAGE_GET:SES_BPBayElmIdentified is set T31: Dell slot Offset = 0 T31: EVT#05811-T31: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p1) communication restored T31: EVT#05812-T31: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20 T31: EVT#05813-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=00, sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#05814-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) T31: EVT#05815-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#05816-T31: 236=PD 00(e0x20/s0) is not a certified drive T31: EVT#05817-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) T31: EVT#05818-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5001b214495,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#05819-T31: 236=PD 01(e0x20/s1) is not a certified drive T31: EVT#05820-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) T31: EVT#05821-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#05822-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) T31: EVT#05823-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50057b58629,0000000000000000 T31: StaggeredSpinUp complete T31: Fusion Mfi init: Hi Priority FIFO: c0446e7800000002 T31: KM_KeyMgmtInit: security is not enabled T31: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=c05cda80 T31: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config T31: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0 T31: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=1, span=0 from pd=2 at partition=0 T31: missingSpan =0 T31: missingSpan =0 T31: ddfInitStatus: 0 T31: configRaid: adding to raid config T31: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0 T31: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=1 span=0 T31: ddfInitStatus after CheckForOfflinePRL11VDs : 0 T44: Leave init_cache early because cal_cache_size returned TRUE T44: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T44: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T44: GetCacheMemoryFromHost: Get memory from host T44: Host Mem Base address=cd42c000 T44: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 T44: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 T44: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 T44: Cache initialization complete...Config info T44: ARs configured: 2 T44: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) T44: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) T44: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T44: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 T44: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T44: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 T44: wjNBInit: Initializing write journal NB entries T44: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs T44: DDF_TimestampGet: using nvram time=04/20 6:08:19 + rtc=44 to set timestamp T44: EVT#05824-T44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T44: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd T44: EVT#05825-T44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T44: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd 04/20/15 6:09:32: EVT#05826-04/20/15 6:09:32: 44=Time established as 04/20/15 6:09:32; (45 seconds since power on) 04/20/15 6:09:32: ccScheduleSetNextStartTime: RTC_TimeStamp=1cc7549c, nextStartTime=1ccdbfc2 04/20/15 6:09:32: Next cc scheduled to start at 04/25/15 3:00:18 04/20/15 6:09:51: Total memory available for disk cache: 1bf0000 04/20/15 6:09:51: Total Number of Cache Lines 447 04/20/15 6:09:51: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=447 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 04/20/15 6:09:51: Cache initialization complete...Config info 04/20/15 6:09:51: ARs configured: 2 04/20/15 6:09:51: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 04/20/15 6:09:51: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 04/20/15 6:09:51: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 04/20/15 6:09:51: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 04/20/15 6:09:51: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 04/20/15 6:09:51: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 04/20/15 6:09:51: LOAD section: src=fe0c01ce, size=59241, dst=0, mode=1...done 04/20/15 6:09:51: appLoad: set flag to stop loading bios in MfiCmdDone 04/20/15 6:09:51: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 04/20/15 6:09:51: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 04/20/15 6:09:51: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 04/20/15 6:09:51: Cache initialization complete...Config info 04/20/15 6:09:51: ARs configured: 2 04/20/15 6:09:51: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 04/20/15 6:09:51: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 04/20/15 6:09:51: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 04/20/15 6:09:51: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 04/20/15 6:09:51: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 04/20/15 6:09:51: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 04/20/15 6:10:01: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/20/15 6:10:02: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/20/15 6:10:02: EVT#05827-04/20/15 6:10:02: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/20/15 6:10:02: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/20/15 6:10:02: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/20/15 6:10:02: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/20/15 6:10:02: EVT#05828-04/20/15 6:10:02: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/20/15 6:10:02: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/20/15 6:10:02: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/20/15 6:10:02: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/20/15 6:10:03: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/20/15 6:10:03: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/20/15 6:10:03: EVT#05829-04/20/15 6:10:03: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/20/15 6:10:03: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/20/15 6:10:03: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/20/15 6:10:03: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0462200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0462240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/20/15 6:10:03: EVT#05830-04/20/15 6:10:03: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/20/15 6:10:03: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/20/15 6:10:03: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/20/15 6:10:03: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0462600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0462640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/20/15 6:10:05: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/20/15 6:10:06: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/20/15 6:10:06: EVT#05831-04/20/15 6:10:06: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/20/15 6:10:06: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/20/15 6:10:06: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/20/15 6:10:06: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0463200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0463240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/20/15 6:10:06: EVT#05832-04/20/15 6:10:06: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/20/15 6:10:06: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/20/15 6:10:06: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/20/15 6:10:06: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0463600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0463640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/20/15 6:10:07: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/20/15 6:10:07: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/20/15 6:10:07: EVT#05833-04/20/15 6:10:07: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/20/15 6:10:07: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/20/15 6:10:07: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/20/15 6:10:07: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0464200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0464240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/20/15 6:10:07: EVT#05834-04/20/15 6:10:07: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/20/15 6:10:07: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/20/15 6:10:07: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/20/15 6:10:07: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0464600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0464640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/20/15 6:10:08: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 04/20/15 6:10:08: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 04/20/15 6:10:08: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 04/20/15 6:10:29: PS policy is disabled on ld=0 04/20/15 6:10:29: PS policy is disabled on ld=1 04/20/15 6:10:29: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 04/20/15 6:10:29: EVT#05835-04/20/15 6:10:29: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 04/20/15 6:10:29: skinny Reclaim memory reserved for pre-boot: All IO over - re-initializing cache 04/20/15 6:10:29: Total memory available for disk cache: 2000000 04/20/15 6:10:29: Total Number of Cache Lines 512 04/20/15 6:10:29: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=512 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80000000 LDs: 0 1 04/20/15 6:10:29: Cache initialization complete...Config info 04/20/15 6:10:29: ARs configured: 2 04/20/15 6:10:29: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 04/20/15 6:10:29: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 04/20/15 6:10:29: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 04/20/15 6:10:29: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 04/20/15 6:10:29: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 04/20/15 6:10:29: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 04/20/15 6:10:29: MSI-X Enabled: MSIX offset = 00002000 04/20/15 6:10:29: MSIX[0]: 00000000:fee00000 - 4083 04/20/15 6:10:29: MSIX[1]: 00000000:fee02000 - 4083 04/20/15 6:10:29: MSIX[2]: 00000000:fee04000 - 4083 04/20/15 6:10:29: MSIX[3]: 00000000:fee06000 - 4083 04/20/15 6:10:29: findMsiState: Setting MSI Mode to 2 (0=Legacy, 1=MSI, 2=MSI-X) 04/20/15 6:10:29: MfiCmdInitQueue[0]: FW now OPERATIONAL 04/20/15 6:10:29: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 04/20/15 6:10:29: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb880 04/20/15 6:10:29: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb800, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb804 04/20/15 6:10:29: producerIndex=0 04/20/15 6:10:29: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 04/20/15 6:10:29: EVT#05836-04/20/15 6:10:29: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 04/20/15 6:10:29: MfiCmdInitQueue[1]: FW now OPERATIONAL 04/20/15 6:10:29: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 04/20/15 6:10:29: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb940 04/20/15 6:10:29: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb810, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb814 04/20/15 6:10:29: producerIndex=0 04/20/15 6:10:29: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 04/20/15 6:10:29: EVT#05837-04/20/15 6:10:29: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 04/20/15 6:10:29: MfiCmdInitQueue[2]: FW now OPERATIONAL 04/20/15 6:10:29: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 04/20/15 6:10:29: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eba00 04/20/15 6:10:29: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb820, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb824 04/20/15 6:10:29: producerIndex=0 04/20/15 6:10:29: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 04/20/15 6:10:29: EVT#05838-04/20/15 6:10:29: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 04/20/15 6:10:29: MfiCmdInitQueue[3]: FW now OPERATIONAL 04/20/15 6:10:29: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 04/20/15 6:10:29: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2ebac0 04/20/15 6:10:29: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb830, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb834 04/20/15 6:10:29: producerIndex=0 04/20/15 6:11:44: EVT#05839-04/20/15 6:11:44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/20/15 6:11:44: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/20/15 6:11:44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 04/20/15 6:11:44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0467800) Cmd=3, Sns=c0467840 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/20/15 6:11:44: EVT#05840-04/20/15 6:11:44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/20/15 6:11:44: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/20/15 6:11:44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 04/20/15 6:11:44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0467c00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0467c40 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/20/15 6:11:44: EVT#05841-04/20/15 6:11:44: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/20/15 6:11:44: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 04/20/15 6:11:44: EVT#05842-04/20/15 6:11:44: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/20/15 6:11:44: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 04/20/15 10:33:06: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 04/20/15 10:33:06: empty i2c int 00000000 04/20/15 10:33:16: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 04/20/15 10:33:16: empty i2c int 00000000 04/20/15 13:06:56: Spurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 04/20/15 14:09:49: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/20/15 15:39:36: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 04/21/15 2:29:26: empty i2c int 00000000 04/21/15 5:32:26: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/21/15 5:32:26: Spurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 04/21/15 5:32:39: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/21/15 6:39:44: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/21/15 7:20:06: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/21/15 13:14:06: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/21/15 15:44:46: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/21/15 16:31:16: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/21/15 17:32:43: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/21/15 21:20:46: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/22/15 4:47:56: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/22/15 5:21:03: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/22/15 5:49:26: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/22/15 11:11:16: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/22/15 11:56:56: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/22/15 12:10:07: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/22/15 13:05:26: Spurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 04/22/15 15:33:36: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 04/22/15 20:38:56: empty i2c int 00000000 04/22/15 20:39:16: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/23/15 0:24:36: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 04/23/15 1:26:26: empty i2c int 00000000 04/23/15 2:57:46: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeEVT#05843-04/23/15 5:51:56: 30=Event log cleared 04/23/15 5:52:13: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete 04/23/15 5:52:13: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command 04/23/15 5:52:13: EVT#05844-04/23/15 5:52:13: 42=Shutdown command received from host T3: EVT#05845-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0073/1000/1f4e/1028) T3: EVT#05846-T3: 1=Firmware version 2.121.14-3416 T3: I2C 0 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: I2C 1 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: Temperature sensor handle opened as 1 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - config 83 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - status 0 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - config 80 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - conv rate 2 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - int hi lim 7f T4: Temperature sensor is responding - int low lim c9 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - ext hi lim 7f T4: Temperature sensor is responding - ext low lim c9 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - dev id 4d T4: request temp sensor i2c T4: I2C 2 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [2]0x20 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: SBR: I2Chandle obtained for SBR 21 T4: Raw SBR Image data: T4: DRAM SIZE=0 MB T4: Init flash timings : FlashTimeNs c8 NvsTimeNs 78 T4: setPhyMap: phy = 0 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 2 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 3 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 4 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 5 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 6 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 7 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 8 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 9 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 10 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 11 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 12 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 13 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 14 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 15 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 16 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 17 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 18 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 19 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 20 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 21 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 22 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 23 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: Environment data: T4: VERSIONS=BIOS_4.37.00_4.12.05.00_0x05290003,HIIM_01.41.00,APP_2.121.14-3416,PCLI_03.02-015:#%00008,CTLR_3.00-0024,NVDT_3.09.03-0039,BTBL_2.02.00.00-0001 T4: PACKAGE=20.13.0-0007 T4: Flashable=1000_0073_1028_1f4e T4: VALIDATION=GCA_05/02/14_13:06:48 T4: MFC data: T4: vendorId/deviceId=1000/0073, subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f4e, OEM=2, SubOem=0, isRaidKeySecondary=0 T4: MFCF: clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=0, disableWideCache=0 T4: disableRaid5=0, enableSecurity=0, enableReducedFeatureSet=0 T4: enableCTIO=1 enableSnapshot=0 enableSSC=0 T4: MFCD: sasAddr=5c81f660d254e700, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00 T4: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4 T4: writeBack=0, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0 T4: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined) T4: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None) T4: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0 T4: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0 T4: maxChainedEnclosures=4, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1 T4: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0 T4: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1 T4: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=1 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 T4: enableLedHeaders=0 useFdeOnly=1 delayPOST=0 enableCrashDump=0 enableLDBBM=1 T4: allowUnCertifiedHDDs=1 treatR1EAsR10=1, maxLdsPerArray=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T4: failPdOnSMARTer=0 nonRevertibleSpares=0, T4: snapVDSpace=a, autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a T4: disablePowerSavings=7f spinDownTime=1e T4: enableJBOD=1 ttyLogInFlash=1 T4: breakMirrorRAIDSupport=1, disableJoinMirror=1 T4: MFC MFG data: T4: date=10/11/13, sn="3A70006", reworkDate=10/11/13, rev="A05" T4: can_flush = 0 T5: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex) T5: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10 T5: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e T5: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e T5: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=4, spinupDelay=c T5: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0 T5: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=1, eccBucketSize=f T5: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0 T5: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0 T5: disallowHostRequestReordering=0 T5: abortCCOnError=0, copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0 T5: prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1, useFdeOnly=1 T5: disableNCQ=0, SSDSMARTerEnabled=0, SSDPatrolReadEnabled=0 T5: enableSpinDownUnconfigured=0, disableSpinDownHS=1, spinDownTime=1e, autoEnhancedImport=0, enableSecretKeyControl=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T5: enableJBOD=1 T5: allowBootWithPinnedCache=0 T5: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, useDiskActivityForLocate=0 T5: OnOffProperties=c0447118 T5: autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a, snapVDSpace=a T5: defaultPSPolicy=fe autoPSPolicySupported=0 T5: maxPSPolicySupported=0 cachedWritesSupported=0 T5: disablePSTime=0 disablPSInterval=0 T5: spinupEnclDriveCount=6 spinupEnclDelay=8 T5: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 0x280 bytes T5: powerSaveInit: Init structures T5: EVT#05847-T5: 261=Package version 20.13.0-0007 T5: EVT#05848-T5: 266=Board Revision A05 T5: RAID_READY_QUEUE_START_ADDR=c0600000 T5: ready_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=74e0 T5: rebuild_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=1760 T5: line_info startAddr=c05e74c0 len=dec0 T5: ready_list=c05f6b60 (e9c elements) T5: rebuild_list=c05f53c0 (2ec elements) T5: lines_info=c05e74c0 (dec elements) T5: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=0 T5: MEM_END_ADDR=0 T5: KM_KeyMgmtInitTRNG: security is not enabled T5: Device Module Version 1.1 Date May 2 2014 Time 14:33:13 T5: PCI Device Info: T5: vendorid = 0 T5: deviceid = 0 T5: bar0 = 1 T5: bar1 = 4 T5: bar2 = 0 T5: bar3 = 4 T5: bar4 = 0 T5: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1 T5: Chip=0 vendorId 0000 deviceId 0000 T5: Pl firmware version T5: Do not set SEP GPIO Bit during Init T5: PLMEM INFO : start address = 0xc0079900 End=0xc0089900 T5: index 0x00, size 0x00001600, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc0079900 T5: index 0x01, size 0x00000800, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007af00 T5: index 0x02, size 0x00000010, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b700 T5: index 0x03, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b720 T6: index 0x04, size 0x00000840, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047d2a0 T6: index 0x07, size 0x00000c00, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047dae0 T6: index 0x08, size 0x000000b0, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e6e0 T6: index 0x09, size 0x00001400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e7a0 T6: index 0x0a, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007fba0 T6: index 0x0c, size 0x00000014, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffa0 T6: index 0x0d, size 0x00005000, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffc0 T6: index 0x0e, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e50c0 T6: index 0x0f, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x04, Addr 0xc05e5060 T6: index 0x10, size 0x000000a8, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e4f60 T6: index 0x11, size 0x00001a40, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e34e0 T6: index 0x12, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3480 T6: index 0x13, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3420 T6: index 0x14, size 0x0000030c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e30c0 T6: index 0x15, size 0x0000001a, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3060 T6: index 0x16, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2c20 T6: index 0x17, size 0x00000360, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2880 T6: index 0x18, size 0x00000090, Attrbute 0x13, Addr 0xc01e27a0 T6: index 0x19, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2740 T6: index 0x1a, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc0484fc0 T6: index 0x1b, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e26e0 T6: index 0x1c, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2680 T6: index 0x1d, size 0x00000074, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc0084fe0 T6: index 0x1e, size 0x00000334, Attrbute 0x14, Addr 0xc01e2300 T6: Total Memory allocated to PL: static = 0000b754 Dyn=4502 total=fc56 T6: Current head after allocating PL mem: c0085054 T6: SGL FRAME INFO: Start address in SRAM is : xc0085060 T6: DM_PL_AllocReqFrames: Max SGL frames in SRAM: 48 T6: From SRAM: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames x48 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc0485060 T6: Total memory allocated for SGL Frames in SRAM is : x4800 T6: Allocating left over xb8 SGL frames in DDR at address : xc05d6ac0 T6: From DDR: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames xb8 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc05d6ac0 T6: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete T7: Disabling UART for 120s due to discovery T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_ENCL_DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGE T7: DM_HndlEnclStatusChgEvnt: EnclosureHandle x0001 Reason x01 PhysicalPort 0 T7: ELI 5c81f660d254e700 NumSlots x0009 StartSlot x0000 PhyBits x00000000 IOCLogInfo x00000000 IOCStatus x0000 T7: Ctrl enclosure device added T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x8 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x08 devHandle x0009 parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x08 slot x09 deviceInfo=x00004801 sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700 T7: Device is SEP T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x4 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x04 devHandle x000a parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x04 slot x03 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b58629 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x5 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x05 devHandle x000b parentDevHdl x0002 phyNum x05 slot x02 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x6 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x06 devHandle x000c parentDevHdl x0003 phyNum x06 slot x01 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b214495 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x7 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x07 devHandle x000d parentDevHdl x0004 phyNum x07 slot x00 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T7: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T7: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T7: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte T7: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T8: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T8: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x04 StartPhy=x0 T8: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T8: Phy changed - phy 00 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 01 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 02 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 03 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 2 Count 0 InitState 0 T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T8: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T30: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 0 Count 0 InitState 0 T30: First discovery completed in 23 seconds T30: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = c05e7000 size 150 T30: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0 T30: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8 T30: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY1: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY2: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY3: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY4: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY5: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY6: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY7: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0 T30: DISM: Queued! T30: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400 T30: DevId=0 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T30: DevId=1 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T30: DevId=2 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T30: DevId=3 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448000) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448040 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T30: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 0 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T30: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 1 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x1 uniqueTag = 0x400159db T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x400159db T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x0 uniqueTag = 0x27f7f747 T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x27f7f747 T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x2 uniqueTag = 0xfc7731b T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0xfc7731b T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x3 uniqueTag = 0x5e4e470a T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x5e4e470a T30: Dell Encl Found !! enclPd = 20 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x1 T30: devId 0 - slot num - 0 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x3 T30: devId 1 - slot num - 1 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x7 T30: devId 2 - slot num - 2 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0xf T30: devId 3 - slot num - 3 T30: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal T30: DISM Complete T30: gDevInfo=c0566ca0, size=160 T30: Total Device = 5 T30: PD Flags Size S N F Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH WU BFw BRev T30: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T30: 0 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 00 5000c5001b213cb5 03 07 0d 0 NA NA T30: 1 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 01 5000c5001b214495 02 06 0c 0 NA NA T30: 2 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 02 5000c50057b584e1 01 05 0b 1 NA NA T30: 3 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 03 5000c50057b58629 00 04 0a 1 NA NA T30: 20 01400005 0 0 0 0 DP BP12G+ 1.00 0 0 20 5d81f060d254e700 00 08 09 0 NA NA T30: 42 00400005 0 0 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 3416 0 0 ffff 0 00 ff 00 0 NA NA T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b58629 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b584e1 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b214495 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b213cb5 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 5 Path1PDs 0 T30: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 15 T30: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started T30: SES_GenericCallback: enclPd=20...RDM_STATUS =1 retries: 0 T30: Cmd Details: 1c 01 00 00 20 00 T30: SES General Error on EnclPd:20 sts:1 RetryCount:0 msg:c0450400 txfrAddr:c05870c0 T31: SES_InitSMNextState: Supports BP Bay ID T31: SES_InitSMNextState:SES_INIT_STATUS_PAGE_GET:SES_BPBayElmIdentified is set T31: Dell slot Offset = 0 T31: EVT#05849-T31: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p1) communication restored T31: EVT#05850-T31: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20 T31: EVT#05851-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=00, sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#05852-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) T31: EVT#05853-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#05854-T31: 236=PD 00(e0x20/s0) is not a certified drive T31: EVT#05855-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) T31: EVT#05856-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5001b214495,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#05857-T31: 236=PD 01(e0x20/s1) is not a certified drive T31: EVT#05858-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) T31: EVT#05859-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#05860-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) T31: EVT#05861-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50057b58629,0000000000000000 T31: StaggeredSpinUp complete T31: Fusion Mfi init: Hi Priority FIFO: c0446e7800000002 T31: KM_KeyMgmtInit: security is not enabled T31: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=c05cd820 T31: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config T31: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0 T31: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=1, span=0 from pd=2 at partition=0 T31: missingSpan =0 T31: missingSpan =0 T31: ddfInitStatus: 0 T31: configRaid: adding to raid config T31: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0 T31: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=1 span=0 T31: ddfInitStatus after CheckForOfflinePRL11VDs : 0 T44: Leave init_cache early because cal_cache_size returned TRUE T44: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T44: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T44: GetCacheMemoryFromHost: Get memory from host T44: Host Mem Base address=cd42c000 T44: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 T44: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 T44: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 T44: Cache initialization complete...Config info T44: ARs configured: 2 T44: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) T44: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) T44: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T44: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 T44: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T44: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 T44: wjNBInit: Initializing write journal NB entries T44: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs T44: DDF_TimestampGet: using nvram time=04/23 5:52:13 + rtc=44 to set timestamp T44: EVT#05862-T44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T44: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd T44: EVT#05863-T44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T44: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd 04/23/15 5:53:11: EVT#05864-04/23/15 5:53:11: 44=Time established as 04/23/15 5:53:11; (45 seconds since power on) 04/23/15 5:53:29: Total memory available for disk cache: 1bf0000 04/23/15 5:53:29: Total Number of Cache Lines 447 04/23/15 5:53:29: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=447 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 04/23/15 5:53:29: Cache initialization complete...Config info 04/23/15 5:53:29: ARs configured: 2 04/23/15 5:53:29: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 04/23/15 5:53:29: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 04/23/15 5:53:29: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 04/23/15 5:53:29: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 04/23/15 5:53:29: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 04/23/15 5:53:29: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 04/23/15 5:53:29: LOAD section: src=fe0c01ce, size=59241, dst=0, mode=1...done 04/23/15 5:53:30: appLoad: set flag to stop loading bios in MfiCmdDone 04/23/15 5:53:30: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 04/23/15 5:53:30: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 04/23/15 5:53:30: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 04/23/15 5:53:30: Cache initialization complete...Config info 04/23/15 5:53:30: ARs configured: 2 04/23/15 5:53:30: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 04/23/15 5:53:30: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 04/23/15 5:53:30: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 04/23/15 5:53:30: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 04/23/15 5:53:30: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 04/23/15 5:53:30: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 04/23/15 5:53:40: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/23/15 5:53:41: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/23/15 5:53:41: EVT#05865-04/23/15 5:53:41: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/23/15 5:53:41: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/23/15 5:53:41: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/23/15 5:53:41: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c045e200) Cmd=3, Sns=c045e240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/23/15 5:53:41: EVT#05866-04/23/15 5:53:41: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/23/15 5:53:41: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/23/15 5:53:41: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/23/15 5:53:41: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c045e600) Cmd=3, Sns=c045e640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/23/15 5:53:41: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/23/15 5:53:42: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/23/15 5:53:42: EVT#05867-04/23/15 5:53:42: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/23/15 5:53:42: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/23/15 5:53:42: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/23/15 5:53:42: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c045f200) Cmd=3, Sns=c045f240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/23/15 5:53:42: EVT#05868-04/23/15 5:53:42: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/23/15 5:53:42: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/23/15 5:53:42: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/23/15 5:53:42: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c045f600) Cmd=3, Sns=c045f640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/23/15 5:53:44: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/23/15 5:53:44: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/23/15 5:53:44: EVT#05869-04/23/15 5:53:44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/23/15 5:53:44: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/23/15 5:53:44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/23/15 5:53:44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0460200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0460240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/23/15 5:53:44: EVT#05870-04/23/15 5:53:44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/23/15 5:53:44: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/23/15 5:53:44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/23/15 5:53:44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0460600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0460640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/23/15 5:53:45: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/23/15 5:53:46: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/23/15 5:53:46: EVT#05871-04/23/15 5:53:46: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/23/15 5:53:46: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/23/15 5:53:46: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/23/15 5:53:46: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/23/15 5:53:46: EVT#05872-04/23/15 5:53:46: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/23/15 5:53:46: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/23/15 5:53:46: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/23/15 5:53:46: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/23/15 5:53:46: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 04/23/15 5:53:46: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/23/15 5:54:07: PS policy is disabled on ld=0 04/23/15 5:54:07: PS policy is disabled on ld=1 04/23/15 5:54:07: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 04/23/15 5:54:07: EVT#05873-04/23/15 5:54:07: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 04/23/15 5:54:07: skinny Reclaim memory reserved for pre-boot: All IO over - re-initializing cache 04/23/15 5:54:07: Total memory available for disk cache: 2000000 04/23/15 5:54:07: Total Number of Cache Lines 512 04/23/15 5:54:07: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=512 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80000000 LDs: 0 1 04/23/15 5:54:07: Cache initialization complete...Config info 04/23/15 5:54:07: ARs configured: 2 04/23/15 5:54:07: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 04/23/15 5:54:07: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 04/23/15 5:54:07: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 04/23/15 5:54:07: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 04/23/15 5:54:07: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 04/23/15 5:54:07: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 04/23/15 5:54:07: MSI-X Enabled: MSIX offset = 00002000 04/23/15 5:54:07: MSIX[0]: 00000000:fee00000 - 4083 04/23/15 5:54:07: MSIX[1]: 00000000:fee02000 - 4083 04/23/15 5:54:07: MSIX[2]: 00000000:fee04000 - 4083 04/23/15 5:54:07: MSIX[3]: 00000000:fee06000 - 4083 04/23/15 5:54:07: findMsiState: Setting MSI Mode to 2 (0=Legacy, 1=MSI, 2=MSI-X) 04/23/15 5:54:07: MfiCmdInitQueue[0]: FW now OPERATIONAL 04/23/15 5:54:07: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 04/23/15 5:54:07: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb880 04/23/15 5:54:07: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb800, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb804 04/23/15 5:54:07: producerIndex=0 04/23/15 5:54:07: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 04/23/15 5:54:07: EVT#05874-04/23/15 5:54:07: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 04/23/15 5:54:07: MfiCmdInitQueue[1]: FW now OPERATIONAL 04/23/15 5:54:07: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 04/23/15 5:54:07: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb940 04/23/15 5:54:07: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb810, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb814 04/23/15 5:54:07: producerIndex=0 04/23/15 5:54:07: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 04/23/15 5:54:07: EVT#05875-04/23/15 5:54:07: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 04/23/15 5:54:07: MfiCmdInitQueue[2]: FW now OPERATIONAL 04/23/15 5:54:07: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 04/23/15 5:54:07: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eba00 04/23/15 5:54:07: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb820, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb824 04/23/15 5:54:07: producerIndex=0 04/23/15 5:54:07: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 04/23/15 5:54:07: EVT#05876-04/23/15 5:54:07: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 04/23/15 5:54:07: MfiCmdInitQueue[3]: FW now OPERATIONAL 04/23/15 5:54:07: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 04/23/15 5:54:07: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2ebac0 04/23/15 5:54:07: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb830, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb834 04/23/15 5:54:07: producerIndex=0 04/23/15 5:55:13: EVT#05877-04/23/15 5:55:13: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/23/15 5:55:13: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/23/15 5:55:13: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 04/23/15 5:55:13: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0464600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0464640 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/23/15 5:55:14: EVT#05878-04/23/15 5:55:14: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/23/15 5:55:14: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/23/15 5:55:14: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 04/23/15 5:55:14: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0464a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0464a40 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/23/15 5:55:14: EVT#05879-04/23/15 5:55:14: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/23/15 5:55:14: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 04/23/15 5:55:14: EVT#05880-04/23/15 5:55:14: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/23/15 5:55:14: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 04/23/15 9:16:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/23/15 10:03:15: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/23/15 11:46:35: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 04/23/15 11:46:35: empty i2c int 00000000 04/23/15 15:19:45: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 04/23/15 18:27:05: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/23/15 22:00:55: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/24/15 4:46:42: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/24/15 5:10:05: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/24/15 6:25:36: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 04/24/15 8:42:35: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/24/15 10:59:25: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/24/15 11:14:35: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/24/15 12:32:45: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/24/15 12:32:45: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 04/24/15 15:04:25: empty i2c int 00000000 04/24/15 15:50:15: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/24/15 15:50:16: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/24/15 17:07:45: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/24/15 19:24:55: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/24/15 20:26:05: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/24/15 22:26:15: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/25/15 0:28:25: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/25/15 0:28:26: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/25/15 1:09:55: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/25/15 1:38:55: Spurious interrupt received in task modeprDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00 04/25/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01 04/25/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=02 04/25/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=03 04/25/15 3:00:18: EVT#05881-04/25/15 3:00:18: 39=Patrol Read started 04/25/15 4:07:17: prCallback: PR completed for pd=00 04/25/15 4:08:41: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01 04/25/15 4:11:15: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 04/25/15 4:42:55: empty i2c int 00000000 04/25/15 4:43:05: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 04/25/15 11:31:15: empty i2c int 00000000 04/25/15 14:04:35: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/25/15 19:10:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/25/15 19:39:55: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/25/15 20:40:15: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/25/15 21:09:40: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/25/15 21:18:43: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/25/15 21:49:45: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 04/26/15 1:11:22: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/26/15 1:11:23: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/26/15 2:06:55: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/26/15 4:06:05: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/26/15 5:03:16: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/26/15 5:29:05: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/26/15 5:44:16: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/26/15 8:07:35: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/26/15 8:37:26: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/26/15 9:04:35: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/26/15 9:15:25: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/26/15 10:23:45: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/26/15 10:54:45: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/26/15 13:02:45: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/26/15 14:28:28: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 04/26/15 14:28:28: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 04/26/15 14:28:28: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 04/26/15 15:14:20: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/26/15 15:54:14: prCallback: PR completed for pd=02 04/26/15 15:55:39: prCallback: PR completed for pd=03 04/26/15 15:55:39: PR cycle complete 04/26/15 15:55:39: EVT#05882-04/26/15 15:55:39: 35=Patrol Read complete 04/26/15 15:55:39: Next PR scheduled to start at 05/02/15 3:00:18 04/26/15 18:38:12: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/26/15 20:17:55: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/27/15 4:11:26: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 04/27/15 5:44:35: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 04/27/15 5:44:35: empty i2c int 00000000 04/27/15 6:29:25: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 04/27/15 6:29:25: empty i2c int 00000000 04/27/15 7:14:35: Spurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 04/27/15 10:53:35: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/27/15 16:27:55: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 04/27/15 16:27:55: empty i2c int 00000000 04/27/15 16:28:05: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 04/27/15 16:28:05: empty i2c int 00000000 04/27/15 16:43:15: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/27/15 17:44:35: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 04/28/15 19:09:05: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 04/28/15 19:24:25: empty i2c int 00000000 04/28/15 19:24:35: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/28/15 20:42:15: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/29/15 6:05:55: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/29/15 8:24:05: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 04/29/15 16:01:15: empty i2c int 00000000 04/29/15 19:05:45: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 04/29/15 20:51:45: empty i2c int 00000000 04/29/15 20:51:55: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/30/15 5:26:30: EVT#05883-04/30/15 5:26:30: 30=Event log cleared 04/30/15 5:26:49: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete 04/30/15 5:26:49: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command 04/30/15 5:26:49: EVT#05884-04/30/15 5:26:49: 42=Shutdown command received from host T3: EVT#05885-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0073/1000/1f4e/1028) T3: EVT#05886-T3: 1=Firmware version 2.121.14-3416 T3: I2C 0 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: I2C 1 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: Temperature sensor handle opened as 1 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - config 83 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - status 0 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - config 80 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - conv rate 2 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - int hi lim 7f T4: Temperature sensor is responding - int low lim c9 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - ext hi lim 7f T4: Temperature sensor is responding - ext low lim c9 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - dev id 4d T4: request temp sensor i2c T4: I2C 2 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [2]0x20 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: SBR: I2Chandle obtained for SBR 21 T4: Raw SBR Image data: T4: DRAM SIZE=0 MB T4: Init flash timings : FlashTimeNs c8 NvsTimeNs 78 T4: setPhyMap: phy = 0 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 2 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 3 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 4 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 5 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 6 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 7 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 8 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 9 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 10 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 11 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 12 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 13 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 14 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 15 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 16 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 17 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 18 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 19 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 20 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 21 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 22 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 23 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: Environment data: T4: VERSIONS=BIOS_4.37.00_4.12.05.00_0x05290003,HIIM_01.41.00,APP_2.121.14-3416,PCLI_03.02-015:#%00008,CTLR_3.00-0024,NVDT_3.09.03-0039,BTBL_2.02.00.00-0001 T4: PACKAGE=20.13.0-0007 T4: Flashable=1000_0073_1028_1f4e T4: VALIDATION=GCA_05/02/14_13:06:48 T4: MFC data: T4: vendorId/deviceId=1000/0073, subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f4e, OEM=2, SubOem=0, isRaidKeySecondary=0 T4: MFCF: clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=0, disableWideCache=0 T4: disableRaid5=0, enableSecurity=0, enableReducedFeatureSet=0 T4: enableCTIO=1 enableSnapshot=0 enableSSC=0 T4: MFCD: sasAddr=5c81f660d254e700, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00 T4: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4 T4: writeBack=0, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0 T4: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined) T4: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None) T4: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0 T4: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0 T4: maxChainedEnclosures=4, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1 T4: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0 T4: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1 T4: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=1 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 T4: enableLedHeaders=0 useFdeOnly=1 delayPOST=0 enableCrashDump=0 enableLDBBM=1 T4: allowUnCertifiedHDDs=1 treatR1EAsR10=1, maxLdsPerArray=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T4: failPdOnSMARTer=0 nonRevertibleSpares=0, T4: snapVDSpace=a, autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a T4: disablePowerSavings=7f spinDownTime=1e T4: enableJBOD=1 ttyLogInFlash=1 T4: breakMirrorRAIDSupport=1, disableJoinMirror=1 T4: MFC MFG data: T4: date=10/11/13, sn="3A70006", reworkDate=10/11/13, rev="A05" T4: can_flush = 0 T5: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex) T5: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10 T5: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e T5: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e T5: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=4, spinupDelay=c T5: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0 T5: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=1, eccBucketSize=f T5: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0 T5: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0 T5: disallowHostRequestReordering=0 T5: abortCCOnError=0, copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0 T5: prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1, useFdeOnly=1 T5: disableNCQ=0, SSDSMARTerEnabled=0, SSDPatrolReadEnabled=0 T5: enableSpinDownUnconfigured=0, disableSpinDownHS=1, spinDownTime=1e, autoEnhancedImport=0, enableSecretKeyControl=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T5: enableJBOD=1 T5: allowBootWithPinnedCache=0 T5: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, useDiskActivityForLocate=0 T5: OnOffProperties=c0447118 T5: autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a, snapVDSpace=a T5: defaultPSPolicy=fe autoPSPolicySupported=0 T5: maxPSPolicySupported=0 cachedWritesSupported=0 T5: disablePSTime=0 disablPSInterval=0 T5: spinupEnclDriveCount=6 spinupEnclDelay=8 T5: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 0x280 bytes T5: powerSaveInit: Init structures T5: EVT#05887-T5: 261=Package version 20.13.0-0007 T5: EVT#05888-T5: 266=Board Revision A05 T5: RAID_READY_QUEUE_START_ADDR=c0600000 T5: ready_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=74e0 T5: rebuild_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=1760 T5: line_info startAddr=c05e74c0 len=dec0 T5: ready_list=c05f6b60 (e9c elements) T5: rebuild_list=c05f53c0 (2ec elements) T5: lines_info=c05e74c0 (dec elements) T5: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=0 T5: MEM_END_ADDR=0 T5: KM_KeyMgmtInitTRNG: security is not enabled T5: Device Module Version 1.1 Date May 2 2014 Time 14:33:13 T5: PCI Device Info: T5: vendorid = 0 T5: deviceid = 0 T5: bar0 = 1 T5: bar1 = 4 T5: bar2 = 0 T5: bar3 = 4 T5: bar4 = 0 T5: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1 T5: Chip=0 vendorId 0000 deviceId 0000 T5: Pl firmware version T5: Do not set SEP GPIO Bit during Init T5: PLMEM INFO : start address = 0xc0079900 End=0xc0089900 T5: index 0x00, size 0x00001600, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc0079900 T5: index 0x01, size 0x00000800, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007af00 T5: index 0x02, size 0x00000010, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b700 T5: index 0x03, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b720 T6: index 0x04, size 0x00000840, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047d2a0 T6: index 0x07, size 0x00000c00, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047dae0 T6: index 0x08, size 0x000000b0, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e6e0 T6: index 0x09, size 0x00001400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e7a0 T6: index 0x0a, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007fba0 T6: index 0x0c, size 0x00000014, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffa0 T6: index 0x0d, size 0x00005000, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffc0 T6: index 0x0e, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e50c0 T6: index 0x0f, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x04, Addr 0xc05e5060 T6: index 0x10, size 0x000000a8, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e4f60 T6: index 0x11, size 0x00001a40, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e34e0 T6: index 0x12, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3480 T6: index 0x13, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3420 T6: index 0x14, size 0x0000030c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e30c0 T6: index 0x15, size 0x0000001a, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3060 T6: index 0x16, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2c20 T6: index 0x17, size 0x00000360, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2880 T6: index 0x18, size 0x00000090, Attrbute 0x13, Addr 0xc01e27a0 T6: index 0x19, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2740 T6: index 0x1a, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc0484fc0 T6: index 0x1b, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e26e0 T6: index 0x1c, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2680 T6: index 0x1d, size 0x00000074, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc0084fe0 T6: index 0x1e, size 0x00000334, Attrbute 0x14, Addr 0xc01e2300 T6: Total Memory allocated to PL: static = 0000b754 Dyn=4502 total=fc56 T6: Current head after allocating PL mem: c0085054 T6: SGL FRAME INFO: Start address in SRAM is : xc0085060 T6: DM_PL_AllocReqFrames: Max SGL frames in SRAM: 48 T6: From SRAM: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames x48 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc0485060 T6: Total memory allocated for SGL Frames in SRAM is : x4800 T6: Allocating left over xb8 SGL frames in DDR at address : xc05d6ac0 T6: From DDR: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames xb8 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc05d6ac0 T6: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete T7: Disabling UART for 120s due to discovery T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_ENCL_DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGE T7: DM_HndlEnclStatusChgEvnt: EnclosureHandle x0001 Reason x01 PhysicalPort 0 T7: ELI 5c81f660d254e700 NumSlots x0009 StartSlot x0000 PhyBits x00000000 IOCLogInfo x00000000 IOCStatus x0000 T7: Ctrl enclosure device added T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x8 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x08 devHandle x0009 parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x08 slot x09 deviceInfo=x00004801 sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700 T7: Device is SEP T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x4 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x04 devHandle x000a parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x04 slot x03 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b58629 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x5 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x05 devHandle x000b parentDevHdl x0002 phyNum x05 slot x02 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x6 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x06 devHandle x000c parentDevHdl x0003 phyNum x06 slot x01 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b214495 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x7 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x07 devHandle x000d parentDevHdl x0004 phyNum x07 slot x00 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T7: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T7: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T7: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte T7: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T8: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T8: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x04 StartPhy=x0 T8: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T8: Phy changed - phy 00 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 01 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 02 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 03 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 2 Count 0 InitState 0 T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T8: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T30: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 0 Count 0 InitState 0 T30: First discovery completed in 23 seconds T30: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = c05e7000 size 150 T30: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0 T30: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8 T30: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY1: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY2: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY3: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY4: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY5: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY6: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY7: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0 T30: DISM: Queued! T30: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400 T30: DevId=1 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T30: DevId=0 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T30: DevId=3 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T30: DevId=2 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448000) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448040 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T30: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 0 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T30: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 1 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x0 uniqueTag = 0x27f7f747 T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x27f7f747 T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x3 uniqueTag = 0x5e4e470a T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x5e4e470a T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x1 uniqueTag = 0x400159db T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x400159db T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x2 uniqueTag = 0xfc7731b T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0xfc7731b T30: Dell Encl Found !! enclPd = 20 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x1 T30: devId 0 - slot num - 0 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x3 T30: devId 1 - slot num - 1 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x7 T30: devId 2 - slot num - 2 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0xf T30: devId 3 - slot num - 3 T30: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal T30: DISM Complete T30: gDevInfo=c0566ca0, size=160 T30: Total Device = 5 T30: PD Flags Size S N F Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH WU BFw BRev T30: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T30: 0 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 00 5000c5001b213cb5 03 07 0d 0 NA NA T30: 1 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 01 5000c5001b214495 02 06 0c 0 NA NA T30: 2 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 02 5000c50057b584e1 01 05 0b 1 NA NA T30: 3 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 03 5000c50057b58629 00 04 0a 1 NA NA T30: 20 01400005 0 0 0 0 DP BP12G+ 1.00 0 0 20 5d81f060d254e700 00 08 09 0 NA NA T30: 42 00400005 0 0 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 3416 0 0 ffff 0 00 ff 00 0 NA NA T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b58629 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b584e1 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b214495 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b213cb5 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 5 Path1PDs 0 T30: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 15 T30: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started T30: SES_GenericCallback: enclPd=20...RDM_STATUS =1 retries: 0 T30: Cmd Details: 1c 01 00 00 20 00 T30: SES General Error on EnclPd:20 sts:1 RetryCount:0 msg:c0450400 txfrAddr:c05870c0 T31: SES_InitSMNextState: Supports BP Bay ID T31: SES_InitSMNextState:SES_INIT_STATUS_PAGE_GET:SES_BPBayElmIdentified is set T31: Dell slot Offset = 0 T31: EVT#05889-T31: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p1) communication restored T31: EVT#05890-T31: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20 T31: EVT#05891-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=00, sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#05892-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) T31: EVT#05893-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#05894-T31: 236=PD 00(e0x20/s0) is not a certified drive T31: EVT#05895-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) T31: EVT#05896-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5001b214495,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#05897-T31: 236=PD 01(e0x20/s1) is not a certified drive T31: EVT#05898-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) T31: EVT#05899-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#05900-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) T31: EVT#05901-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50057b58629,0000000000000000 T31: StaggeredSpinUp complete T31: Fusion Mfi init: Hi Priority FIFO: c0446e7800000002 T31: KM_KeyMgmtInit: security is not enabled T31: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=c05cd820 T31: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config T31: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0 T31: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=1, span=0 from pd=2 at partition=0 T31: missingSpan =0 T31: missingSpan =0 T31: ddfInitStatus: 0 T31: configRaid: adding to raid config T31: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0 T31: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=1 span=0 T31: ddfInitStatus after CheckForOfflinePRL11VDs : 0 T44: Leave init_cache early because cal_cache_size returned TRUE T44: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T44: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T44: GetCacheMemoryFromHost: Get memory from host T44: Host Mem Base address=cd42c000 T44: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 T44: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 T44: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 T44: Cache initialization complete...Config info T44: ARs configured: 2 T44: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) T44: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) T44: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T44: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 T44: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T44: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 T44: wjNBInit: Initializing write journal NB entries T44: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs T44: DDF_TimestampGet: using nvram time=04/30 5:26:49 + rtc=44 to set timestamp T44: EVT#05902-T44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T44: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd T44: EVT#05903-T44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T44: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd 04/30/15 5:27:49: EVT#05904-04/30/15 5:27:49: 44=Time established as 04/30/15 5:27:49; (45 seconds since power on) 04/30/15 5:27:49: ccScheduleSetNextStartTime: RTC_TimeStamp=1cd479d5, nextStartTime=1cd6fa42 04/30/15 5:27:49: Next cc scheduled to start at 05/02/15 3:00:18 04/30/15 5:28:07: Total memory available for disk cache: 1bf0000 04/30/15 5:28:07: Total Number of Cache Lines 447 04/30/15 5:28:07: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=447 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 04/30/15 5:28:07: Cache initialization complete...Config info 04/30/15 5:28:07: ARs configured: 2 04/30/15 5:28:07: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 04/30/15 5:28:07: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 04/30/15 5:28:07: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 04/30/15 5:28:07: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 04/30/15 5:28:07: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 04/30/15 5:28:07: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 04/30/15 5:28:07: LOAD section: src=fe0c01ce, size=59241, dst=0, mode=1...done 04/30/15 5:28:07: appLoad: set flag to stop loading bios in MfiCmdDone 04/30/15 5:28:07: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 04/30/15 5:28:07: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 04/30/15 5:28:07: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 04/30/15 5:28:07: Cache initialization complete...Config info 04/30/15 5:28:07: ARs configured: 2 04/30/15 5:28:07: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 04/30/15 5:28:07: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 04/30/15 5:28:07: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 04/30/15 5:28:07: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 04/30/15 5:28:07: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 04/30/15 5:28:07: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 04/30/15 5:28:17: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/30/15 5:28:18: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/30/15 5:28:18: EVT#05905-04/30/15 5:28:18: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/30/15 5:28:18: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/30/15 5:28:18: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/30/15 5:28:18: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/30/15 5:28:18: EVT#05906-04/30/15 5:28:18: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/30/15 5:28:18: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/30/15 5:28:18: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/30/15 5:28:18: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/30/15 5:28:19: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/30/15 5:28:19: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/30/15 5:28:19: EVT#05907-04/30/15 5:28:19: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/30/15 5:28:19: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/30/15 5:28:19: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/30/15 5:28:19: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0462400) Cmd=3, Sns=c0462440 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/30/15 5:28:19: EVT#05908-04/30/15 5:28:19: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/30/15 5:28:19: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/30/15 5:28:19: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/30/15 5:28:19: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0462200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0462240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/30/15 5:28:21: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/30/15 5:28:22: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/30/15 5:28:22: EVT#05909-04/30/15 5:28:22: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/30/15 5:28:22: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/30/15 5:28:22: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/30/15 5:28:22: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0463200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0463240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/30/15 5:28:22: EVT#05910-04/30/15 5:28:22: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/30/15 5:28:22: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/30/15 5:28:22: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/30/15 5:28:22: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0463600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0463640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/30/15 5:28:23: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/30/15 5:28:23: FS: Running in iMR Mode 04/30/15 5:28:23: EVT#05911-04/30/15 5:28:23: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/30/15 5:28:23: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/30/15 5:28:23: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/30/15 5:28:23: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0464200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0464240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/30/15 5:28:23: EVT#05912-04/30/15 5:28:23: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/30/15 5:28:23: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/30/15 5:28:23: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 04/30/15 5:28:23: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0464600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0464640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/30/15 5:28:45: PS policy is disabled on ld=0 04/30/15 5:28:45: PS policy is disabled on ld=1 04/30/15 5:28:45: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 04/30/15 5:28:45: EVT#05913-04/30/15 5:28:45: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 04/30/15 5:28:45: skinny Reclaim memory reserved for pre-boot: All IO over - re-initializing cache 04/30/15 5:28:45: Total memory available for disk cache: 2000000 04/30/15 5:28:45: Total Number of Cache Lines 512 04/30/15 5:28:45: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=512 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80000000 LDs: 0 1 04/30/15 5:28:45: Cache initialization complete...Config info 04/30/15 5:28:45: ARs configured: 2 04/30/15 5:28:45: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 04/30/15 5:28:45: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 04/30/15 5:28:45: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 04/30/15 5:28:45: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 04/30/15 5:28:45: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 04/30/15 5:28:45: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 04/30/15 5:28:45: MSI-X Enabled: MSIX offset = 00002000 04/30/15 5:28:45: MSIX[0]: 00000000:fee00000 - 4083 04/30/15 5:28:45: MSIX[1]: 00000000:fee02000 - 4083 04/30/15 5:28:45: MSIX[2]: 00000000:fee04000 - 4083 04/30/15 5:28:45: MSIX[3]: 00000000:fee06000 - 4083 04/30/15 5:28:45: findMsiState: Setting MSI Mode to 2 (0=Legacy, 1=MSI, 2=MSI-X) 04/30/15 5:28:45: MfiCmdInitQueue[0]: FW now OPERATIONAL 04/30/15 5:28:45: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 04/30/15 5:28:45: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb880 04/30/15 5:28:45: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb800, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb804 04/30/15 5:28:45: producerIndex=0 04/30/15 5:28:45: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 04/30/15 5:28:45: EVT#05914-04/30/15 5:28:45: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 04/30/15 5:28:45: MfiCmdInitQueue[1]: FW now OPERATIONAL 04/30/15 5:28:45: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 04/30/15 5:28:45: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb940 04/30/15 5:28:45: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb810, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb814 04/30/15 5:28:45: producerIndex=0 04/30/15 5:28:45: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 04/30/15 5:28:45: EVT#05915-04/30/15 5:28:45: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 04/30/15 5:28:45: MfiCmdInitQueue[2]: FW now OPERATIONAL 04/30/15 5:28:45: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 04/30/15 5:28:45: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eba00 04/30/15 5:28:45: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb820, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb824 04/30/15 5:28:45: producerIndex=0 04/30/15 5:28:45: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 04/30/15 5:28:45: EVT#05916-04/30/15 5:28:45: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 04/30/15 5:28:45: MfiCmdInitQueue[3]: FW now OPERATIONAL 04/30/15 5:28:45: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 04/30/15 5:28:45: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2ebac0 04/30/15 5:28:45: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb830, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb834 04/30/15 5:28:45: producerIndex=0 04/30/15 5:29:56: EVT#05917-04/30/15 5:29:56: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/30/15 5:29:56: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/30/15 5:29:56: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 04/30/15 5:29:56: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0467600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0467640 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/30/15 5:29:56: EVT#05918-04/30/15 5:29:56: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/30/15 5:29:56: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 04/30/15 5:29:56: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 04/30/15 5:29:56: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0467a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0467a40 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 04/30/15 5:29:57: EVT#05919-04/30/15 5:29:57: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/30/15 5:29:57: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 04/30/15 5:29:57: EVT#05920-04/30/15 5:29:57: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 04/30/15 5:29:57: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 04/30/15 8:06:43: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/30/15 12:23:07: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 04/30/15 16:35:43: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 04/30/15 20:54:53: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/01/15 2:13:53: empty i2c int 00000000 05/01/15 3:13:43: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/01/15 12:07:03: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/01/15 13:51:33: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/01/15 22:20:43: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/02/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00 05/02/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01 05/02/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=02 05/02/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=03 05/02/15 3:00:18: EVT#05921-05/02/15 3:00:18: 39=Patrol Read started 05/02/15 3:22:57: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/02/15 3:31:03: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/02/15 3:43:23: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/02/15 3:53:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/02/15 3:55:26: prCallback: PR completed for pd=00 05/02/15 3:58:30: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01 05/02/15 4:18:04: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/02/15 4:29:13: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/02/15 6:11:49: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/02/15 7:03:54: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/02/15 7:04:43: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/02/15 7:53:53: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/02/15 11:14:43: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/02/15 12:01:53: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/02/15 13:07:37: prCallback: PR completed for pd=03 05/02/15 13:07:45: prCallback: PR completed for pd=02 05/02/15 13:07:45: PR cycle complete 05/02/15 13:07:45: EVT#05922-05/02/15 13:07:45: 35=Patrol Read complete 05/02/15 13:07:45: Next PR scheduled to start at 05/09/15 3:00:18 05/02/15 14:35:16: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/02/15 14:35:16: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/02/15 14:53:43: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/03/15 2:08:13: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/03/15 6:10:43: empty i2c int 00000000 05/03/15 7:27:23: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/03/15 7:27:23: empty i2c int 00000000 05/03/15 7:43:36: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/03/15 7:43:37: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/03/15 8:05:03: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/03/15 9:39:23: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/03/15 9:48:13: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/03/15 23:52:23: empty i2c int 00000000 05/04/15 0:04:13: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/04/15 0:04:14: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/04/15 2:28:03: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/04/15 2:28:03: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/04/15 5:59:13: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/04/15 5:59:13: empty i2c int 00000000 05/04/15 15:00:33: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/04/15 23:55:53: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/04/15 23:55:53: empty i2c int 00000000 05/05/15 1:48:03: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/05/15 1:48:03: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/05/15 2:29:33: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 ctx c058c368 completed w/o all data 00000000 00000007 05/05/15 7:35:09: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/05/15 8:17:43: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/05/15 15:00:23: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/05/15 22:39:53: empty i2c int 00000000 05/06/15 0:16:53: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/06/15 1:33:44: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/06/15 3:46:03: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/06/15 6:46:03: empty i2c int 00000000 05/06/15 7:16:53: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/06/15 10:44:43: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/06/15 10:49:03: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/06/15 10:49:03: empty i2c int 00000000 05/06/15 11:14:33: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 ctx c058c368 completed w/o all data 00000000 00000008 05/06/15 14:50:53: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/06/15 23:52:03: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/07/15 2:46:43: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/07/15 6:09:43: empty i2c int 00000000 05/07/15 6:18:43: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/07/15 6:18:43: empty i2c int 00000000 05/07/15 6:24:43: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/07/15 9:20:46: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/07/15 10:47:03: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/07/15 12:25:23: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/07/15 21:24:23: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/08/15 0:08:43: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/08/15 4:09:13: empty i2c int 00000000 05/08/15 4:46:43: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/08/15 5:12:13: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/08/15 5:50:53: empty i2c int 00000000 05/08/15 6:38:39: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/08/15 6:41:23: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/08/15 8:18:13: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/08/15 12:56:23: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/08/15 12:56:23: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/08/15 13:06:53: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/08/15 14:18:43: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/08/15 16:30:23: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/08/15 16:30:23: empty i2c int 00000000 05/08/15 18:04:43: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/08/15 18:04:43: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/08/15 18:20:43: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/08/15 19:45:23: empty i2c int 00000000 05/08/15 23:01:43: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/08/15 23:59:13: empty i2c int 00000000 05/09/15 0:02:08: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/09/15 0:29:13: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeprDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00 05/09/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01 05/09/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=02 05/09/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=03 05/09/15 3:00:18: EVT#05923-05/09/15 3:00:18: 39=Patrol Read started 05/09/15 3:42:45: prCallback: PR completed for pd=00 05/09/15 3:44:25: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01 05/09/15 4:56:09: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/09/15 6:06:13: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/09/15 6:43:13: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/09/15 8:55:32: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/09/15 9:19:23: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/09/15 9:47:33: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/09/15 9:47:34: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/09/15 10:42:45: prCallback: PR completed for pd=02 05/09/15 10:42:57: prCallback: PR completed for pd=03 05/09/15 10:42:57: PR cycle complete 05/09/15 10:42:57: EVT#05924-05/09/15 10:42:57: 35=Patrol Read complete 05/09/15 10:42:57: Next PR scheduled to start at 05/16/15 3:00:18 05/09/15 12:09:53: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/09/15 14:55:46: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/09/15 15:22:23: Spurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/09/15 16:08:43: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/09/15 20:36:13: empty i2c int 00000000 05/09/15 21:00:56: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/09/15 21:00:56: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/09/15 21:45:53: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/09/15 22:19:29: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/09/15 22:26:13: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/10/15 6:01:03: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/10/15 7:04:53: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/10/15 7:13:43: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/10/15 10:43:13: empty i2c int 00000000 05/10/15 11:29:36: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/10/15 11:29:36: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/10/15 14:02:13: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/10/15 19:16:43: empty i2c int 00000000 05/10/15 20:44:44: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/10/15 22:23:23: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/11/15 4:20:23: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/11/15 4:29:13: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/11/15 6:41:41: EVT#05925-05/11/15 6:41:41: 30=Event log cleared 05/11/15 6:41:56: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete 05/11/15 6:41:56: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command 05/11/15 6:41:56: EVT#05926-05/11/15 6:41:56: 42=Shutdown command received from host T3: EVT#05927-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0073/1000/1f4e/1028) T3: EVT#05928-T3: 1=Firmware version 2.121.14-3416 T3: I2C 0 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: I2C 1 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: Temperature sensor handle opened as 1 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - config 83 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - status 0 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - config 80 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - conv rate 2 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - int hi lim 7f T4: Temperature sensor is responding - int low lim c9 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - ext hi lim 7f T4: Temperature sensor is responding - ext low lim c9 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - dev id 4d T4: request temp sensor i2c T4: I2C 2 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [2]0x20 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: SBR: I2Chandle obtained for SBR 21 T4: Raw SBR Image data: T4: DRAM SIZE=0 MB T4: Init flash timings : FlashTimeNs c8 NvsTimeNs 78 T4: setPhyMap: phy = 0 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 2 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 3 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 4 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 5 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 6 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 7 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 8 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 9 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 10 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 11 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 12 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 13 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 14 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 15 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 16 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 17 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 18 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 19 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 20 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 21 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 22 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 23 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: Environment data: T4: VERSIONS=BIOS_4.37.00_4.12.05.00_0x05290003,HIIM_01.41.00,APP_2.121.14-3416,PCLI_03.02-015:#%00008,CTLR_3.00-0024,NVDT_3.09.03-0039,BTBL_2.02.00.00-0001 T4: PACKAGE=20.13.0-0007 T4: Flashable=1000_0073_1028_1f4e T4: VALIDATION=GCA_05/02/14_13:06:48 T4: MFC data: T4: vendorId/deviceId=1000/0073, subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f4e, OEM=2, SubOem=0, isRaidKeySecondary=0 T4: MFCF: clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=0, disableWideCache=0 T4: disableRaid5=0, enableSecurity=0, enableReducedFeatureSet=0 T4: enableCTIO=1 enableSnapshot=0 enableSSC=0 T4: MFCD: sasAddr=5c81f660d254e700, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00 T4: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4 T4: writeBack=0, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0 T4: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined) T4: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None) T4: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0 T4: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0 T4: maxChainedEnclosures=4, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1 T4: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0 T4: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1 T4: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=1 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 T4: enableLedHeaders=0 useFdeOnly=1 delayPOST=0 enableCrashDump=0 enableLDBBM=1 T4: allowUnCertifiedHDDs=1 treatR1EAsR10=1, maxLdsPerArray=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T4: failPdOnSMARTer=0 nonRevertibleSpares=0, T4: snapVDSpace=a, autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a T4: disablePowerSavings=7f spinDownTime=1e T4: enableJBOD=1 ttyLogInFlash=1 T4: breakMirrorRAIDSupport=1, disableJoinMirror=1 T4: MFC MFG data: T4: date=10/11/13, sn="3A70006", reworkDate=10/11/13, rev="A05" T4: can_flush = 0 T5: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex) T5: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10 T5: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e T5: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e T5: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=4, spinupDelay=c T5: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0 T5: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=1, eccBucketSize=f T5: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0 T5: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0 T5: disallowHostRequestReordering=0 T5: abortCCOnError=0, copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0 T5: prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1, useFdeOnly=1 T5: disableNCQ=0, SSDSMARTerEnabled=0, SSDPatrolReadEnabled=0 T5: enableSpinDownUnconfigured=0, disableSpinDownHS=1, spinDownTime=1e, autoEnhancedImport=0, enableSecretKeyControl=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T5: enableJBOD=1 T5: allowBootWithPinnedCache=0 T5: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, useDiskActivityForLocate=0 T5: OnOffProperties=c0447118 T5: autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a, snapVDSpace=a T5: defaultPSPolicy=fe autoPSPolicySupported=0 T5: maxPSPolicySupported=0 cachedWritesSupported=0 T5: disablePSTime=0 disablPSInterval=0 T5: spinupEnclDriveCount=6 spinupEnclDelay=8 T5: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 0x280 bytes T5: powerSaveInit: Init structures T5: EVT#05929-T5: 261=Package version 20.13.0-0007 T5: EVT#05930-T5: 266=Board Revision A05 T5: RAID_READY_QUEUE_START_ADDR=c0600000 T5: ready_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=74e0 T5: rebuild_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=1760 T5: line_info startAddr=c05e74c0 len=dec0 T5: ready_list=c05f6b60 (e9c elements) T5: rebuild_list=c05f53c0 (2ec elements) T5: lines_info=c05e74c0 (dec elements) T5: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=0 T5: MEM_END_ADDR=0 T5: KM_KeyMgmtInitTRNG: security is not enabled T5: Device Module Version 1.1 Date May 2 2014 Time 14:33:13 T5: PCI Device Info: T5: vendorid = 0 T5: deviceid = 0 T5: bar0 = 1 T5: bar1 = 4 T5: bar2 = 0 T5: bar3 = 4 T5: bar4 = 0 T5: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1 T5: Chip=0 vendorId 0000 deviceId 0000 T5: Pl firmware version T5: Do not set SEP GPIO Bit during Init T5: PLMEM INFO : start address = 0xc0079900 End=0xc0089900 T5: index 0x00, size 0x00001600, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc0079900 T5: index 0x01, size 0x00000800, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007af00 T5: index 0x02, size 0x00000010, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b700 T5: index 0x03, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b720 T6: index 0x04, size 0x00000840, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047d2a0 T6: index 0x07, size 0x00000c00, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047dae0 T6: index 0x08, size 0x000000b0, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e6e0 T6: index 0x09, size 0x00001400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e7a0 T6: index 0x0a, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007fba0 T6: index 0x0c, size 0x00000014, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffa0 T6: index 0x0d, size 0x00005000, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffc0 T6: index 0x0e, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e50c0 T6: index 0x0f, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x04, Addr 0xc05e5060 T6: index 0x10, size 0x000000a8, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e4f60 T6: index 0x11, size 0x00001a40, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e34e0 T6: index 0x12, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3480 T6: index 0x13, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3420 T6: index 0x14, size 0x0000030c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e30c0 T6: index 0x15, size 0x0000001a, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3060 T6: index 0x16, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2c20 T6: index 0x17, size 0x00000360, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2880 T6: index 0x18, size 0x00000090, Attrbute 0x13, Addr 0xc01e27a0 T6: index 0x19, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2740 T6: index 0x1a, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc0484fc0 T6: index 0x1b, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e26e0 T6: index 0x1c, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2680 T6: index 0x1d, size 0x00000074, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc0084fe0 T6: index 0x1e, size 0x00000334, Attrbute 0x14, Addr 0xc01e2300 T6: Total Memory allocated to PL: static = 0000b754 Dyn=4502 total=fc56 T6: Current head after allocating PL mem: c0085054 T6: SGL FRAME INFO: Start address in SRAM is : xc0085060 T6: DM_PL_AllocReqFrames: Max SGL frames in SRAM: 48 T6: From SRAM: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames x48 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc0485060 T6: Total memory allocated for SGL Frames in SRAM is : x4800 T6: Allocating left over xb8 SGL frames in DDR at address : xc05d6ac0 T6: From DDR: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames xb8 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc05d6ac0 T6: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete T7: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte T7: Disabling UART for 120s due to discovery T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_ENCL_DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGE T7: DM_HndlEnclStatusChgEvnt: EnclosureHandle x0001 Reason x01 PhysicalPort 0 T7: ELI 5c81f660d254e700 NumSlots x0009 StartSlot x0000 PhyBits x00000000 IOCLogInfo x00000000 IOCStatus x0000 T7: Ctrl enclosure device added T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x8 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x08 devHandle x0009 parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x08 slot x09 deviceInfo=x00004801 sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700 T7: Device is SEP T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x4 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x04 devHandle x000a parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x04 slot x03 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b58629 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x5 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x05 devHandle x000b parentDevHdl x0002 phyNum x05 slot x02 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x6 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x06 devHandle x000c parentDevHdl x0003 phyNum x06 slot x01 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b214495 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x7 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x07 devHandle x000d parentDevHdl x0004 phyNum x07 slot x00 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T7: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T8: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T8: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x04 StartPhy=x0 T8: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T8: Phy changed - phy 00 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 01 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 02 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 03 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T9: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 2 Count 0 InitState 0 T9: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T9: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T9: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T10: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T10: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte T10: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T31: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 0 Count 0 InitState 0 T31: First discovery completed in 24 seconds T31: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = c05e7000 size 150 T31: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0 T31: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8 T31: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T31: PHY1: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T31: PHY2: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T31: PHY3: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T31: PHY4: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T31: PHY5: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0 T31: PHY6: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0 T31: PHY7: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0 T31: DISM: Queued! T31: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400 T31: DevId=0 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T31: DevId=1 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T31: DevId=3 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T31: DevId=2 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T31: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T31: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448000) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448040 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T31: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 0 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T31: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T31: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T31: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 1 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T31: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x0 uniqueTag = 0x27f7f747 T31: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x27f7f747 T31: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x1 uniqueTag = 0x400159db T31: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x400159db T31: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x3 uniqueTag = 0x5e4e470a T31: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x5e4e470a T31: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x2 uniqueTag = 0xfc7731b T31: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0xfc7731b T31: Dell Encl Found !! enclPd = 20 T31: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x1 T31: devId 0 - slot num - 0 T31: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x3 T31: devId 1 - slot num - 1 T31: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x7 T31: devId 2 - slot num - 2 T31: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0xf T31: devId 3 - slot num - 3 T31: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal T31: DISM Complete T31: gDevInfo=c0566ca0, size=160 T31: Total Device = 5 T31: PD Flags Size S N F Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH WU BFw BRev T31: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T31: 0 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 00 5000c5001b213cb5 03 07 0d 0 NA NA T31: 1 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 01 5000c5001b214495 02 06 0c 0 NA NA T31: 2 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 02 5000c50057b584e1 01 05 0b 1 NA NA T31: 3 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 03 5000c50057b58629 00 04 0a 1 NA NA T31: 20 01400005 0 0 0 0 DP BP12G+ 1.00 0 0 20 5d81f060d254e700 00 08 09 0 NA NA T31: 42 00400005 0 0 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 3416 0 0 ffff 0 00 ff 00 0 NA NA T31: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T31: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T31: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T31: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T31: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b58629 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T31: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b584e1 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T31: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b214495 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T31: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b213cb5 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T31: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 5 Path1PDs 0 T31: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 15 T31: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started T31: SES_GenericCallback: enclPd=20...RDM_STATUS =1 retries: 0 T31: Cmd Details: 1c 01 00 00 20 00 T31: SES General Error on EnclPd:20 sts:1 RetryCount:0 msg:c0450400 txfrAddr:c05870c0 T32: SES_InitSMNextState: Supports BP Bay ID T32: SES_InitSMNextState:SES_INIT_STATUS_PAGE_GET:SES_BPBayElmIdentified is set T32: Dell slot Offset = 0 T32: EVT#05931-T32: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p1) communication restored T32: EVT#05932-T32: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20 T32: EVT#05933-T32: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=00, sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700,0000000000000000 T32: EVT#05934-T32: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) T32: EVT#05935-T32: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5,0000000000000000 T32: EVT#05936-T32: 236=PD 00(e0x20/s0) is not a certified drive T32: EVT#05937-T32: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) T32: EVT#05938-T32: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5001b214495,0000000000000000 T32: EVT#05939-T32: 236=PD 01(e0x20/s1) is not a certified drive T32: EVT#05940-T32: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) T32: EVT#05941-T32: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1,0000000000000000 T32: EVT#05942-T32: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) T32: EVT#05943-T32: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50057b58629,0000000000000000 T32: StaggeredSpinUp complete T32: Fusion Mfi init: Hi Priority FIFO: c0446e7800000002 T32: KM_KeyMgmtInit: security is not enabled T32: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=c05cd820 T32: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config T32: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0 T32: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=1, span=0 from pd=2 at partition=0 T32: missingSpan =0 T32: missingSpan =0 T32: ddfInitStatus: 0 T32: configRaid: adding to raid config T32: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0 T32: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=1 span=0 T32: ddfInitStatus after CheckForOfflinePRL11VDs : 0 T44: Leave init_cache early because cal_cache_size returned TRUE T44: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T44: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T44: GetCacheMemoryFromHost: Get memory from host T44: Host Mem Base address=cd42c000 T44: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 T44: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 T44: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 T44: Cache initialization complete...Config info T44: ARs configured: 2 T44: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) T44: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) T44: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T44: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 T44: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T44: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 T44: wjNBInit: Initializing write journal NB entries T44: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs T44: DDF_TimestampGet: using nvram time=05/11 6:41:56 + rtc=44 to set timestamp T44: EVT#05944-T44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T44: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd T44: EVT#05945-T44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T44: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd 05/11/15 6:42:56: EVT#05946-05/11/15 6:42:56: 44=Time established as 05/11/15 6:42:56; (45 seconds since power on) 05/11/15 6:42:56: ccScheduleSetNextStartTime: RTC_TimeStamp=1ce30bf0, nextStartTime=1ce96f42 05/11/15 6:42:56: Next cc scheduled to start at 05/16/15 3:00:18 05/11/15 6:43:15: Total memory available for disk cache: 1bf0000 05/11/15 6:43:15: Total Number of Cache Lines 447 05/11/15 6:43:15: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=447 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 05/11/15 6:43:15: Cache initialization complete...Config info 05/11/15 6:43:15: ARs configured: 2 05/11/15 6:43:15: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 05/11/15 6:43:15: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 05/11/15 6:43:15: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/11/15 6:43:15: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 05/11/15 6:43:15: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/11/15 6:43:15: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 05/11/15 6:43:15: LOAD section: src=fe0c01ce, size=59241, dst=0, mode=1...done 05/11/15 6:43:15: appLoad: set flag to stop loading bios in MfiCmdDone 05/11/15 6:43:15: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 05/11/15 6:43:15: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 05/11/15 6:43:15: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 05/11/15 6:43:15: Cache initialization complete...Config info 05/11/15 6:43:15: ARs configured: 2 05/11/15 6:43:15: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 05/11/15 6:43:15: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 05/11/15 6:43:15: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/11/15 6:43:15: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 05/11/15 6:43:15: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/11/15 6:43:15: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 05/11/15 6:43:25: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/11/15 6:43:26: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/11/15 6:43:26: EVT#05947-05/11/15 6:43:26: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/11/15 6:43:26: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/11/15 6:43:26: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/11/15 6:43:26: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/11/15 6:43:26: EVT#05948-05/11/15 6:43:26: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/11/15 6:43:26: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/11/15 6:43:26: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/11/15 6:43:26: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/11/15 6:43:27: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/11/15 6:43:27: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/11/15 6:43:27: EVT#05949-05/11/15 6:43:27: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/11/15 6:43:27: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/11/15 6:43:27: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/11/15 6:43:27: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0462200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0462240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/11/15 6:43:27: EVT#05950-05/11/15 6:43:27: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/11/15 6:43:27: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/11/15 6:43:27: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/11/15 6:43:27: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0462600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0462640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/11/15 6:43:29: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/11/15 6:43:30: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/11/15 6:43:30: EVT#05951-05/11/15 6:43:30: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/11/15 6:43:30: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/11/15 6:43:30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/11/15 6:43:30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0463200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0463240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/11/15 6:43:30: EVT#05952-05/11/15 6:43:30: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/11/15 6:43:30: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/11/15 6:43:30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/11/15 6:43:30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0463600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0463640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/11/15 6:43:31: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/11/15 6:43:31: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/11/15 6:43:31: EVT#05953-05/11/15 6:43:31: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/11/15 6:43:31: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/11/15 6:43:31: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/11/15 6:43:31: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0464200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0464240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/11/15 6:43:31: EVT#05954-05/11/15 6:43:31: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/11/15 6:43:31: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/11/15 6:43:31: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/11/15 6:43:31: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0464600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0464640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/11/15 6:43:53: PS policy is disabled on ld=0 05/11/15 6:43:53: PS policy is disabled on ld=1 05/11/15 6:43:53: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 05/11/15 6:43:53: EVT#05955-05/11/15 6:43:53: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 05/11/15 6:43:53: skinny Reclaim memory reserved for pre-boot: All IO over - re-initializing cache 05/11/15 6:43:53: Total memory available for disk cache: 2000000 05/11/15 6:43:53: Total Number of Cache Lines 512 05/11/15 6:43:53: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=512 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80000000 LDs: 0 1 05/11/15 6:43:53: Cache initialization complete...Config info 05/11/15 6:43:53: ARs configured: 2 05/11/15 6:43:53: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 05/11/15 6:43:53: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 05/11/15 6:43:53: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/11/15 6:43:53: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 05/11/15 6:43:53: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/11/15 6:43:53: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 05/11/15 6:43:53: MSI-X Enabled: MSIX offset = 00002000 05/11/15 6:43:53: MSIX[0]: 00000000:fee00000 - 4083 05/11/15 6:43:53: MSIX[1]: 00000000:fee02000 - 4083 05/11/15 6:43:53: MSIX[2]: 00000000:fee04000 - 4083 05/11/15 6:43:53: MSIX[3]: 00000000:fee06000 - 4083 05/11/15 6:43:53: findMsiState: Setting MSI Mode to 2 (0=Legacy, 1=MSI, 2=MSI-X) 05/11/15 6:43:53: MfiCmdInitQueue[0]: FW now OPERATIONAL 05/11/15 6:43:53: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 05/11/15 6:43:53: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb880 05/11/15 6:43:53: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb800, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb804 05/11/15 6:43:53: producerIndex=0 05/11/15 6:43:53: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 05/11/15 6:43:53: EVT#05956-05/11/15 6:43:53: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 05/11/15 6:43:53: MfiCmdInitQueue[1]: FW now OPERATIONAL 05/11/15 6:43:53: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 05/11/15 6:43:53: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb940 05/11/15 6:43:53: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb810, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb814 05/11/15 6:43:53: producerIndex=0 05/11/15 6:43:53: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 05/11/15 6:43:53: EVT#05957-05/11/15 6:43:53: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 05/11/15 6:43:53: MfiCmdInitQueue[2]: FW now OPERATIONAL 05/11/15 6:43:53: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 05/11/15 6:43:53: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eba00 05/11/15 6:43:53: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb820, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb824 05/11/15 6:43:53: producerIndex=0 05/11/15 6:43:53: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 05/11/15 6:43:53: EVT#05958-05/11/15 6:43:53: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 05/11/15 6:43:53: MfiCmdInitQueue[3]: FW now OPERATIONAL 05/11/15 6:43:53: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 05/11/15 6:43:53: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2ebac0 05/11/15 6:43:53: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb830, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb834 05/11/15 6:43:53: producerIndex=0 05/11/15 6:45:09: EVT#05959-05/11/15 6:45:09: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/11/15 6:45:09: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/11/15 6:45:09: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 05/11/15 6:45:09: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0467800) Cmd=3, Sns=c0467840 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/11/15 6:45:09: EVT#05960-05/11/15 6:45:09: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/11/15 6:45:09: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/11/15 6:45:09: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 05/11/15 6:45:09: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0467c00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0467c40 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/11/15 6:45:09: EVT#05961-05/11/15 6:45:09: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/11/15 6:45:09: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 05/11/15 6:45:09: EVT#05962-05/11/15 6:45:09: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/11/15 6:45:09: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 05/11/15 7:34:50: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/11/15 7:34:50: empty i2c int 00000000 05/11/15 9:20:50: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/11/15 16:32:40: empty i2c int 00000000 05/11/15 20:06:23: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/11/15 20:06:23: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/11/15 20:06:33: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/11/15 20:06:33: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/11/15 20:09:37: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/12/15 0:26:30: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/12/15 2:14:30: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/12/15 7:21:50: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/12/15 14:26:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/12/15 15:13:20: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/12/15 16:15:20: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/13/15 1:27:40: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/13/15 9:24:10: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/13/15 14:58:50: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/13/15 16:32:20: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/13/15 16:48:10: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/13/15 19:03:50: Spurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/13/15 23:35:00: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/13/15 23:35:00: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/14/15 1:37:40: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/14/15 1:37:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/14/15 1:52:40: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/14/15 1:52:50: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/14/15 1:53:00: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/14/15 4:08:50: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/14/15 4:09:00: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/14/15 4:38:30: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/14/15 15:09:20: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/14/15 16:25:00: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/15/15 2:08:30: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/15/15 2:09:03: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/15/15 2:15:31: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/15/15 2:59:30: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/15/15 3:47:20: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/15/15 5:19:50: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/15/15 8:25:00: empty i2c int 00000000 05/15/15 14:32:30: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/15/15 14:32:30: empty i2c int 00000000 05/15/15 16:04:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/15/15 16:49:50: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/15/15 16:50:00: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/15/15 22:35:00: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/16/15 0:37:30: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/16/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00 05/16/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01 05/16/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=02 05/16/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=03 05/16/15 3:00:18: EVT#05963-05/16/15 3:00:18: 39=Patrol Read started 05/16/15 3:27:00: Spurious interrupt received in task modeprCallback: PR completed for pd=00 05/16/15 3:52:01: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01 05/16/15 4:01:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/16/15 6:55:47: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/16/15 7:22:12: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/16/15 8:18:50: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/16/15 10:42:37: prCallback: PR completed for pd=02 05/16/15 10:42:43: prCallback: PR completed for pd=03 05/16/15 10:42:43: PR cycle complete 05/16/15 10:42:43: EVT#05964-05/16/15 10:42:43: 35=Patrol Read complete 05/16/15 10:42:43: Next PR scheduled to start at 05/23/15 3:00:18 05/16/15 12:21:40: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/16/15 12:21:40: empty i2c int 00000000 05/16/15 12:52:10: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/16/15 16:45:10: empty i2c int 00000000 05/16/15 17:31:50: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/17/15 3:52:10: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/17/15 3:52:10: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/17/15 15:13:00: empty i2c int 00000000 05/17/15 15:28:10: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/17/15 20:51:50: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/17/15 23:08:50: empty i2c int 00000000 05/17/15 23:09:00: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/18/15 0:07:23: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/18/15 0:07:23: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/18/15 1:39:10: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/18/15 13:21:44: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/18/15 14:22:40: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/18/15 16:24:00: empty i2c int 00000000 05/18/15 16:24:10: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/18/15 16:39:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/18/15 16:39:20: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/18/15 17:08:50: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/18/15 21:34:50: empty i2c int 00000000 05/18/15 21:36:00: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/18/15 21:36:10: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/18/15 21:36:10: empty i2c int 00000000 05/18/15 21:36:20: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/18/15 21:50:50: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/18/15 22:07:10: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/18/15 22:07:10: empty i2c int 00000000 05/19/15 1:55:42: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/19/15 1:55:47: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/19/15 4:39:30: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/19/15 7:43:10: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/19/15 21:40:44: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/19/15 22:18:10: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/19/15 23:04:53: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/19/15 23:04:53: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/19/15 23:05:03: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/19/15 23:05:03: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/19/15 23:07:47: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/20/15 1:35:30: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/20/15 1:35:30: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/20/15 7:30:10: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/20/15 7:45:10: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/20/15 12:00:10: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/20/15 13:46:10: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/20/15 13:46:10: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/20/15 15:16:30: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/21/15 0:59:20: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/21/15 3:47:00: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/21/15 6:01:10: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/21/15 6:16:30: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/21/15 6:46:50: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/21/15 7:17:03: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/21/15 10:31:06: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/21/15 10:46:10: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/21/15 14:03:36: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/21/15 16:04:40: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/21/15 18:49:30: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/21/15 19:34:40: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/22/15 2:31:20: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/22/15 4:03:40: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/22/15 4:03:40: empty i2c int 00000000 05/22/15 5:02:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/22/15 5:02:12: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/22/15 5:02:30: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/22/15 7:15:50: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/22/15 11:14:30: empty i2c int 00000000 05/22/15 11:28:40: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/22/15 11:28:40: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/22/15 13:29:50: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/22/15 14:58:43: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/22/15 14:58:43: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/22/15 19:46:10: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/22/15 20:31:30: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/22/15 22:15:00: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/23/15 0:45:10: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/23/15 0:45:10: empty i2c int 00000000 05/23/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00 05/23/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01 05/23/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=02 05/23/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=03 05/23/15 3:00:18: EVT#05965-05/23/15 3:00:18: 39=Patrol Read started 05/23/15 3:38:58: prCallback: PR completed for pd=00 05/23/15 3:39:54: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01 05/23/15 6:26:06: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/23/15 6:30:53: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/23/15 6:35:00: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/23/15 10:00:40: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/23/15 10:42:44: prCallback: PR completed for pd=03 05/23/15 10:42:47: prCallback: PR completed for pd=02 05/23/15 10:42:47: PR cycle complete 05/23/15 10:42:47: EVT#05966-05/23/15 10:42:47: 35=Patrol Read complete 05/23/15 10:42:47: Next PR scheduled to start at 05/30/15 3:00:18 05/23/15 12:00:40: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/23/15 12:16:00: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/23/15 12:16:00: empty i2c int 00000000 05/23/15 15:19:00: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/24/15 9:51:43: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/24/15 14:20:30: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/24/15 20:09:20: Spurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/25/15 9:50:40: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/25/15 13:05:41: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/25/15 19:13:40: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/25/15 20:14:23: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/25/15 20:14:23: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/25/15 21:22:50: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/26/15 3:31:40: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/26/15 3:46:20: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/26/15 5:35:10: empty i2c int 00000000 05/26/15 8:06:50: Spurious interrupt received in task modeT3: EVT#05967-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0073/1000/1f4e/1028) T3: EVT#05968-T3: 1=Firmware version 2.121.14-3416 T3: I2C 0 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: I2C 1 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: Temperature sensor handle opened as 1 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - config 83 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - status 80 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - config 80 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - conv rate 2 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - int hi lim 7f T4: Temperature sensor is responding - int low lim c9 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - ext hi lim 7f T4: Temperature sensor is responding - ext low lim c9 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - dev id 4d T4: request temp sensor i2c T4: I2C 2 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [2]0x20 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: SBR: I2Chandle obtained for SBR 21 T4: Raw SBR Image data: T4: DRAM SIZE=0 MB T4: Init flash timings : FlashTimeNs c8 NvsTimeNs 78 T4: setPhyMap: phy = 0 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 2 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 3 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 4 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 5 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 6 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 7 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 8 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 9 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 10 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 11 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 12 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 13 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 14 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 15 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 16 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 17 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 18 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 19 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 20 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 21 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 22 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 23 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: Environment data: T4: VERSIONS=BIOS_4.37.00_4.12.05.00_0x05290003,HIIM_01.41.00,APP_2.121.14-3416,PCLI_03.02-015:#%00008,CTLR_3.00-0024,NVDT_3.09.03-0039,BTBL_2.02.00.00-0001 T4: PACKAGE=20.13.0-0007 T4: Flashable=1000_0073_1028_1f4e T4: VALIDATION=GCA_05/02/14_13:06:48 T4: MFC data: T4: vendorId/deviceId=1000/0073, subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f4e, OEM=2, SubOem=0, isRaidKeySecondary=0 T4: MFCF: clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=0, disableWideCache=0 T4: disableRaid5=0, enableSecurity=0, enableReducedFeatureSet=0 T4: enableCTIO=1 enableSnapshot=0 enableSSC=0 T4: MFCD: sasAddr=5c81f660d254e700, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00 T4: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4 T4: writeBack=0, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0 T4: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined) T4: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None) T4: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0 T4: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0 T4: maxChainedEnclosures=4, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1 T4: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0 T4: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1 T4: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=1 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 T4: enableLedHeaders=0 useFdeOnly=1 delayPOST=0 enableCrashDump=0 enableLDBBM=1 T4: allowUnCertifiedHDDs=1 treatR1EAsR10=1, maxLdsPerArray=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T4: failPdOnSMARTer=0 nonRevertibleSpares=0, T4: snapVDSpace=a, autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a T4: disablePowerSavings=7f spinDownTime=1e T4: enableJBOD=1 ttyLogInFlash=1 T4: breakMirrorRAIDSupport=1, disableJoinMirror=1 T4: MFC MFG data: T4: date=10/11/13, sn="3A70006", reworkDate=10/11/13, rev="A05" T4: can_flush = 0 T5: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex) T5: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10 T5: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e T5: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e T5: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=4, spinupDelay=c T5: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0 T5: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=1, eccBucketSize=f T5: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0 T5: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0 T5: disallowHostRequestReordering=0 T5: abortCCOnError=0, copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0 T5: prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1, useFdeOnly=1 T5: disableNCQ=0, SSDSMARTerEnabled=0, SSDPatrolReadEnabled=0 T5: enableSpinDownUnconfigured=0, disableSpinDownHS=1, spinDownTime=1e, autoEnhancedImport=0, enableSecretKeyControl=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T5: enableJBOD=1 T5: allowBootWithPinnedCache=0 T5: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, useDiskActivityForLocate=0 T5: OnOffProperties=c0447118 T5: autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a, snapVDSpace=a T5: defaultPSPolicy=fe autoPSPolicySupported=0 T5: maxPSPolicySupported=0 cachedWritesSupported=0 T5: disablePSTime=0 disablPSInterval=0 T5: spinupEnclDriveCount=6 spinupEnclDelay=8 T5: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 0x280 bytes T5: powerSaveInit: Init structures T5: EVT#05969-T5: 261=Package version 20.13.0-0007 T5: EVT#05970-T5: 266=Board Revision A05 T5: RAID_READY_QUEUE_START_ADDR=c0600000 T5: ready_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=74e0 T5: rebuild_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=1760 T5: line_info startAddr=c05e74c0 len=dec0 T5: ready_list=c05f6b60 (e9c elements) T5: rebuild_list=c05f53c0 (2ec elements) T5: lines_info=c05e74c0 (dec elements) T5: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=0 T5: MEM_END_ADDR=0 T5: KM_KeyMgmtInitTRNG: security is not enabled T5: Device Module Version 1.1 Date May 2 2014 Time 14:33:13 T5: PCI Device Info: T5: vendorid = 0 T5: deviceid = 0 T5: bar0 = 1 T5: bar1 = 4 T5: bar2 = 0 T5: bar3 = 4 T5: bar4 = 0 T5: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1 T5: Chip=0 vendorId 0000 deviceId 0000 T5: Pl firmware version T5: Do not set SEP GPIO Bit during Init T5: PLMEM INFO : start address = 0xc0079900 End=0xc0089900 T5: index 0x00, size 0x00001600, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc0079900 T5: index 0x01, size 0x00000800, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007af00 T5: index 0x02, size 0x00000010, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b700 T5: index 0x03, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b720 T5: index 0x04, size 0x00000840, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047d2a0 T6: index 0x07, size 0x00000c00, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047dae0 T6: index 0x08, size 0x000000b0, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e6e0 T6: index 0x09, size 0x00001400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e7a0 T6: index 0x0a, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007fba0 T6: index 0x0c, size 0x00000014, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffa0 T6: index 0x0d, size 0x00005000, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffc0 T6: index 0x0e, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e50c0 T6: index 0x0f, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x04, Addr 0xc05e5060 T6: index 0x10, size 0x000000a8, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e4f60 T6: index 0x11, size 0x00001a40, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e34e0 T6: index 0x12, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3480 T6: index 0x13, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3420 T6: index 0x14, size 0x0000030c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e30c0 T6: index 0x15, size 0x0000001a, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3060 T6: index 0x16, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2c20 T6: index 0x17, size 0x00000360, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2880 T6: index 0x18, size 0x00000090, Attrbute 0x13, Addr 0xc01e27a0 T6: index 0x19, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2740 T6: index 0x1a, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc0484fc0 T6: index 0x1b, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e26e0 T6: index 0x1c, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2680 T6: index 0x1d, size 0x00000074, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc0084fe0 T6: index 0x1e, size 0x00000334, Attrbute 0x14, Addr 0xc01e2300 T6: Total Memory allocated to PL: static = 0000b754 Dyn=4502 total=fc56 T6: Current head after allocating PL mem: c0085054 T6: SGL FRAME INFO: Start address in SRAM is : xc0085060 T6: DM_PL_AllocReqFrames: Max SGL frames in SRAM: 48 T6: From SRAM: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames x48 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc0485060 T6: Total memory allocated for SGL Frames in SRAM is : x4800 T6: Allocating left over xb8 SGL frames in DDR at address : xc05d6ac0 T6: From DDR: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames xb8 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc05d6ac0 T6: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete T6: I2C 1 ctx c058c368 completed w/o all data 00000000 00000008 T7: Disabling UART for 120s due to discovery T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_ENCL_DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGE T7: DM_HndlEnclStatusChgEvnt: EnclosureHandle x0001 Reason x01 PhysicalPort 0 T7: ELI 5c81f660d254e700 NumSlots x0009 StartSlot x0000 PhyBits x00000000 IOCLogInfo x00000000 IOCStatus x0000 T7: Ctrl enclosure device added T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x8 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x08 devHandle x0009 parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x08 slot x09 deviceInfo=x00004801 sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700 T7: Device is SEP T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x4 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x04 devHandle x000a parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x04 slot x03 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b58629 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x5 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x05 devHandle x000b parentDevHdl x0002 phyNum x05 slot x02 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x6 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x06 devHandle x000c parentDevHdl x0003 phyNum x06 slot x01 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b214495 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x7 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x07 devHandle x000d parentDevHdl x0004 phyNum x07 slot x00 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T7: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T8: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T8: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x04 StartPhy=x0 T8: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T8: Phy changed - phy 00 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 01 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 02 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 03 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 2 Count 0 InitState 0 T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T8: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T30: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 0 Count 0 InitState 0 T30: First discovery completed in 23 seconds T30: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = c05e7000 size 150 T30: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0 T30: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8 T30: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY1: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY2: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY3: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY4: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY5: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY6: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY7: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0 T30: DISM: Queued! T30: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400 T30: DM_DevSSUCallback: DevId x0002 errCount 0 Retry 0 Status 2 T30: DM_DevSSUCallback dev 2 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 6 asc 29 ascq 1 T30: DM_DevSSUCallback: DevId x0000 errCount 0 Retry 0 Status 2 T30: DM_DevSSUCallback dev 0 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 6 asc 29 ascq 1 T30: DM_DevSSUCallback: DevId x0003 errCount 0 Retry 0 Status 2 T30: DM_DevSSUCallback dev 3 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 6 asc 29 ascq 1 T30: DM_DevSSUCallback: DevId x0001 errCount 0 Retry 0 Status 2 T30: DM_DevSSUCallback dev 1 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 6 asc 29 ascq 1 T30: DevId=1 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T30: DevId=0 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T30: DevId=2 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T30: DevId=3 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T30: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 1 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448000) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448040 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T30: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 0 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x1 uniqueTag = 0x400159db T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x400159db T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x0 uniqueTag = 0x27f7f747 T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x27f7f747 T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x3 uniqueTag = 0x5e4e470a T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x5e4e470a T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x2 uniqueTag = 0xfc7731b T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0xfc7731b T30: Dell Encl Found !! enclPd = 20 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x1 T30: devId 0 - slot num - 0 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x3 T30: devId 1 - slot num - 1 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x7 T30: devId 2 - slot num - 2 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0xf T30: devId 3 - slot num - 3 T30: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal T30: DISM Complete T30: gDevInfo=c0566ca0, size=160 T30: Total Device = 5 T30: PD Flags Size S N F Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH WU BFw BRev T30: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T30: 0 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 00 5000c5001b213cb5 03 07 0d 0 NA NA T30: 1 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 01 5000c5001b214495 02 06 0c 0 NA NA T30: 2 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 02 5000c50057b584e1 01 05 0b 1 NA NA T30: 3 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 03 5000c50057b58629 00 04 0a 1 NA NA T30: 20 01400005 0 0 0 0 DP BP12G+ 1.00 0 0 20 5d81f060d254e700 00 08 09 0 NA NA T30: 42 00400005 0 0 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 3416 0 0 ffff 0 00 ff 00 0 NA NA T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b58629 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b584e1 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b214495 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b213cb5 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 5 Path1PDs 0 T30: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 15 T30: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started T30: EVT#05971-T30: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 00 00 20 00, Sense: 6/29/00 T30: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 06 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 00 00 T30: SES_GenericCallback: enclPd=20...RDM_STATUS =2 retries: 0 T30: Cmd Details: 1c 01 00 00 20 00 T30: CDB: 1c 01 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 LEN=6 T30: Sense Data at: c0450440 T30: responseCode: 70 valid: 0 senseKey: 6 information: 0 0 additionalSenseLength: a asc: 29 ascq: 0 fieldPointer: 0 T31: SES_GenericCallback: enclPd=20...RDM_STATUS =1 retries: 1 T31: Cmd Details: 1c 01 00 00 20 00 T31: SES General Error on EnclPd:20 sts:1 RetryCount:1 msg:c0450400 txfrAddr:c05870c0 T32: SES_InitSMNextState: Supports BP Bay ID T32: SES_InitSMNextState:SES_INIT_STATUS_PAGE_GET:SES_BPBayElmIdentified is set T32: Dell slot Offset = 0 T32: EVT#05972-T32: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p1) communication restored T32: EVT#05973-T32: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20 T32: EVT#05974-T32: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=00, sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700,0000000000000000 T32: EVT#05975-T32: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) T32: EVT#05976-T32: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5,0000000000000000 T32: EVT#05977-T32: 236=PD 00(e0x20/s0) is not a certified drive T32: EVT#05978-T32: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) T32: EVT#05979-T32: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5001b214495,0000000000000000 T32: EVT#05980-T32: 236=PD 01(e0x20/s1) is not a certified drive T32: EVT#05981-T32: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) T32: EVT#05982-T32: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1,0000000000000000 T32: EVT#05983-T32: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) T32: EVT#05984-T32: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50057b58629,0000000000000000 T32: StaggeredSpinUp complete T32: Fusion Mfi init: Hi Priority FIFO: c0446e7800000002 T32: KM_KeyMgmtInit: security is not enabled T32: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=c05cd800 T32: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config T32: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0 T32: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=1, span=0 from pd=2 at partition=0 T32: missingSpan =0 T32: missingSpan =0 T32: ddfInitStatus: 0 T32: configRaid: adding to raid config T32: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0 T32: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=1 span=0 T32: ddfInitStatus after CheckForOfflinePRL11VDs : 0 T63: Leave init_cache early because cal_cache_size returned TRUE T63: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T63: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T63: GetCacheMemoryFromHost: Get memory from host T63: Host Mem Base address=cd42c000 T63: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 T63: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 T63: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 T63: Cache initialization complete...Config info T63: ARs configured: 2 T63: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) T63: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) T63: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T63: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 T63: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T63: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 T63: wjNBInit: Initializing write journal NB entries T63: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs T63: DDF_TimestampGet: using nvram time=05/26 8:21:54 + rtc=63 to set timestamp T63: EVT#05985-T63: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T63: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T63: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T63: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd T63: EVT#05986-T63: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T63: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T63: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T63: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd 05/26/15 8:23:21: EVT#05987-05/26/15 8:23:21: 44=Time established as 05/26/15 8:23:21; (64 seconds since power on) 05/26/15 8:23:21: ccScheduleSetNextStartTime: RTC_TimeStamp=1cf6e9f9, nextStartTime=1cfbe442 05/26/15 8:23:21: Next cc scheduled to start at 05/30/15 3:00:18 05/26/15 8:23:37: EVT#05988-05/26/15 8:23:37: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 8:23:37: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 8:23:37: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/26/15 8:23:37: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c045b000) Cmd=3, Sns=c045b040 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 8:23:37: EVT#05989-05/26/15 8:23:37: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 8:23:37: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 8:23:37: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/26/15 8:23:37: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c045b200) Cmd=3, Sns=c045b240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 8:25:05: Total memory available for disk cache: 1bf0000 05/26/15 8:25:05: Total Number of Cache Lines 447 05/26/15 8:25:05: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=447 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 05/26/15 8:25:05: Cache initialization complete...Config info 05/26/15 8:25:05: ARs configured: 2 05/26/15 8:25:05: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 05/26/15 8:25:05: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 05/26/15 8:25:05: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/26/15 8:25:05: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 05/26/15 8:25:05: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/26/15 8:25:05: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 05/26/15 8:25:05: LOAD section: src=fe0c01ce, size=59241, dst=0, mode=1...done 05/26/15 8:25:05: appLoad: set flag to stop loading bios in MfiCmdDone 05/26/15 8:25:05: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 05/26/15 8:25:05: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 05/26/15 8:25:05: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 05/26/15 8:25:05: Cache initialization complete...Config info 05/26/15 8:25:05: ARs configured: 2 05/26/15 8:25:05: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 05/26/15 8:25:05: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 05/26/15 8:25:05: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/26/15 8:25:05: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 05/26/15 8:25:05: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/26/15 8:25:05: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 05/26/15 9:05:35: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/26/15 9:05:36: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/26/15 9:05:36: EVT#05990-05/26/15 9:05:36: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:05:36: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 9:05:36: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/26/15 9:05:36: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452800) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452840 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 9:05:36: EVT#05991-05/26/15 9:05:36: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:05:36: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 9:05:36: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/26/15 9:05:36: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0453200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0453240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 9:05:36: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/26/15 9:05:37: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/26/15 9:05:37: EVT#05992-05/26/15 9:05:37: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:05:37: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 9:05:37: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/26/15 9:05:37: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0453c00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0453c40 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 9:05:37: EVT#05993-05/26/15 9:05:37: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:05:37: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 9:05:37: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/26/15 9:05:37: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0454200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0454240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 9:05:39: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/26/15 9:05:40: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/26/15 9:05:40: EVT#05994-05/26/15 9:05:40: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:05:40: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 9:05:40: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/26/15 9:05:40: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0454e00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0454e40 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 9:05:40: EVT#05995-05/26/15 9:05:40: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:05:40: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 9:05:40: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/26/15 9:05:40: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0455000) Cmd=3, Sns=c0455040 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 9:05:41: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/26/15 9:05:41: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/26/15 9:05:41: EVT#05996-05/26/15 9:05:41: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:05:41: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 9:05:41: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/26/15 9:05:41: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0455a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0455a40 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 9:05:41: EVT#05997-05/26/15 9:05:41: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:05:41: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 9:05:41: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/26/15 9:05:41: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0455c00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0455c40 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 9:05:42: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/26/15 9:06:40: PS policy is disabled on ld=0 05/26/15 9:06:40: PS policy is disabled on ld=1 05/26/15 9:06:40: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 05/26/15 9:06:40: EVT#05998-05/26/15 9:06:40: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 05/26/15 9:06:40: skinny Reclaim memory reserved for pre-boot: All IO over - re-initializing cache 05/26/15 9:06:40: Total memory available for disk cache: 2000000 05/26/15 9:06:40: Total Number of Cache Lines 512 05/26/15 9:06:40: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=512 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80000000 LDs: 0 1 05/26/15 9:06:40: Cache initialization complete...Config info 05/26/15 9:06:40: ARs configured: 2 05/26/15 9:06:40: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 05/26/15 9:06:40: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 05/26/15 9:06:40: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/26/15 9:06:40: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 05/26/15 9:06:40: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/26/15 9:06:40: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 05/26/15 9:06:40: MSI-X Enabled: MSIX offset = 00002000 05/26/15 9:06:40: MSIX[0]: 00000000:fee00000 - 4083 05/26/15 9:06:40: MSIX[1]: 00000000:fee02000 - 4083 05/26/15 9:06:40: MSIX[2]: 00000000:fee04000 - 4083 05/26/15 9:06:40: MSIX[3]: 00000000:fee06000 - 4083 05/26/15 9:06:40: findMsiState: Setting MSI Mode to 2 (0=Legacy, 1=MSI, 2=MSI-X) 05/26/15 9:06:40: MfiCmdInitQueue[0]: FW now OPERATIONAL 05/26/15 9:06:40: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 05/26/15 9:06:40: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb880 05/26/15 9:06:40: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb800, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb804 05/26/15 9:06:40: producerIndex=0 05/26/15 9:06:40: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 05/26/15 9:06:40: EVT#05999-05/26/15 9:06:40: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 05/26/15 9:06:40: MfiCmdInitQueue[1]: FW now OPERATIONAL 05/26/15 9:06:40: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 05/26/15 9:06:40: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb940 05/26/15 9:06:40: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb810, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb814 05/26/15 9:06:40: producerIndex=0 05/26/15 9:06:40: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 05/26/15 9:06:40: EVT#06000-05/26/15 9:06:40: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 05/26/15 9:06:40: MfiCmdInitQueue[2]: FW now OPERATIONAL 05/26/15 9:06:40: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 05/26/15 9:06:40: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eba00 05/26/15 9:06:40: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb820, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb824 05/26/15 9:06:40: producerIndex=0 05/26/15 9:06:40: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 05/26/15 9:06:40: EVT#06001-05/26/15 9:06:40: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 05/26/15 9:06:40: MfiCmdInitQueue[3]: FW now OPERATIONAL 05/26/15 9:06:40: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 05/26/15 9:06:40: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2ebac0 05/26/15 9:06:40: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb830, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb834 05/26/15 9:06:40: producerIndex=0 05/26/15 9:07:18: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete 05/26/15 9:07:18: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command 05/26/15 9:07:18: EVT#06002-05/26/15 9:07:18: 42=Shutdown command received from host T3: EVT#06003-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0073/1000/1f4e/1028) T3: EVT#06004-T3: 1=Firmware version 2.121.14-3416 T3: I2C 0 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: I2C 1 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: Temperature sensor handle opened as 1 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - config 83 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - status 0 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - config 80 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - conv rate 2 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - int hi lim 7f T4: Temperature sensor is responding - int low lim c9 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - ext hi lim 7f T4: Temperature sensor is responding - ext low lim c9 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - dev id 4d T4: request temp sensor i2c T4: I2C 2 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [2]0x20 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: SBR: I2Chandle obtained for SBR 21 T4: Raw SBR Image data: T4: DRAM SIZE=0 MB T4: Init flash timings : FlashTimeNs c8 NvsTimeNs 78 T4: setPhyMap: phy = 0 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 2 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 3 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 4 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 5 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 6 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 7 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 8 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 9 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 10 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 11 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 12 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 13 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 14 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 15 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 16 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 17 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 18 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 19 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 20 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 21 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 22 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 23 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: Environment data: T4: VERSIONS=BIOS_4.37.00_4.12.05.00_0x05290003,HIIM_01.41.00,APP_2.121.14-3416,PCLI_03.02-015:#%00008,CTLR_3.00-0024,NVDT_3.09.03-0039,BTBL_2.02.00.00-0001 T4: PACKAGE=20.13.0-0007 T4: Flashable=1000_0073_1028_1f4e T4: VALIDATION=GCA_05/02/14_13:06:48 T4: MFC data: T4: vendorId/deviceId=1000/0073, subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f4e, OEM=2, SubOem=0, isRaidKeySecondary=0 T4: MFCF: clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=0, disableWideCache=0 T4: disableRaid5=0, enableSecurity=0, enableReducedFeatureSet=0 T4: enableCTIO=1 enableSnapshot=0 enableSSC=0 T4: MFCD: sasAddr=5c81f660d254e700, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00 T4: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4 T4: writeBack=0, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0 T4: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined) T4: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None) T4: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0 T4: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0 T4: maxChainedEnclosures=4, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1 T4: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0 T4: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1 T4: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=1 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 T4: enableLedHeaders=0 useFdeOnly=1 delayPOST=0 enableCrashDump=0 enableLDBBM=1 T4: allowUnCertifiedHDDs=1 treatR1EAsR10=1, maxLdsPerArray=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T4: failPdOnSMARTer=0 nonRevertibleSpares=0, T4: snapVDSpace=a, autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a T4: disablePowerSavings=7f spinDownTime=1e T4: enableJBOD=1 ttyLogInFlash=1 T4: breakMirrorRAIDSupport=1, disableJoinMirror=1 T4: MFC MFG data: T4: date=10/11/13, sn="3A70006", reworkDate=10/11/13, rev="A05" T4: can_flush = 0 T5: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex) T5: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10 T5: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e T5: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e T5: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=4, spinupDelay=c T5: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0 T5: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=1, eccBucketSize=f T5: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0 T5: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0 T5: disallowHostRequestReordering=0 T5: abortCCOnError=0, copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0 T5: prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1, useFdeOnly=1 T5: disableNCQ=0, SSDSMARTerEnabled=0, SSDPatrolReadEnabled=0 T5: enableSpinDownUnconfigured=0, disableSpinDownHS=1, spinDownTime=1e, autoEnhancedImport=0, enableSecretKeyControl=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T5: enableJBOD=1 T5: allowBootWithPinnedCache=0 T5: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, useDiskActivityForLocate=0 T5: OnOffProperties=c0447118 T5: autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a, snapVDSpace=a T5: defaultPSPolicy=fe autoPSPolicySupported=0 T5: maxPSPolicySupported=0 cachedWritesSupported=0 T5: disablePSTime=0 disablPSInterval=0 T5: spinupEnclDriveCount=6 spinupEnclDelay=8 T5: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 0x280 bytes T5: powerSaveInit: Init structures T5: EVT#06005-T5: 261=Package version 20.13.0-0007 T5: EVT#06006-T5: 266=Board Revision A05 T5: RAID_READY_QUEUE_START_ADDR=c0600000 T5: ready_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=74e0 T5: rebuild_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=1760 T5: line_info startAddr=c05e74c0 len=dec0 T5: ready_list=c05f6b60 (e9c elements) T5: rebuild_list=c05f53c0 (2ec elements) T5: lines_info=c05e74c0 (dec elements) T5: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=0 T5: MEM_END_ADDR=0 T5: KM_KeyMgmtInitTRNG: security is not enabled T5: Device Module Version 1.1 Date May 2 2014 Time 14:33:13 T5: PCI Device Info: T5: vendorid = 0 T5: deviceid = 0 T5: bar0 = 1 T5: bar1 = 4 T5: bar2 = 0 T5: bar3 = 4 T5: bar4 = 0 T5: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1 T5: Chip=0 vendorId 0000 deviceId 0000 T5: Pl firmware version T5: Do not set SEP GPIO Bit during Init T5: PLMEM INFO : start address = 0xc0079900 End=0xc0089900 T5: index 0x00, size 0x00001600, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc0079900 T5: index 0x01, size 0x00000800, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007af00 T5: index 0x02, size 0x00000010, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b700 T5: index 0x03, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b720 T6: index 0x04, size 0x00000840, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047d2a0 T6: index 0x07, size 0x00000c00, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047dae0 T6: index 0x08, size 0x000000b0, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e6e0 T6: index 0x09, size 0x00001400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e7a0 T6: index 0x0a, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007fba0 T6: index 0x0c, size 0x00000014, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffa0 T6: index 0x0d, size 0x00005000, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffc0 T6: index 0x0e, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e50c0 T6: index 0x0f, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x04, Addr 0xc05e5060 T6: index 0x10, size 0x000000a8, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e4f60 T6: index 0x11, size 0x00001a40, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e34e0 T6: index 0x12, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3480 T6: index 0x13, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3420 T6: index 0x14, size 0x0000030c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e30c0 T6: index 0x15, size 0x0000001a, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3060 T6: index 0x16, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2c20 T6: index 0x17, size 0x00000360, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2880 T6: index 0x18, size 0x00000090, Attrbute 0x13, Addr 0xc01e27a0 T6: index 0x19, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2740 T6: index 0x1a, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc0484fc0 T6: index 0x1b, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e26e0 T6: index 0x1c, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2680 T6: index 0x1d, size 0x00000074, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc0084fe0 T6: index 0x1e, size 0x00000334, Attrbute 0x14, Addr 0xc01e2300 T6: Total Memory allocated to PL: static = 0000b754 Dyn=4502 total=fc56 T6: Current head after allocating PL mem: c0085054 T6: SGL FRAME INFO: Start address in SRAM is : xc0085060 T6: DM_PL_AllocReqFrames: Max SGL frames in SRAM: 48 T6: From SRAM: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames x48 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc0485060 T6: Total memory allocated for SGL Frames in SRAM is : x4800 T6: Allocating left over xb8 SGL frames in DDR at address : xc05d6ac0 T6: From DDR: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames xb8 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc05d6ac0 T6: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete T7: Disabling UART for 120s due to discovery T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_ENCL_DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGE T7: DM_HndlEnclStatusChgEvnt: EnclosureHandle x0001 Reason x01 PhysicalPort 0 T7: ELI 5c81f660d254e700 NumSlots x0009 StartSlot x0000 PhyBits x00000000 IOCLogInfo x00000000 IOCStatus x0000 T7: Ctrl enclosure device added T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x8 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x08 devHandle x0009 parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x08 slot x09 deviceInfo=x00004801 sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700 T7: Device is SEP T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x4 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x04 devHandle x000a parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x04 slot x03 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b58629 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x5 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x05 devHandle x000b parentDevHdl x0002 phyNum x05 slot x02 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x6 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x06 devHandle x000c parentDevHdl x0003 phyNum x06 slot x01 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b214495 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x7 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x07 devHandle x000d parentDevHdl x0004 phyNum x07 slot x00 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T7: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T7: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T7: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte T7: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T8: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T8: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x04 StartPhy=x0 T8: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T8: Phy changed - phy 00 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 01 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 02 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 03 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 2 Count 0 InitState 0 T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T8: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T30: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 0 Count 0 InitState 0 T30: First discovery completed in 23 seconds T30: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = c05e7000 size 150 T30: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0 T30: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8 T30: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY1: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY2: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY3: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY4: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY5: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY6: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY7: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0 T30: DISM: Queued! T30: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400 T30: DevId=0 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T30: DevId=1 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T30: DevId=2 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T30: DevId=3 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448000) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448040 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T30: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 0 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T30: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 1 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x0 uniqueTag = 0x27f7f747 T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x27f7f747 T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x1 uniqueTag = 0x400159db T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x400159db T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x3 uniqueTag = 0x5e4e470a T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x5e4e470a T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x2 uniqueTag = 0xfc7731b T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0xfc7731b T30: Dell Encl Found !! enclPd = 20 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x1 T30: devId 0 - slot num - 0 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x3 T30: devId 1 - slot num - 1 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x7 T30: devId 2 - slot num - 2 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0xf T30: devId 3 - slot num - 3 T30: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal T30: DISM Complete T30: gDevInfo=c0566ca0, size=160 T30: Total Device = 5 T30: PD Flags Size S N F Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH WU BFw BRev T30: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T30: 0 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 00 5000c5001b213cb5 03 07 0d 0 NA NA T30: 1 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 01 5000c5001b214495 02 06 0c 0 NA NA T30: 2 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 02 5000c50057b584e1 01 05 0b 1 NA NA T30: 3 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 03 5000c50057b58629 00 04 0a 1 NA NA T30: 20 01400005 0 0 0 0 DP BP12G+ 1.00 0 0 20 5d81f060d254e700 00 08 09 0 NA NA T30: 42 00400005 0 0 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 3416 0 0 ffff 0 00 ff 00 0 NA NA T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b58629 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b584e1 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b214495 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b213cb5 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 5 Path1PDs 0 T30: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 15 T30: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started T30: SES_GenericCallback: enclPd=20...RDM_STATUS =1 retries: 0 T30: Cmd Details: 1c 01 00 00 20 00 T30: SES General Error on EnclPd:20 sts:1 RetryCount:0 msg:c0450400 txfrAddr:c05870c0 T31: SES_InitSMNextState: Supports BP Bay ID T31: SES_InitSMNextState:SES_INIT_STATUS_PAGE_GET:SES_BPBayElmIdentified is set T31: Dell slot Offset = 0 T31: EVT#06007-T31: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p1) communication restored T31: EVT#06008-T31: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20 T31: EVT#06009-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=00, sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06010-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) T31: EVT#06011-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06012-T31: 236=PD 00(e0x20/s0) is not a certified drive T31: EVT#06013-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) T31: EVT#06014-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5001b214495,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06015-T31: 236=PD 01(e0x20/s1) is not a certified drive T31: EVT#06016-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) T31: EVT#06017-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06018-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) T31: EVT#06019-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50057b58629,0000000000000000 T31: StaggeredSpinUp complete T31: Fusion Mfi init: Hi Priority FIFO: c0446e7800000002 T31: KM_KeyMgmtInit: security is not enabled T31: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=c05cd820 T31: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config T31: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0 T31: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=1, span=0 from pd=2 at partition=0 T31: missingSpan =0 T31: missingSpan =0 T31: ddfInitStatus: 0 T31: configRaid: adding to raid config T31: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0 T31: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=1 span=0 T31: ddfInitStatus after CheckForOfflinePRL11VDs : 0 T33: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T33: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte T33: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T44: Leave init_cache early because cal_cache_size returned TRUE T44: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T44: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T44: GetCacheMemoryFromHost: Get memory from host T44: Host Mem Base address=cd42c000 T44: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 T44: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 T44: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 T44: Cache initialization complete...Config info T44: ARs configured: 2 T44: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) T44: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) T44: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T44: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 T44: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T44: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 T44: wjNBInit: Initializing write journal NB entries T44: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs T44: DDF_TimestampGet: using nvram time=05/26 9:07:18 + rtc=44 to set timestamp T44: EVT#06020-T44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T44: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd T44: EVT#06021-T44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T44: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd 05/26/15 9:08:13: EVT#06022-05/26/15 9:08:13: 44=Time established as 05/26/15 9:08:13; (45 seconds since power on) 05/26/15 9:08:32: Total memory available for disk cache: 1bf0000 05/26/15 9:08:32: Total Number of Cache Lines 447 05/26/15 9:08:32: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=447 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 05/26/15 9:08:32: Cache initialization complete...Config info 05/26/15 9:08:32: ARs configured: 2 05/26/15 9:08:32: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 05/26/15 9:08:32: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 05/26/15 9:08:32: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/26/15 9:08:32: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 05/26/15 9:08:32: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/26/15 9:08:32: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 05/26/15 9:08:32: LOAD section: src=fe0c01ce, size=59241, dst=0, mode=1...done 05/26/15 9:08:32: appLoad: set flag to stop loading bios in MfiCmdDone 05/26/15 9:08:32: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 05/26/15 9:08:32: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 05/26/15 9:08:32: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 05/26/15 9:08:32: Cache initialization complete...Config info 05/26/15 9:08:32: ARs configured: 2 05/26/15 9:08:32: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 05/26/15 9:08:32: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 05/26/15 9:08:32: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/26/15 9:08:32: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 05/26/15 9:08:32: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/26/15 9:08:32: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 05/26/15 9:08:43: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/26/15 9:08:43: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/26/15 9:08:43: EVT#06023-05/26/15 9:08:43: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:08:43: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 9:08:43: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/26/15 9:08:43: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c045e200) Cmd=3, Sns=c045e240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 9:08:43: EVT#06024-05/26/15 9:08:43: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:08:43: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 9:08:43: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/26/15 9:08:43: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c045e600) Cmd=3, Sns=c045e640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 9:08:44: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/26/15 9:08:44: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/26/15 9:08:44: EVT#06025-05/26/15 9:08:44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:08:44: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 9:08:44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/26/15 9:08:44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c045f200) Cmd=3, Sns=c045f240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 9:08:44: EVT#06026-05/26/15 9:08:44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:08:44: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 9:08:44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/26/15 9:08:44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c045f600) Cmd=3, Sns=c045f640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 9:08:46: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/26/15 9:08:47: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/26/15 9:08:47: EVT#06027-05/26/15 9:08:47: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:08:47: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 9:08:47: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/26/15 9:08:47: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0460200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0460240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 9:08:47: EVT#06028-05/26/15 9:08:47: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:08:47: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 9:08:47: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/26/15 9:08:47: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0460600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0460640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 9:08:47: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/26/15 9:08:48: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/26/15 9:08:49: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/26/15 9:08:49: EVT#06029-05/26/15 9:08:49: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:08:49: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 9:08:49: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/26/15 9:08:49: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 9:08:49: EVT#06030-05/26/15 9:08:49: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:08:49: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 9:08:49: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/26/15 9:08:49: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 9:09:17: PS policy is disabled on ld=0 05/26/15 9:09:17: PS policy is disabled on ld=1 05/26/15 9:09:17: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 05/26/15 9:09:17: EVT#06031-05/26/15 9:09:17: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 05/26/15 9:09:17: skinny Reclaim memory reserved for pre-boot: All IO over - re-initializing cache 05/26/15 9:09:17: Total memory available for disk cache: 2000000 05/26/15 9:09:17: Total Number of Cache Lines 512 05/26/15 9:09:17: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=512 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80000000 LDs: 0 1 05/26/15 9:09:17: Cache initialization complete...Config info 05/26/15 9:09:17: ARs configured: 2 05/26/15 9:09:17: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 05/26/15 9:09:17: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 05/26/15 9:09:17: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/26/15 9:09:17: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 05/26/15 9:09:17: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/26/15 9:09:17: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 05/26/15 9:09:17: MSI-X Enabled: MSIX offset = 00002000 05/26/15 9:09:17: MSIX[0]: 00000000:fee00000 - 4083 05/26/15 9:09:17: MSIX[1]: 00000000:fee02000 - 4083 05/26/15 9:09:17: MSIX[2]: 00000000:fee04000 - 4083 05/26/15 9:09:17: MSIX[3]: 00000000:fee06000 - 4083 05/26/15 9:09:17: findMsiState: Setting MSI Mode to 2 (0=Legacy, 1=MSI, 2=MSI-X) 05/26/15 9:09:17: MfiCmdInitQueue[0]: FW now OPERATIONAL 05/26/15 9:09:17: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 05/26/15 9:09:17: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb880 05/26/15 9:09:17: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb800, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb804 05/26/15 9:09:17: producerIndex=0 05/26/15 9:09:17: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 05/26/15 9:09:17: EVT#06032-05/26/15 9:09:17: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 05/26/15 9:09:17: MfiCmdInitQueue[1]: FW now OPERATIONAL 05/26/15 9:09:17: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 05/26/15 9:09:17: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb940 05/26/15 9:09:17: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb810, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb814 05/26/15 9:09:17: producerIndex=0 05/26/15 9:09:17: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 05/26/15 9:09:17: EVT#06033-05/26/15 9:09:17: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 05/26/15 9:09:17: MfiCmdInitQueue[2]: FW now OPERATIONAL 05/26/15 9:09:17: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 05/26/15 9:09:17: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eba00 05/26/15 9:09:17: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb820, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb824 05/26/15 9:09:17: producerIndex=0 05/26/15 9:09:17: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 05/26/15 9:09:17: EVT#06034-05/26/15 9:09:17: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 05/26/15 9:09:17: MfiCmdInitQueue[3]: FW now OPERATIONAL 05/26/15 9:09:17: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 05/26/15 9:09:17: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2ebac0 05/26/15 9:09:17: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb830, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb834 05/26/15 9:09:17: producerIndex=0 05/26/15 9:10:41: EVT#06035-05/26/15 9:10:41: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:10:41: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 9:10:41: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 05/26/15 9:10:41: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0464a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0464a40 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 9:10:41: EVT#06036-05/26/15 9:10:41: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:10:41: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 9:10:41: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 05/26/15 9:10:41: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0464e00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0464e40 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 9:10:41: EVT#06037-05/26/15 9:10:41: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:10:41: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 05/26/15 9:10:41: EVT#06038-05/26/15 9:10:41: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 9:10:41: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 05/26/15 10:28:45: EVT#06039-05/26/15 10:28:45: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 10:28:45: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 10:28:45: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 05/26/15 10:28:45: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c045d000) Cmd=3, Sns=c045d040 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 10:28:45: EVT#06040-05/26/15 10:28:45: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 00 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 10:28:45: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 10:28:45: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 0 0 05/26/15 10:28:45: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c045cc00) Cmd=3, Sns=c045cc40 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 10:28:45: EVT#06041-05/26/15 10:28:45: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 10:28:45: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 10:28:45: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 05/26/15 10:28:45: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c045d200) Cmd=3, Sns=c045d240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 10:28:45: EVT#06042-05/26/15 10:28:45: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 00 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 10:28:45: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/26/15 10:28:45: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 0 0 05/26/15 10:28:45: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c045d400) Cmd=3, Sns=c045d440 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/26/15 10:37:31: EVT#06043-05/26/15 10:37:31: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 80 04 00 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/26/15 10:37:31: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 05/26/15 12:11:57: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/26/15 14:28:37: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/26/15 16:28:27: empty i2c int 00000000 05/26/15 16:29:17: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/26/15 16:29:17: empty i2c int 00000000 05/26/15 16:39:47: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/26/15 16:54:07: empty i2c int 00000000 05/26/15 19:13:27: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/26/15 19:28:27: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/26/15 19:28:27: empty i2c int 00000000 05/26/15 19:59:00: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/26/15 19:59:00: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/26/15 20:06:28: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/26/15 20:06:40: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/26/15 20:06:40: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/27/15 0:25:27: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/27/15 5:18:07: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/27/15 7:50:47: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/27/15 12:10:17: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/27/15 12:10:30: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/27/15 12:10:30: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/27/15 14:35:47: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/27/15 15:06:37: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/27/15 19:38:47: empty i2c int 00000000 05/27/15 21:40:07: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/27/15 22:10:57: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/27/15 22:10:58: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/28/15 2:14:37: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/28/15 6:04:17: empty i2c int 00000000 05/28/15 6:34:38: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/28/15 6:51:17: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/28/15 9:37:37: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/28/15 12:43:17: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/28/15 14:32:40: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/28/15 16:18:07: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/28/15 16:49:00: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/28/15 17:45:27: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/28/15 17:45:27: empty i2c int 00000000 05/28/15 20:02:12: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/28/15 20:44:27: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/28/15 21:46:47: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/28/15 22:17:07: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/29/15 0:18:37: empty i2c int 00000000 05/29/15 0:32:57: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/29/15 9:02:47: empty i2c int 00000000 05/29/15 9:33:31: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/29/15 9:33:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/29/15 10:46:07: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/29/15 15:03:30: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/29/15 15:03:30: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/29/15 15:03:30: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/29/15 15:50:47: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/29/15 18:40:20: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/29/15 19:02:32: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/29/15 19:37:17: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/29/15 19:37:17: empty i2c int 00000000 05/29/15 21:39:50: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/29/15 21:39:50: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/29/15 21:54:57: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/29/15 21:55:07: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/30/15 1:11:07: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/30/15 2:59:20: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/30/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00 05/30/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01 05/30/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=02 05/30/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=03 05/30/15 3:00:18: EVT#06044-05/30/15 3:00:18: 39=Patrol Read started 05/30/15 3:21:27: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/30/15 3:49:35: prCallback: PR completed for pd=00 05/30/15 3:50:40: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01 05/30/15 4:05:47: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/30/15 5:58:56: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/30/15 5:59:27: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/30/15 6:07:47: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/30/15 6:07:47: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/30/15 6:08:20: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/30/15 6:08:20: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 05/30/15 7:40:57: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/30/15 7:52:37: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/30/15 8:01:17: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/30/15 8:03:37: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/30/15 8:03:49: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/30/15 8:10:03: EVT#06045-05/30/15 8:10:03: 30=Event log cleared 05/30/15 8:10:52: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete 05/30/15 8:10:52: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command 05/30/15 8:10:52: EVT#06046-05/30/15 8:10:52: 42=Shutdown command received from host T3: EVT#06047-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0073/1000/1f4e/1028) T3: EVT#06048-T3: 1=Firmware version 2.121.14-3416 T3: I2C 0 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: I2C 1 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: Temperature sensor handle opened as 1 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - config 83 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - status 0 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - config 80 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - conv rate 2 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - int hi lim 7f T4: Temperature sensor is responding - int low lim c9 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - ext hi lim 7f T4: Temperature sensor is responding - ext low lim c9 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - dev id 4d T4: request temp sensor i2c T4: I2C 2 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [2]0x20 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: SBR: I2Chandle obtained for SBR 21 T4: Raw SBR Image data: T4: DRAM SIZE=0 MB T4: Init flash timings : FlashTimeNs c8 NvsTimeNs 78 T4: setPhyMap: phy = 0 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 2 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 3 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 4 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 5 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 6 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 7 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 8 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 9 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 10 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 11 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 12 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 13 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 14 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 15 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 16 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 17 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 18 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 19 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 20 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 21 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 22 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 23 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: Environment data: T4: VERSIONS=BIOS_4.37.00_4.12.05.00_0x05290003,HIIM_01.41.00,APP_2.121.14-3416,PCLI_03.02-015:#%00008,CTLR_3.00-0024,NVDT_3.09.03-0039,BTBL_2.02.00.00-0001 T4: PACKAGE=20.13.0-0007 T4: Flashable=1000_0073_1028_1f4e T4: VALIDATION=GCA_05/02/14_13:06:48 T4: MFC data: T4: vendorId/deviceId=1000/0073, subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f4e, OEM=2, SubOem=0, isRaidKeySecondary=0 T4: MFCF: clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=0, disableWideCache=0 T4: disableRaid5=0, enableSecurity=0, enableReducedFeatureSet=0 T4: enableCTIO=1 enableSnapshot=0 enableSSC=0 T4: MFCD: sasAddr=5c81f660d254e700, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00 T4: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4 T4: writeBack=0, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0 T4: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined) T4: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None) T4: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0 T4: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0 T4: maxChainedEnclosures=4, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1 T4: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0 T4: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1 T4: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=1 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 T4: enableLedHeaders=0 useFdeOnly=1 delayPOST=0 enableCrashDump=0 enableLDBBM=1 T4: allowUnCertifiedHDDs=1 treatR1EAsR10=1, maxLdsPerArray=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T4: failPdOnSMARTer=0 nonRevertibleSpares=0, T4: snapVDSpace=a, autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a T4: disablePowerSavings=7f spinDownTime=1e T4: enableJBOD=1 ttyLogInFlash=1 T4: breakMirrorRAIDSupport=1, disableJoinMirror=1 T4: MFC MFG data: T4: date=10/11/13, sn="3A70006", reworkDate=10/11/13, rev="A05" T4: can_flush = 0 T5: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex) T5: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10 T5: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e T5: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e T5: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=4, spinupDelay=c T5: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0 T5: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=1, eccBucketSize=f T5: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0 T5: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0 T5: disallowHostRequestReordering=0 T5: abortCCOnError=0, copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0 T5: prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1, useFdeOnly=1 T5: disableNCQ=0, SSDSMARTerEnabled=0, SSDPatrolReadEnabled=0 T5: enableSpinDownUnconfigured=0, disableSpinDownHS=1, spinDownTime=1e, autoEnhancedImport=0, enableSecretKeyControl=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T5: enableJBOD=1 T5: allowBootWithPinnedCache=0 T5: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, useDiskActivityForLocate=0 T5: OnOffProperties=c0447118 T5: autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a, snapVDSpace=a T5: defaultPSPolicy=fe autoPSPolicySupported=0 T5: maxPSPolicySupported=0 cachedWritesSupported=0 T5: disablePSTime=0 disablPSInterval=0 T5: spinupEnclDriveCount=6 spinupEnclDelay=8 T5: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 0x280 bytes T5: powerSaveInit: Init structures T5: EVT#06049-T5: 261=Package version 20.13.0-0007 T5: EVT#06050-T5: 266=Board Revision A05 T5: RAID_READY_QUEUE_START_ADDR=c0600000 T5: ready_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=74e0 T5: rebuild_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=1760 T5: line_info startAddr=c05e74c0 len=dec0 T5: ready_list=c05f6b60 (e9c elements) T5: rebuild_list=c05f53c0 (2ec elements) T5: lines_info=c05e74c0 (dec elements) T5: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=0 T5: MEM_END_ADDR=0 T5: KM_KeyMgmtInitTRNG: security is not enabled T5: Device Module Version 1.1 Date May 2 2014 Time 14:33:13 T5: PCI Device Info: T5: vendorid = 0 T5: deviceid = 0 T5: bar0 = 1 T5: bar1 = 4 T5: bar2 = 0 T5: bar3 = 4 T5: bar4 = 0 T5: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1 T5: Chip=0 vendorId 0000 deviceId 0000 T5: Pl firmware version T5: Do not set SEP GPIO Bit during Init T5: PLMEM INFO : start address = 0xc0079900 End=0xc0089900 T5: index 0x00, size 0x00001600, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc0079900 T5: index 0x01, size 0x00000800, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007af00 T5: index 0x02, size 0x00000010, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b700 T5: index 0x03, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b720 T6: index 0x04, size 0x00000840, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047d2a0 T6: index 0x07, size 0x00000c00, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047dae0 T6: index 0x08, size 0x000000b0, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e6e0 T6: index 0x09, size 0x00001400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e7a0 T6: index 0x0a, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007fba0 T6: index 0x0c, size 0x00000014, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffa0 T6: index 0x0d, size 0x00005000, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffc0 T6: index 0x0e, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e50c0 T6: index 0x0f, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x04, Addr 0xc05e5060 T6: index 0x10, size 0x000000a8, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e4f60 T6: index 0x11, size 0x00001a40, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e34e0 T6: index 0x12, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3480 T6: index 0x13, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3420 T6: index 0x14, size 0x0000030c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e30c0 T6: index 0x15, size 0x0000001a, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3060 T6: index 0x16, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2c20 T6: index 0x17, size 0x00000360, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2880 T6: index 0x18, size 0x00000090, Attrbute 0x13, Addr 0xc01e27a0 T6: index 0x19, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2740 T6: index 0x1a, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc0484fc0 T6: index 0x1b, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e26e0 T6: index 0x1c, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2680 T6: index 0x1d, size 0x00000074, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc0084fe0 T6: index 0x1e, size 0x00000334, Attrbute 0x14, Addr 0xc01e2300 T6: Total Memory allocated to PL: static = 0000b754 Dyn=4502 total=fc56 T6: Current head after allocating PL mem: c0085054 T6: SGL FRAME INFO: Start address in SRAM is : xc0085060 T6: DM_PL_AllocReqFrames: Max SGL frames in SRAM: 48 T6: From SRAM: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames x48 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc0485060 T6: Total memory allocated for SGL Frames in SRAM is : x4800 T6: Allocating left over xb8 SGL frames in DDR at address : xc05d6ac0 T6: From DDR: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames xb8 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc05d6ac0 T6: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete T7: Disabling UART for 120s due to discovery T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_ENCL_DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGE T7: DM_HndlEnclStatusChgEvnt: EnclosureHandle x0001 Reason x01 PhysicalPort 0 T7: ELI 5c81f660d254e700 NumSlots x0009 StartSlot x0000 PhyBits x00000000 IOCLogInfo x00000000 IOCStatus x0000 T7: Ctrl enclosure device added T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x8 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x08 devHandle x0009 parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x08 slot x09 deviceInfo=x00004801 sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700 T7: Device is SEP T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x4 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x04 devHandle x000a parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x04 slot x03 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b58629 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x5 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x05 devHandle x000b parentDevHdl x0002 phyNum x05 slot x02 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x6 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x06 devHandle x000c parentDevHdl x0003 phyNum x06 slot x01 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b214495 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x7 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x07 devHandle x000d parentDevHdl x0004 phyNum x07 slot x00 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T7: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T7: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T7: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte T7: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T8: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T8: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x04 StartPhy=x0 T8: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T8: Phy changed - phy 00 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 01 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 02 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 03 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 2 Count 0 InitState 0 T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T9: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T12: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T12: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte T12: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T30: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 0 Count 0 InitState 0 T30: First discovery completed in 23 seconds T30: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = c05e7000 size 150 T30: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0 T30: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8 T30: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY1: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY2: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY3: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY4: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY5: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY6: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY7: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0 T30: DISM: Queued! T30: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400 T30: DevId=1 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T30: DevId=0 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T30: DevId=2 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T30: DevId=3 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448000) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448040 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T30: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 0 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T30: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 1 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x0 uniqueTag = 0x27f7f747 T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x27f7f747 T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x1 uniqueTag = 0x400159db T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x400159db T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x2 uniqueTag = 0xfc7731b T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0xfc7731b T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x3 uniqueTag = 0x5e4e470a T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x5e4e470a T30: Dell Encl Found !! enclPd = 20 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x1 T30: devId 0 - slot num - 0 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x3 T30: devId 1 - slot num - 1 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x7 T30: devId 2 - slot num - 2 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0xf T30: devId 3 - slot num - 3 T30: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal T30: DISM Complete T30: gDevInfo=c0566ca0, size=160 T30: Total Device = 5 T30: PD Flags Size S N F Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH WU BFw BRev T30: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T30: 0 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 00 5000c5001b213cb5 03 07 0d 0 NA NA T30: 1 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 01 5000c5001b214495 02 06 0c 0 NA NA T30: 2 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 02 5000c50057b584e1 01 05 0b 1 NA NA T30: 3 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 03 5000c50057b58629 00 04 0a 1 NA NA T30: 20 01400005 0 0 0 0 DP BP12G+ 1.00 0 0 20 5d81f060d254e700 00 08 09 0 NA NA T30: 42 00400005 0 0 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 3416 0 0 ffff 0 00 ff 00 0 NA NA T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b58629 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b584e1 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b214495 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b213cb5 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 5 Path1PDs 0 T30: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 15 T30: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started T30: SES_GenericCallback: enclPd=20...RDM_STATUS =1 retries: 0 T30: Cmd Details: 1c 01 00 00 20 00 T30: SES General Error on EnclPd:20 sts:1 RetryCount:0 msg:c0450400 txfrAddr:c05870c0 T31: SES_InitSMNextState: Supports BP Bay ID T31: SES_InitSMNextState:SES_INIT_STATUS_PAGE_GET:SES_BPBayElmIdentified is set T31: Dell slot Offset = 0 T31: EVT#06051-T31: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p1) communication restored T31: EVT#06052-T31: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20 T31: EVT#06053-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=00, sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06054-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) T31: EVT#06055-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06056-T31: 236=PD 00(e0x20/s0) is not a certified drive T31: EVT#06057-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) T31: EVT#06058-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5001b214495,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06059-T31: 236=PD 01(e0x20/s1) is not a certified drive T31: EVT#06060-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) T31: EVT#06061-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06062-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) T31: EVT#06063-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50057b58629,0000000000000000 T31: StaggeredSpinUp complete T31: Fusion Mfi init: Hi Priority FIFO: c0446e7800000002 T31: KM_KeyMgmtInit: security is not enabled T31: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=c05cd820 T31: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config T31: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0 T31: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=1, span=0 from pd=2 at partition=0 T31: missingSpan =0 T31: missingSpan =0 T31: ddfInitStatus: 0 T31: configRaid: adding to raid config T31: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0 T31: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=1 span=0 T31: ddfInitStatus after CheckForOfflinePRL11VDs : 0 T44: Leave init_cache early because cal_cache_size returned TRUE T44: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T44: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T44: GetCacheMemoryFromHost: Get memory from host T44: Host Mem Base address=cd42c000 T44: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 T44: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 T44: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 T44: Cache initialization complete...Config info T44: ARs configured: 2 T44: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) T44: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) T44: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T44: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 T44: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T45: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 T45: wjNBInit: Initializing write journal NB entries T45: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs T45: DDF_TimestampGet: using nvram time=05/30 8:10:52 + rtc=45 to set timestamp T45: EVT#06064-T45: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T45: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T45: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T45: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd T45: EVT#06065-T45: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T45: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T45: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T45: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd 05/30/15 8:12:04: EVT#06066-05/30/15 8:12:04: 44=Time established as 05/30/15 8:12:04; (45 seconds since power on) 05/30/15 8:12:04: ccScheduleSetNextStartTime: RTC_TimeStamp=1cfc2d54, nextStartTime=1d051ec2 05/30/15 8:12:04: Next cc scheduled to start at 06/06/15 3:00:18 05/30/15 8:12:23: Total memory available for disk cache: 1bf0000 05/30/15 8:12:23: Total Number of Cache Lines 447 05/30/15 8:12:23: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=447 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 05/30/15 8:12:23: Cache initialization complete...Config info 05/30/15 8:12:23: ARs configured: 2 05/30/15 8:12:23: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 05/30/15 8:12:23: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 05/30/15 8:12:23: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/30/15 8:12:23: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 05/30/15 8:12:23: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/30/15 8:12:23: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 05/30/15 8:12:23: LOAD section: src=fe0c01ce, size=59241, dst=0, mode=1...done 05/30/15 8:12:23: appLoad: set flag to stop loading bios in MfiCmdDone 05/30/15 8:12:23: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 05/30/15 8:12:23: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 05/30/15 8:12:23: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 05/30/15 8:12:23: Cache initialization complete...Config info 05/30/15 8:12:23: ARs configured: 2 05/30/15 8:12:23: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 05/30/15 8:12:23: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 05/30/15 8:12:23: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/30/15 8:12:23: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 05/30/15 8:12:23: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/30/15 8:12:23: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 05/30/15 8:12:34: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/30/15 8:12:34: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/30/15 8:12:34: EVT#06067-05/30/15 8:12:34: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/30/15 8:12:34: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/30/15 8:12:34: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/30/15 8:12:34: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/30/15 8:12:34: EVT#06068-05/30/15 8:12:34: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/30/15 8:12:34: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/30/15 8:12:34: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/30/15 8:12:34: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/30/15 8:12:35: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/30/15 8:12:35: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/30/15 8:12:35: EVT#06069-05/30/15 8:12:35: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/30/15 8:12:35: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/30/15 8:12:35: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/30/15 8:12:35: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0462400) Cmd=3, Sns=c0462440 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/30/15 8:12:35: EVT#06070-05/30/15 8:12:35: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/30/15 8:12:35: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/30/15 8:12:35: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/30/15 8:12:35: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0462200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0462240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/30/15 8:12:37: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/30/15 8:12:38: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/30/15 8:12:38: EVT#06071-05/30/15 8:12:38: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/30/15 8:12:38: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/30/15 8:12:38: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/30/15 8:12:38: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0463200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0463240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/30/15 8:12:38: EVT#06072-05/30/15 8:12:38: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/30/15 8:12:38: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/30/15 8:12:38: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/30/15 8:12:38: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0463600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0463640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/30/15 8:12:39: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/30/15 8:12:40: FS: Running in iMR Mode 05/30/15 8:12:40: EVT#06073-05/30/15 8:12:40: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/30/15 8:12:40: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/30/15 8:12:40: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/30/15 8:12:40: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0464200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0464240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/30/15 8:12:40: EVT#06074-05/30/15 8:12:40: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/30/15 8:12:40: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/30/15 8:12:40: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 05/30/15 8:12:40: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0464600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0464640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/30/15 8:13:01: PS policy is disabled on ld=0 05/30/15 8:13:01: PS policy is disabled on ld=1 05/30/15 8:13:01: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 05/30/15 8:13:01: EVT#06075-05/30/15 8:13:01: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 05/30/15 8:13:01: skinny Reclaim memory reserved for pre-boot: All IO over - re-initializing cache 05/30/15 8:13:01: Total memory available for disk cache: 2000000 05/30/15 8:13:01: Total Number of Cache Lines 512 05/30/15 8:13:01: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=512 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80000000 LDs: 0 1 05/30/15 8:13:01: Cache initialization complete...Config info 05/30/15 8:13:01: ARs configured: 2 05/30/15 8:13:01: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 05/30/15 8:13:01: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 05/30/15 8:13:01: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/30/15 8:13:01: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 05/30/15 8:13:01: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 05/30/15 8:13:01: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 05/30/15 8:13:01: MSI-X Enabled: MSIX offset = 00002000 05/30/15 8:13:01: MSIX[0]: 00000000:fee00000 - 4083 05/30/15 8:13:01: MSIX[1]: 00000000:fee02000 - 4083 05/30/15 8:13:01: MSIX[2]: 00000000:fee04000 - 4083 05/30/15 8:13:01: MSIX[3]: 00000000:fee06000 - 4083 05/30/15 8:13:01: findMsiState: Setting MSI Mode to 2 (0=Legacy, 1=MSI, 2=MSI-X) 05/30/15 8:13:01: MfiCmdInitQueue[0]: FW now OPERATIONAL 05/30/15 8:13:01: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 05/30/15 8:13:01: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb880 05/30/15 8:13:01: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb800, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb804 05/30/15 8:13:01: producerIndex=0 05/30/15 8:13:01: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 05/30/15 8:13:01: EVT#06076-05/30/15 8:13:01: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 05/30/15 8:13:01: MfiCmdInitQueue[1]: FW now OPERATIONAL 05/30/15 8:13:01: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 05/30/15 8:13:01: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb940 05/30/15 8:13:01: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb810, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb814 05/30/15 8:13:01: producerIndex=0 05/30/15 8:13:01: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 05/30/15 8:13:01: EVT#06077-05/30/15 8:13:01: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 05/30/15 8:13:01: MfiCmdInitQueue[2]: FW now OPERATIONAL 05/30/15 8:13:01: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 05/30/15 8:13:01: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eba00 05/30/15 8:13:01: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb820, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb824 05/30/15 8:13:01: producerIndex=0 05/30/15 8:13:01: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 05/30/15 8:13:01: EVT#06078-05/30/15 8:13:01: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 05/30/15 8:13:01: MfiCmdInitQueue[3]: FW now OPERATIONAL 05/30/15 8:13:01: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 05/30/15 8:13:01: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2ebac0 05/30/15 8:13:01: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb830, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb834 05/30/15 8:13:01: producerIndex=0 05/30/15 8:13:04: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=02 05/30/15 8:13:04: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=03 05/30/15 8:13:04: EVT#06079-05/30/15 8:13:04: 38=Patrol Read resumed 05/30/15 8:14:12: EVT#06080-05/30/15 8:14:12: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/30/15 8:14:12: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/30/15 8:14:12: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 05/30/15 8:14:12: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0451c00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0451c40 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/30/15 8:14:12: EVT#06081-05/30/15 8:14:12: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/30/15 8:14:12: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 05/30/15 8:14:12: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 05/30/15 8:14:12: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 05/30/15 8:14:12: EVT#06082-05/30/15 8:14:12: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/30/15 8:14:12: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 05/30/15 8:14:12: EVT#06083-05/30/15 8:14:12: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 05/30/15 8:14:12: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 05/30/15 9:33:58: Spurious interrupt received in task modeprCallback: PR completed for pd=02 05/30/15 10:46:48: prCallback: PR completed for pd=03 05/30/15 10:46:48: PR cycle complete 05/30/15 10:46:48: EVT#06084-05/30/15 10:46:48: 35=Patrol Read complete 05/30/15 10:46:48: Next PR scheduled to start at 06/06/15 3:00:18 05/30/15 11:06:08: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/30/15 19:16:38: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/30/15 22:04:28: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/30/15 22:04:38: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/30/15 22:04:51: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/31/15 1:01:08: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/31/15 1:01:08: empty i2c int 00000000 05/31/15 1:31:18: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/31/15 2:32:38: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/31/15 4:34:38: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/31/15 5:04:18: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/31/15 5:04:28: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/31/15 5:32:18: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/31/15 5:32:18: empty i2c int 00000000 05/31/15 6:17:58: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/31/15 6:17:58: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/31/15 6:32:58: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/31/15 9:40:31: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 05/31/15 9:40:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/31/15 12:13:28: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 05/31/15 12:13:28: empty i2c int 00000000 05/31/15 12:45:28: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 05/31/15 15:33:48: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/01/15 4:00:35: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/01/15 5:15:18: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/01/15 7:49:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/01/15 8:19:21: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/01/15 8:42:19: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/01/15 11:32:31: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/01/15 11:32:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/01/15 18:10:12: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/01/15 18:10:12: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/01/15 18:24:28: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/02/15 0:23:28: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/02/15 0:37:58: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/02/15 0:38:38: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/02/15 2:04:48: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/02/15 2:19:18: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/02/15 2:19:28: empty i2c int 00000000 06/02/15 3:16:48: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/02/15 9:31:58: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/02/15 10:01:08: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/02/15 10:01:18: empty i2c int 00000000 06/02/15 12:35:58: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/02/15 12:35:58: empty i2c int 00000000 06/02/15 13:52:28: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/02/15 21:44:38: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/02/15 21:45:08: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/02/15 22:30:38: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/03/15 6:40:48: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/03/15 7:11:18: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/03/15 8:10:18: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/03/15 8:53:58: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/03/15 13:00:41: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/03/15 13:00:41: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/03/15 13:00:51: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/03/15 13:00:51: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/03/15 14:01:18: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/03/15 20:11:18: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/04/15 9:13:38: empty i2c int 00000000 06/04/15 9:29:08: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/04/15 9:29:31: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/04/15 9:29:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/04/15 12:29:58: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/04/15 13:29:58: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/04/15 13:29:58: empty i2c int 00000000 06/04/15 15:01:48: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/05/15 1:46:58: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/05/15 5:21:38: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/05/15 5:21:38: empty i2c int 00000000 06/05/15 5:35:58: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/05/15 10:41:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/05/15 11:10:58: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/05/15 16:43:18: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/05/15 16:59:58: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/05/15 16:59:58: empty i2c int 00000000 06/05/15 18:48:08: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/05/15 20:36:48: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/05/15 23:38:58: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/05/15 23:38:58: empty i2c int 00000000 06/06/15 2:01:14: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 2:12:08: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/06/15 2:12:08: empty i2c int 00000000 06/06/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00 06/06/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01 06/06/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=02 06/06/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=03 06/06/15 3:00:18: EVT#06085-06/06/15 3:00:18: 39=Patrol Read started 06/06/15 3:38:25: prCallback: PR completed for pd=00 06/06/15 3:38:35: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01 06/06/15 4:46:28: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 5:17:18: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 5:17:38: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 5:43:03: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 6:04:46: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 6:34:50: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 6:39:48: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 6:39:58: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 6:53:38: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 7:08:08: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 7:08:08: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 8:11:25: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 8:11:26: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 10:30:38: Spurious interrupt received in task modeprCallback: PR completed for pd=03 06/06/15 10:42:46: prCallback: PR completed for pd=02 06/06/15 10:42:46: PR cycle complete 06/06/15 10:42:46: EVT#06086-06/06/15 10:42:46: 35=Patrol Read complete 06/06/15 10:42:46: Next PR scheduled to start at 06/13/15 3:00:18 06/06/15 11:24:38: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 11:57:38: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 13:13:28: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 18:28:18: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 18:28:18: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 20:04:58: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/06/15 22:02:38: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/07/15 0:58:48: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/07/15 2:49:55: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/07/15 2:49:56: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/07/15 3:11:08: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/07/15 8:08:15: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/07/15 8:43:41: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/07/15 8:43:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/07/15 11:18:51: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/07/15 11:18:51: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/07/15 11:56:38: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/07/15 12:29:18: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/07/15 13:36:11: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/07/15 13:36:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/07/15 14:17:18: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/07/15 14:17:18: empty i2c int 00000000 06/07/15 16:30:18: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/07/15 16:30:18: empty i2c int 00000000 06/07/15 16:44:04: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/07/15 17:21:09: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/07/15 17:49:38: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/08/15 0:13:28: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/08/15 3:36:38: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/08/15 11:52:18: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/08/15 11:52:18: empty i2c int 00000000 06/08/15 16:20:49: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/08/15 17:40:08: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/08/15 17:40:08: empty i2c int 00000000 06/08/15 18:36:18: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/08/15 19:21:08: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/09/15 2:19:08: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/09/15 9:11:28: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/09/15 10:02:19: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/09/15 10:11:28: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/09/15 14:50:19: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/09/15 16:43:28: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/09/15 17:14:38: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/09/15 23:12:19: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/09/15 23:41:28: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/10/15 0:28:38: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/10/15 4:13:21: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/10/15 4:13:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/10/15 10:19:18: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/10/15 12:39:18: empty i2c int 00000000 06/10/15 12:49:28: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/10/15 15:02:58: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/10/15 15:51:26: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/10/15 16:34:48: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/10/15 20:57:08: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/10/15 22:48:48: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/11/15 0:50:13: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/11/15 1:57:44: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/11/15 2:13:15: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/11/15 3:16:38: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/11/15 6:18:58: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/11/15 6:18:58: empty i2c int 00000000 06/11/15 7:20:21: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/11/15 7:20:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/11/15 9:45:28: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/11/15 15:17:28: empty i2c int 00000000 06/11/15 16:43:38: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/11/15 16:43:38: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/11/15 18:33:58: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/11/15 20:54:18: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/11/15 21:27:18: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/12/15 1:19:48: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/12/15 2:44:08: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/12/15 5:28:48: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/12/15 19:31:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/12/15 20:23:18: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/12/15 23:47:08: Spurious interrupt received in task modeprDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00 06/13/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01 06/13/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=02 06/13/15 3:00:18: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=03 06/13/15 3:00:18: EVT#06087-06/13/15 3:00:18: 39=Patrol Read started 06/13/15 3:02:18: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/13/15 3:37:17: prCallback: PR completed for pd=00 06/13/15 3:37:33: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01 06/13/15 5:33:58: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/13/15 6:03:08: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/13/15 7:09:36: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/13/15 8:35:58: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/13/15 9:36:21: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/13/15 9:58:18: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/13/15 10:19:58: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/13/15 10:38:58: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/13/15 10:42:41: prCallback: PR completed for pd=03 06/13/15 10:42:51: prCallback: PR completed for pd=02 06/13/15 10:42:51: PR cycle complete 06/13/15 10:42:51: EVT#06088-06/13/15 10:42:51: 35=Patrol Read complete 06/13/15 10:42:51: Next PR scheduled to start at 06/20/15 3:00:18 06/13/15 11:17:23: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/13/15 15:26:54: EVT#06089-06/13/15 15:26:54: 44=Time established as 06/13/15 15:26:54; (1235870 seconds since power on) 06/13/15 15:26:54: DDF updates for pr properties disabled 06/13/15 15:26:55: DDF updates for cc properties disabled 06/13/15 16:54:23: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/13/15 16:57:24: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/13/15 18:26:46: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/13/15 18:26:46: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/13/15 19:04:53: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/13/15 21:03:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/13/15 21:43:33: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/13/15 22:02:33: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/13/15 22:02:33: empty i2c int 00000000 06/14/15 0:15:33: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/14/15 1:37:43: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/14/15 1:37:43: empty i2c int 00000000 06/14/15 5:25:43: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/14/15 5:25:43: empty i2c int 00000000 06/14/15 7:17:33: Spurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/14/15 9:32:03: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/14/15 18:43:23: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/14/15 21:15:16: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/14/15 21:42:53: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/14/15 22:20:53: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/15/15 4:02:23: empty i2c int 00000000 06/15/15 7:25:53: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/15/15 7:43:23: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/15/15 7:43:23: empty i2c int 00000000 06/15/15 8:02:33: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/15/15 10:18:57: EVT#06090-06/15/15 10:18:57: 44=Time established as 06/15/15 10:18:57; (1390332 seconds since power on) 06/15/15 10:18:57: DDF updates for pr properties disabled 06/15/15 10:18:57: DDF updates for cc properties disabled 06/15/15 10:46:34: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/15/15 17:14:17: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/16/15 1:06:07: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/16/15 1:06:07: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/16/15 2:14:54: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/16/15 5:03:34: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeEVT#06091-06/16/15 9:20:39: 44=Time established as 06/16/15 9:20:39; (1472952 seconds since power on) 06/16/15 9:20:39: DDF updates for pr properties disabled 06/16/15 9:20:39: DDF updates for cc properties disabled 06/16/15 9:49:26: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/16/15 11:07:46: Spurious interrupt received in task modeEVT#06092-06/16/15 11:14:21: 44=Time established as 06/16/15 11:14:21; (1480137 seconds since power on) 06/16/15 11:14:21: DDF updates for pr properties disabled 06/16/15 11:14:21: DDF updates for cc properties disabled 06/16/15 12:22:03: Spurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/16/15 13:51:46: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/16/15 15:28:33: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/16/15 15:41:43: empty i2c int 00000000 06/16/15 17:20:13: EVT#06093-06/16/15 17:20:13: 44=Time established as 06/16/15 17:20:13; (1501689 seconds since power on) 06/16/15 17:20:13: DDF updates for pr properties disabled 06/16/15 17:20:13: DDF updates for cc properties disabled 06/16/15 18:01:43: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/16/15 18:01:43: empty i2c int 00000000 06/16/15 18:13:02: EVT#06094-06/16/15 18:13:02: 44=Time established as 06/16/15 18:13:02; (1505282 seconds since power on) 06/16/15 18:13:02: DDF updates for pr properties disabled 06/16/15 18:13:02: DDF updates for cc properties disabled 06/16/15 18:27:19: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/16/15 19:56:09: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/17/15 0:00:39: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/17/15 0:00:39: empty i2c int 00000000 06/17/15 1:15:49: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/17/15 6:34:19: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/17/15 7:02:29: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/17/15 7:40:02: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/17/15 10:28:19: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/17/15 10:28:19: empty i2c int 00000000 06/17/15 10:35:49: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/17/15 11:57:30: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/17/15 12:39:29: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/17/15 12:40:49: empty i2c int 00000000 06/17/15 14:04:56: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/17/15 14:14:19: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/17/15 16:16:50: EVT#06095-06/17/15 16:16:50: 44=Time established as 06/17/15 16:16:50; (1584308 seconds since power on) 06/17/15 16:16:50: DDF updates for pr properties disabled 06/17/15 16:16:50: DDF updates for cc properties disabled 06/17/15 21:08:04: EVT#06096-06/17/15 21:08:04: 44=Time established as 06/17/15 21:08:04; (1602269 seconds since power on) 06/17/15 21:08:04: DDF updates for pr properties disabled 06/17/15 21:08:04: DDF updates for cc properties disabled 06/17/15 23:24:24: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/18/15 1:12:54: empty i2c int 00000000 06/18/15 1:25:44: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/18/15 3:02:24: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/18/15 5:43:44: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/18/15 11:14:13: EVT#06097-06/18/15 11:14:13: 44=Time established as 06/18/15 11:14:13; (1652559 seconds since power on) 06/18/15 11:14:13: DDF updates for pr properties disabled 06/18/15 11:14:13: DDF updates for cc properties disabled 06/18/15 12:29:33: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeEVT#06098-06/18/15 15:04:45: 44=Time established as 06/18/15 15:04:45; (1666927 seconds since power on) 06/18/15 15:04:45: DDF updates for pr properties disabled 06/18/15 15:04:45: DDF updates for cc properties disabled 06/18/15 16:13:27: EVT#06099-06/18/15 16:13:27: 44=Time established as 06/18/15 16:13:27; (1670519 seconds since power on) 06/18/15 16:13:27: DDF updates for pr properties disabled 06/18/15 16:13:27: DDF updates for cc properties disabled 06/18/15 17:04:23: EVT#06100-06/18/15 17:04:23: 44=Time established as 06/18/15 17:04:23; (1674111 seconds since power on) 06/18/15 17:04:23: DDF updates for pr properties disabled 06/18/15 17:04:23: DDF updates for cc properties disabled 06/18/15 18:24:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/19/15 1:09:01: empty i2c int 00000000 06/19/15 1:11:51: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/19/15 1:11:51: empty i2c int 00000000 06/19/15 1:13:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/19/15 1:18:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/19/15 3:43:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/19/15 3:43:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/19/15 4:54:41: empty i2c int 00000000 06/19/15 6:26:51: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/19/15 6:26:51: empty i2c int 00000000 06/19/15 8:11:25: EVT#06101-06/19/15 8:11:25: 44=Time established as 06/19/15 8:11:25; (1727993 seconds since power on) 06/19/15 8:11:25: DDF updates for pr properties disabled 06/19/15 8:11:25: DDF updates for cc properties disabled 06/19/15 8:22:04: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/19/15 8:22:04: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/19/15 8:22:04: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/19/15 10:01:13: EVT#06102-06/19/15 10:01:13: 44=Time established as 06/19/15 10:01:13; (1735177 seconds since power on) 06/19/15 10:01:13: DDF updates for pr properties disabled 06/19/15 10:01:13: DDF updates for cc properties disabled 06/19/15 10:57:25: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/19/15 11:54:15: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/19/15 11:54:16: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/19/15 12:23:35: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/19/15 23:30:05: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/19/15 23:30:05: empty i2c int 00000000 06/19/15 23:43:25: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeprDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00 06/20/15 2:50:35: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01 06/20/15 2:50:35: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=02 06/20/15 2:50:35: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=03 06/20/15 2:50:35: EVT#06103-06/20/15 2:50:35: 39=Patrol Read started 06/20/15 3:31:27: prCallback: PR completed for pd=00 06/20/15 3:32:35: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01 06/20/15 3:47:55: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/20/15 4:21:45: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/20/15 4:31:55: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/20/15 4:31:55: empty i2c int 00000000 06/20/15 4:42:15: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/20/15 6:05:35: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/20/15 6:36:35: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/20/15 7:01:15: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/20/15 7:17:02: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/20/15 7:17:03: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/20/15 7:17:25: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/20/15 10:32:50: prCallback: PR completed for pd=03 06/20/15 10:33:01: prCallback: PR completed for pd=02 06/20/15 10:33:01: PR cycle complete 06/20/15 10:33:01: EVT#06104-06/20/15 10:33:01: 35=Patrol Read complete 06/20/15 10:33:01: Next PR scheduled to start at 06/27/15 2:50:35 06/20/15 13:48:55: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/20/15 17:59:15: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/20/15 20:07:35: empty i2c int 00000000 06/20/15 21:27:55: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/20/15 22:56:26: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/21/15 0:35:15: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/21/15 1:29:24: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/21/15 5:44:45: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/21/15 6:32:25: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/21/15 6:39:35: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/21/15 6:52:56: EVT#06105-06/21/15 6:52:56: 44=Time established as 06/21/15 6:52:56; (1896823 seconds since power on) 06/21/15 6:52:56: DDF updates for pr properties disabled 06/21/15 6:52:56: DDF updates for cc properties disabled 06/21/15 7:24:42: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/21/15 7:40:42: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/21/15 8:54:25: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/21/15 11:06:32: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/21/15 11:45:12: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/21/15 11:53:52: empty i2c int 00000000 06/21/15 12:08:32: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/21/15 15:53:55: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/21/15 17:50:37: EVT#06106-06/21/15 17:50:37: 30=Event log cleared 06/21/15 17:50:53: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete 06/21/15 17:50:53: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command 06/21/15 17:50:53: EVT#06107-06/21/15 17:50:53: 42=Shutdown command received from host T3: EVT#06108-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0073/1000/1f4e/1028) T3: EVT#06109-T3: 1=Firmware version 2.121.14-3416 T3: I2C 0 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: I2C 1 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: Temperature sensor handle opened as 1 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - config 83 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - status 0 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - config 80 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - conv rate 2 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - int hi lim 7f T4: Temperature sensor is responding - int low lim c9 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - ext hi lim 7f T4: Temperature sensor is responding - ext low lim c9 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - dev id 4d T4: request temp sensor i2c T4: I2C 2 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [2]0x20 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: SBR: I2Chandle obtained for SBR 21 T4: Raw SBR Image data: T4: DRAM SIZE=0 MB T4: Init flash timings : FlashTimeNs c8 NvsTimeNs 78 T4: setPhyMap: phy = 0 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 2 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 3 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 4 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 5 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 6 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 7 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 8 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 9 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 10 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 11 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 12 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 13 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 14 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 15 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 16 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 17 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 18 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 19 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 20 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 21 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 22 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 23 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: Environment data: T4: VERSIONS=BIOS_4.37.00_4.12.05.00_0x05290003,HIIM_01.41.00,APP_2.121.14-3416,PCLI_03.02-015:#%00008,CTLR_3.00-0024,NVDT_3.09.03-0039,BTBL_2.02.00.00-0001 T4: PACKAGE=20.13.0-0007 T4: Flashable=1000_0073_1028_1f4e T4: VALIDATION=GCA_05/02/14_13:06:48 T4: MFC data: T4: vendorId/deviceId=1000/0073, subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f4e, OEM=2, SubOem=0, isRaidKeySecondary=0 T4: MFCF: clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=0, disableWideCache=0 T4: disableRaid5=0, enableSecurity=0, enableReducedFeatureSet=0 T4: enableCTIO=1 enableSnapshot=0 enableSSC=0 T4: MFCD: sasAddr=5c81f660d254e700, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00 T4: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4 T4: writeBack=0, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0 T4: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined) T4: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None) T4: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0 T4: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0 T4: maxChainedEnclosures=4, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1 T4: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0 T4: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1 T4: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=1 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 T4: enableLedHeaders=0 useFdeOnly=1 delayPOST=0 enableCrashDump=0 enableLDBBM=1 T4: allowUnCertifiedHDDs=1 treatR1EAsR10=1, maxLdsPerArray=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T4: failPdOnSMARTer=0 nonRevertibleSpares=0, T4: snapVDSpace=a, autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a T4: disablePowerSavings=7f spinDownTime=1e T4: enableJBOD=1 ttyLogInFlash=1 T4: breakMirrorRAIDSupport=1, disableJoinMirror=1 T4: MFC MFG data: T4: date=10/11/13, sn="3A70006", reworkDate=10/11/13, rev="A05" T4: can_flush = 0 T5: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex) T5: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10 T5: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e T5: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e T5: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=4, spinupDelay=c T5: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0 T5: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=1, eccBucketSize=f T5: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0 T5: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0 T5: disallowHostRequestReordering=0 T5: abortCCOnError=0, copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0 T5: prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1, useFdeOnly=1 T5: disableNCQ=0, SSDSMARTerEnabled=0, SSDPatrolReadEnabled=0 T5: enableSpinDownUnconfigured=0, disableSpinDownHS=1, spinDownTime=1e, autoEnhancedImport=0, enableSecretKeyControl=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T5: enableJBOD=1 T5: allowBootWithPinnedCache=0 T5: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, useDiskActivityForLocate=0 T5: OnOffProperties=c0447118 T5: autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a, snapVDSpace=a T5: defaultPSPolicy=fe autoPSPolicySupported=0 T5: maxPSPolicySupported=0 cachedWritesSupported=0 T5: disablePSTime=0 disablPSInterval=0 T5: spinupEnclDriveCount=6 spinupEnclDelay=8 T5: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 0x280 bytes T5: powerSaveInit: Init structures T5: EVT#06110-T5: 261=Package version 20.13.0-0007 T5: EVT#06111-T5: 266=Board Revision A05 T5: RAID_READY_QUEUE_START_ADDR=c0600000 T5: ready_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=74e0 T5: rebuild_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=1760 T5: line_info startAddr=c05e74c0 len=dec0 T5: ready_list=c05f6b60 (e9c elements) T5: rebuild_list=c05f53c0 (2ec elements) T5: lines_info=c05e74c0 (dec elements) T5: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=0 T5: MEM_END_ADDR=0 T5: KM_KeyMgmtInitTRNG: security is not enabled T5: Device Module Version 1.1 Date May 2 2014 Time 14:33:13 T5: PCI Device Info: T5: vendorid = 0 T5: deviceid = 0 T5: bar0 = 1 T5: bar1 = 4 T5: bar2 = 0 T5: bar3 = 4 T5: bar4 = 0 T5: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1 T5: Chip=0 vendorId 0000 deviceId 0000 T5: Pl firmware version T5: Do not set SEP GPIO Bit during Init T5: PLMEM INFO : start address = 0xc0079900 End=0xc0089900 T5: index 0x00, size 0x00001600, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc0079900 T5: index 0x01, size 0x00000800, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007af00 T5: index 0x02, size 0x00000010, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b700 T5: index 0x03, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b720 T6: index 0x04, size 0x00000840, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047d2a0 T6: index 0x07, size 0x00000c00, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047dae0 T6: index 0x08, size 0x000000b0, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e6e0 T6: index 0x09, size 0x00001400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e7a0 T6: index 0x0a, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007fba0 T6: index 0x0c, size 0x00000014, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffa0 T6: index 0x0d, size 0x00005000, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffc0 T6: index 0x0e, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e50c0 T6: index 0x0f, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x04, Addr 0xc05e5060 T6: index 0x10, size 0x000000a8, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e4f60 T6: index 0x11, size 0x00001a40, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e34e0 T6: index 0x12, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3480 T6: index 0x13, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3420 T6: index 0x14, size 0x0000030c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e30c0 T6: index 0x15, size 0x0000001a, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3060 T6: index 0x16, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2c20 T6: index 0x17, size 0x00000360, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2880 T6: index 0x18, size 0x00000090, Attrbute 0x13, Addr 0xc01e27a0 T6: index 0x19, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2740 T6: index 0x1a, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc0484fc0 T6: index 0x1b, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e26e0 T6: index 0x1c, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2680 T6: index 0x1d, size 0x00000074, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc0084fe0 T6: index 0x1e, size 0x00000334, Attrbute 0x14, Addr 0xc01e2300 T6: Total Memory allocated to PL: static = 0000b754 Dyn=4502 total=fc56 T6: Current head after allocating PL mem: c0085054 T6: SGL FRAME INFO: Start address in SRAM is : xc0085060 T6: DM_PL_AllocReqFrames: Max SGL frames in SRAM: 48 T6: From SRAM: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames x48 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc0485060 T6: Total memory allocated for SGL Frames in SRAM is : x4800 T6: Allocating left over xb8 SGL frames in DDR at address : xc05d6ac0 T6: From DDR: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames xb8 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc05d6ac0 T6: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete T7: Disabling UART for 120s due to discovery T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_ENCL_DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGE T7: DM_HndlEnclStatusChgEvnt: EnclosureHandle x0001 Reason x01 PhysicalPort 0 T7: ELI 5c81f660d254e700 NumSlots x0009 StartSlot x0000 PhyBits x00000000 IOCLogInfo x00000000 IOCStatus x0000 T7: Ctrl enclosure device added T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x8 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x08 devHandle x0009 parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x08 slot x09 deviceInfo=x00004801 sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700 T7: Device is SEP T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x4 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x04 devHandle x000a parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x04 slot x03 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b58629 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x5 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x05 devHandle x000b parentDevHdl x0002 phyNum x05 slot x02 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x6 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x06 devHandle x000c parentDevHdl x0003 phyNum x06 slot x01 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b214495 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x7 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x07 devHandle x000d parentDevHdl x0004 phyNum x07 slot x00 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T7: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T8: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T8: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x04 StartPhy=x0 T8: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T8: Phy changed - phy 00 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 01 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 02 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 03 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 2 Count 0 InitState 0 T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T8: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T10: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T10: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte T30: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 0 Count 0 InitState 0 T30: First discovery completed in 23 seconds T30: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = c05e7000 size 150 T30: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0 T30: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8 T30: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY1: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY2: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY3: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY4: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY5: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY6: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY7: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0 T30: DISM: Queued! T30: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400 T30: DevId=0 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T30: DevId=1 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T30: DevId=3 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T30: DevId=2 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448000) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448040 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T30: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 0 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T30: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 1 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x1 uniqueTag = 0x400159db T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x400159db T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x0 uniqueTag = 0x27f7f747 T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x27f7f747 T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x3 uniqueTag = 0x5e4e470a T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x5e4e470a T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x2 uniqueTag = 0xfc7731b T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0xfc7731b T30: Dell Encl Found !! enclPd = 20 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x1 T30: devId 0 - slot num - 0 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x3 T30: devId 1 - slot num - 1 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x7 T30: devId 2 - slot num - 2 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0xf T30: devId 3 - slot num - 3 T30: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal T30: DISM Complete T30: gDevInfo=c0566ca0, size=160 T30: Total Device = 5 T30: PD Flags Size S N F Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH WU BFw BRev T30: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T30: 0 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 00 5000c5001b213cb5 03 07 0d 0 NA NA T30: 1 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 01 5000c5001b214495 02 06 0c 0 NA NA T30: 2 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 02 5000c50057b584e1 01 05 0b 1 NA NA T30: 3 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 03 5000c50057b58629 00 04 0a 1 NA NA T30: 20 01400005 0 0 0 0 DP BP12G+ 1.00 0 0 20 5d81f060d254e700 00 08 09 0 NA NA T30: 42 00400005 0 0 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 3416 0 0 ffff 0 00 ff 00 0 NA NA T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b58629 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b584e1 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b214495 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b213cb5 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 5 Path1PDs 0 T30: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 15 T30: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started T30: SES_GenericCallback: enclPd=20...RDM_STATUS =1 retries: 0 T30: Cmd Details: 1c 01 00 00 20 00 T30: SES General Error on EnclPd:20 sts:1 RetryCount:0 msg:c0450400 txfrAddr:c05870c0 T31: SES_InitSMNextState: Supports BP Bay ID T31: SES_InitSMNextState:SES_INIT_STATUS_PAGE_GET:SES_BPBayElmIdentified is set T31: Dell slot Offset = 0 T31: EVT#06112-T31: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p1) communication restored T31: EVT#06113-T31: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20 T31: EVT#06114-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=00, sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06115-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) T31: EVT#06116-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06117-T31: 236=PD 00(e0x20/s0) is not a certified drive T31: EVT#06118-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) T31: EVT#06119-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5001b214495,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06120-T31: 236=PD 01(e0x20/s1) is not a certified drive T31: EVT#06121-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) T31: EVT#06122-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06123-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) T31: EVT#06124-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50057b58629,0000000000000000 T31: StaggeredSpinUp complete T31: Fusion Mfi init: Hi Priority FIFO: c0446e7800000002 T31: KM_KeyMgmtInit: security is not enabled T31: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=c05cd820 T31: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config T31: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0 T31: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=1, span=0 from pd=2 at partition=0 T31: missingSpan =0 T31: missingSpan =0 T31: ddfInitStatus: 0 T31: configRaid: adding to raid config T31: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0 T31: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=1 span=0 T31: ddfInitStatus after CheckForOfflinePRL11VDs : 0 T33: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T33: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte T33: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T45: Leave init_cache early because cal_cache_size returned TRUE T45: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T45: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T45: GetCacheMemoryFromHost: Get memory from host T45: Host Mem Base address=cd42c000 T45: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 T45: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 T45: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 T45: Cache initialization complete...Config info T45: ARs configured: 2 T45: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) T45: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) T45: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T45: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 T45: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T45: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 T45: wjNBInit: Initializing write journal NB entries T45: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs T45: DDF_TimestampGet: using nvram time=06/21 17:50:53 + rtc=45 to set timestamp T45: EVT#06125-T45: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T45: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T45: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T45: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd T45: EVT#06126-T45: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T45: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T45: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T45: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd 06/21/15 17:51:15: EVT#06127-06/21/15 17:51:15: 44=Time established as 06/21/15 17:51:15; (46 seconds since power on) 06/21/15 17:51:15: ccScheduleSetNextStartTime: RTC_TimeStamp=1d19b613, nextStartTime=1d20cb6d 06/21/15 17:51:15: Next cc scheduled to start at 06/27/15 2:48:13 06/21/15 17:51:34: Total memory available for disk cache: 1bf0000 06/21/15 17:51:34: Total Number of Cache Lines 447 06/21/15 17:51:34: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=447 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 06/21/15 17:51:34: Cache initialization complete...Config info 06/21/15 17:51:34: ARs configured: 2 06/21/15 17:51:34: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 06/21/15 17:51:34: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 06/21/15 17:51:34: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 06/21/15 17:51:34: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 06/21/15 17:51:34: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 06/21/15 17:51:34: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 06/21/15 17:51:34: LOAD section: src=fe0c01ce, size=59241, dst=0, mode=1...done 06/21/15 17:51:34: appLoad: set flag to stop loading bios in MfiCmdDone 06/21/15 17:51:34: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 06/21/15 17:51:34: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 06/21/15 17:51:34: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 06/21/15 17:51:34: Cache initialization complete...Config info 06/21/15 17:51:34: ARs configured: 2 06/21/15 17:51:34: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 06/21/15 17:51:34: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 06/21/15 17:51:34: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 06/21/15 17:51:34: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 06/21/15 17:51:34: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 06/21/15 17:51:34: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 06/21/15 17:51:44: FS: Running in iMR Mode 06/21/15 17:51:45: FS: Running in iMR Mode 06/21/15 17:51:45: EVT#06128-06/21/15 17:51:45: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 06/21/15 17:51:45: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 06/21/15 17:51:45: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 06/21/15 17:51:45: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 06/21/15 17:51:45: EVT#06129-06/21/15 17:51:45: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 06/21/15 17:51:45: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 06/21/15 17:51:45: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 06/21/15 17:51:45: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 06/21/15 17:51:45: FS: Running in iMR Mode 06/21/15 17:51:46: FS: Running in iMR Mode 06/21/15 17:51:46: EVT#06130-06/21/15 17:51:46: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 06/21/15 17:51:46: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 06/21/15 17:51:46: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 06/21/15 17:51:46: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0462400) Cmd=3, Sns=c0462440 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 06/21/15 17:51:46: EVT#06131-06/21/15 17:51:46: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 06/21/15 17:51:46: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 06/21/15 17:51:46: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 06/21/15 17:51:46: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0462200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0462240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 06/21/15 17:51:48: FS: Running in iMR Mode 06/21/15 17:51:49: FS: Running in iMR Mode 06/21/15 17:51:49: EVT#06132-06/21/15 17:51:49: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 06/21/15 17:51:49: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 06/21/15 17:51:49: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 06/21/15 17:51:49: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0463200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0463240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 06/21/15 17:51:49: EVT#06133-06/21/15 17:51:49: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 06/21/15 17:51:49: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 06/21/15 17:51:49: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 06/21/15 17:51:49: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0463600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0463640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 06/21/15 17:51:50: FS: Running in iMR Mode 06/21/15 17:51:50: FS: Running in iMR Mode 06/21/15 17:51:50: EVT#06134-06/21/15 17:51:50: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 06/21/15 17:51:50: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 06/21/15 17:51:50: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 06/21/15 17:51:50: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0464200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0464240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 06/21/15 17:51:50: EVT#06135-06/21/15 17:51:50: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 06/21/15 17:51:50: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 06/21/15 17:51:50: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 06/21/15 17:51:50: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0464600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0464640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 06/21/15 17:52:12: PS policy is disabled on ld=0 06/21/15 17:52:12: PS policy is disabled on ld=1 06/21/15 17:52:12: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 06/21/15 17:52:12: EVT#06136-06/21/15 17:52:12: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 06/21/15 17:52:12: skinny Reclaim memory reserved for pre-boot: All IO over - re-initializing cache 06/21/15 17:52:12: Total memory available for disk cache: 2000000 06/21/15 17:52:12: Total Number of Cache Lines 512 06/21/15 17:52:12: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=512 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80000000 LDs: 0 1 06/21/15 17:52:12: Cache initialization complete...Config info 06/21/15 17:52:12: ARs configured: 2 06/21/15 17:52:12: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 06/21/15 17:52:12: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 06/21/15 17:52:12: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 06/21/15 17:52:12: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 06/21/15 17:52:12: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 06/21/15 17:52:12: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 06/21/15 17:52:12: MSI-X Enabled: MSIX offset = 00002000 06/21/15 17:52:12: MSIX[0]: 00000000:fee00000 - 4083 06/21/15 17:52:12: MSIX[1]: 00000000:fee02000 - 4083 06/21/15 17:52:12: MSIX[2]: 00000000:fee04000 - 4083 06/21/15 17:52:12: MSIX[3]: 00000000:fee06000 - 4083 06/21/15 17:52:12: findMsiState: Setting MSI Mode to 2 (0=Legacy, 1=MSI, 2=MSI-X) 06/21/15 17:52:12: MfiCmdInitQueue[0]: FW now OPERATIONAL 06/21/15 17:52:12: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 06/21/15 17:52:12: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb880 06/21/15 17:52:12: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb800, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb804 06/21/15 17:52:12: producerIndex=0 06/21/15 17:52:12: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 06/21/15 17:52:12: EVT#06137-06/21/15 17:52:12: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 06/21/15 17:52:12: MfiCmdInitQueue[1]: FW now OPERATIONAL 06/21/15 17:52:12: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 06/21/15 17:52:12: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb940 06/21/15 17:52:12: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb810, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb814 06/21/15 17:52:12: producerIndex=0 06/21/15 17:52:12: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 06/21/15 17:52:12: EVT#06138-06/21/15 17:52:12: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 06/21/15 17:52:12: MfiCmdInitQueue[2]: FW now OPERATIONAL 06/21/15 17:52:12: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 06/21/15 17:52:12: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eba00 06/21/15 17:52:12: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb820, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb824 06/21/15 17:52:12: producerIndex=0 06/21/15 17:52:12: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 06/21/15 17:52:12: EVT#06139-06/21/15 17:52:12: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 06/21/15 17:52:12: MfiCmdInitQueue[3]: FW now OPERATIONAL 06/21/15 17:52:12: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 06/21/15 17:52:12: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2ebac0 06/21/15 17:52:12: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb830, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb834 06/21/15 17:52:12: producerIndex=0 06/21/15 17:53:22: EVT#06140-06/21/15 17:53:22: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 06/21/15 17:53:22: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 06/21/15 17:53:22: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 06/21/15 17:53:22: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0467600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0467640 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 06/21/15 17:53:22: EVT#06141-06/21/15 17:53:22: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 06/21/15 17:53:22: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 06/21/15 17:53:22: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 06/21/15 17:53:22: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0467a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0467a40 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 06/21/15 17:53:22: EVT#06142-06/21/15 17:53:22: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 06/21/15 17:53:22: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 06/21/15 17:53:22: EVT#06143-06/21/15 17:53:22: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 06/21/15 17:53:22: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 06/21/15 20:22:08: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/21/15 21:08:28: empty i2c int 00000000 06/22/15 1:12:58: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/22/15 1:42:38: Spurious interrupt received in task modeEVT#06144-06/22/15 6:05:14: 44=Time established as 06/22/15 6:05:14; (43285 seconds since power on) 06/22/15 6:05:14: DDF updates for pr properties disabled 06/22/15 6:05:14: DDF updates for cc properties disabled 06/22/15 6:51:04: EVT#06145-06/22/15 6:51:04: 44=Time established as 06/22/15 6:51:04; (46877 seconds since power on) 06/22/15 6:51:04: DDF updates for pr properties disabled 06/22/15 6:51:04: DDF updates for cc properties disabled 06/22/15 7:36:36: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/22/15 17:39:56: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/22/15 20:18:44: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/22/15 20:18:45: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/22/15 21:29:46: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/22/15 21:29:46: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/22/15 21:30:07: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/22/15 22:01:06: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/22/15 22:01:07: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/22/15 22:01:26: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/22/15 23:02:32: EVT#06146-06/22/15 23:02:32: 44=Time established as 06/22/15 23:02:32; (104350 seconds since power on) 06/22/15 23:02:32: DDF updates for pr properties disabled 06/22/15 23:02:32: DDF updates for cc properties disabled 06/23/15 3:48:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/23/15 3:48:12: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/23/15 6:22:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/23/15 13:04:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/23/15 13:04:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/23/15 15:25:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/23/15 16:26:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/23/15 16:26:12: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/23/15 17:21:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/23/15 19:23:11: empty i2c int 00000000 06/23/15 20:55:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/23/15 21:24:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/24/15 1:58:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/24/15 1:58:41: empty i2c int 00000000 06/24/15 7:21:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/24/15 21:32:00: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/24/15 21:52:52: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/25/15 1:29:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/25/15 2:14:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/25/15 8:09:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/25/15 16:53:04: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/25/15 16:53:04: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/25/15 16:57:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/25/15 16:57:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/25/15 21:15:31: empty i2c int 00000000 06/26/15 1:06:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/26/15 1:07:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/26/15 6:29:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/26/15 14:24:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/26/15 14:24:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/26/15 16:10:23: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/26/15 16:11:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/26/15 16:56:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/26/15 19:46:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/26/15 20:16:41: empty i2c int 00000000 06/26/15 22:33:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/27/15 2:50:44: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/27/15 2:50:44: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/27/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00 06/27/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01 06/27/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=02 06/27/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=03 06/27/15 3:01:05: EVT#06147-06/27/15 3:01:05: 39=Patrol Read started 06/27/15 3:37:01: prCallback: PR completed for pd=00 06/27/15 3:37:05: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01 06/27/15 6:14:59: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/27/15 6:15:00: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/27/15 6:24:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/27/15 9:05:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/27/15 10:43:09: prCallback: PR completed for pd=03 06/27/15 10:43:18: prCallback: PR completed for pd=02 06/27/15 10:43:18: PR cycle complete 06/27/15 10:43:18: EVT#06148-06/27/15 10:43:18: 35=Patrol Read complete 06/27/15 10:43:18: Next PR scheduled to start at 07/04/15 3:01:05 06/27/15 11:07:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/27/15 15:59:41: empty i2c int 00000000 06/27/15 19:04:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/27/15 22:50:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/27/15 22:50:52: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/27/15 23:05:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/28/15 1:09:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/28/15 1:38:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/28/15 6:59:34: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/28/15 6:59:34: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/28/15 8:29:44: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/28/15 11:14:21: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/28/15 11:14:21: empty i2c int 00000000 06/28/15 13:47:51: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/28/15 13:47:51: empty i2c int 00000000 06/28/15 15:04:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 06/28/15 17:52:51: empty i2c int 00000000 06/29/15 0:32:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/29/15 22:26:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/29/15 22:42:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/29/15 22:42:54: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/30/15 1:12:58: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/30/15 1:55:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/30/15 7:30:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/30/15 10:45:44: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 06/30/15 10:45:44: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 06/30/15 12:24:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/30/15 12:24:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/30/15 12:35:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 06/30/15 12:35:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/01/15 0:16:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/01/15 0:17:04: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/01/15 0:17:04: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/01/15 1:02:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/01/15 1:46:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/01/15 2:16:54: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/01/15 3:18:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/01/15 13:33:02: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/01/15 14:19:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/01/15 20:16:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/01/15 22:48:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/01/15 23:17:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/02/15 0:03:58: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/02/15 2:31:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/02/15 4:01:59: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/02/15 4:29:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/02/15 4:57:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/02/15 6:14:31: empty i2c int 00000000 07/02/15 6:59:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/02/15 7:16:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/02/15 10:55:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/02/15 11:07:02: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/02/15 11:54:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/02/15 14:27:37: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/02/15 15:32:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/02/15 18:09:08: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/02/15 19:08:22: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/02/15 21:11:42: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/03/15 1:01:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/03/15 7:54:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/03/15 10:40:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/03/15 14:59:21: empty i2c int 00000000 07/03/15 15:00:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/03/15 17:05:18: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/03/15 17:47:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/03/15 22:32:51: empty i2c int 00000000 07/03/15 23:20:02: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/04/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00 07/04/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01 07/04/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=02 07/04/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=03 07/04/15 3:01:05: EVT#06149-07/04/15 3:01:05: 39=Patrol Read started 07/04/15 3:22:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeprCallback: PR completed for pd=00 07/04/15 3:38:46: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01 07/04/15 6:32:52: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/04/15 6:33:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeprCallback: PR completed for pd=03 07/04/15 10:43:28: prCallback: PR completed for pd=02 07/04/15 10:43:28: PR cycle complete 07/04/15 10:43:28: EVT#06150-07/04/15 10:43:28: 35=Patrol Read complete 07/04/15 10:43:28: Next PR scheduled to start at 07/11/15 3:01:05 07/04/15 11:31:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/04/15 17:55:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/05/15 1:02:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/05/15 1:16:21: empty i2c int 00000000 07/05/15 2:19:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/05/15 6:34:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/05/15 11:38:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/05/15 19:43:51: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/05/15 19:43:51: empty i2c int 00000000 07/05/15 19:43:52: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/05/15 23:33:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/05/15 23:33:02: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/05/15 23:51:13: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/06/15 1:32:41: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/06/15 1:32:41: empty i2c int 00000000 07/06/15 6:51:32: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/06/15 15:58:34: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/06/15 15:58:34: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/06/15 15:58:34: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/06/15 19:03:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/07/15 5:27:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/07/15 12:49:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/07/15 15:40:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/07/15 15:41:01: empty i2c int 00000000 07/07/15 16:53:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/07/15 17:34:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/07/15 18:11:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/07/15 19:40:51: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/07/15 19:40:51: empty i2c int 00000000 07/07/15 20:59:11: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/07/15 20:59:11: empty i2c int 00000000 07/07/15 20:59:34: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/07/15 20:59:34: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/07/15 22:10:02: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/08/15 0:58:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/08/15 1:41:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/08/15 8:36:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/08/15 10:37:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/08/15 10:51:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/08/15 11:50:31: empty i2c int 00000000 07/08/15 11:50:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/08/15 12:44:25: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/08/15 13:37:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/08/15 14:21:51: empty i2c int 00000000 07/08/15 14:22:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/08/15 21:23:21: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/08/15 21:23:21: empty i2c int 00000000 07/08/15 21:23:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/08/15 23:26:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/09/15 7:18:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/09/15 8:05:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/09/15 14:22:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/09/15 21:16:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/09/15 21:34:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/09/15 22:19:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/09/15 22:19:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/09/15 23:20:34: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/09/15 23:20:34: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/09/15 23:57:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/10/15 6:21:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/10/15 6:21:22: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/10/15 6:37:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/10/15 8:57:00: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/10/15 10:24:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/10/15 10:46:09: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/10/15 14:59:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/10/15 19:36:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/11/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00 07/11/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01 07/11/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=02 07/11/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=03 07/11/15 3:01:05: EVT#06151-07/11/15 3:01:05: 39=Patrol Read started 07/11/15 3:40:29: prCallback: PR completed for pd=00 07/11/15 3:40:34: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01 07/11/15 5:00:10: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/11/15 5:31:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/11/15 6:16:28: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/11/15 6:35:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/11/15 6:35:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/11/15 6:46:31: empty i2c int 00000000 07/11/15 6:58:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/11/15 7:27:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/11/15 7:57:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/11/15 8:22:06: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/11/15 9:56:29: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/11/15 10:17:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/11/15 10:43:07: prCallback: PR completed for pd=03 07/11/15 10:43:26: prCallback: PR completed for pd=02 07/11/15 10:43:26: PR cycle complete 07/11/15 10:43:26: EVT#06152-07/11/15 10:43:26: 35=Patrol Read complete 07/11/15 10:43:26: Next PR scheduled to start at 07/18/15 3:01:05 07/11/15 14:05:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/11/15 15:49:21: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/11/15 15:49:21: empty i2c int 00000000 07/11/15 21:43:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/11/15 22:45:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/12/15 1:47:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/12/15 4:59:41: empty i2c int 00000000 07/12/15 5:29:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/12/15 7:00:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/12/15 10:41:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/12/15 10:41:22: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/12/15 11:27:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/12/15 17:34:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/12/15 23:14:21: empty i2c int 00000000 07/12/15 23:45:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/13/15 6:51:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/13/15 9:56:24: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/13/15 11:11:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/13/15 11:42:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/13/15 20:21:11: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/13/15 20:21:11: empty i2c int 00000000 07/13/15 22:20:17: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/14/15 0:54:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/14/15 3:38:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/14/15 3:38:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/14/15 5:22:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/14/15 6:40:04: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/14/15 9:42:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/14/15 14:16:34: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/14/15 15:11:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/14/15 16:58:31: empty i2c int 00000000 07/14/15 17:28:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/14/15 22:34:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/14/15 22:34:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/15/15 15:10:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/15/15 19:02:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/15/15 23:58:52: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/16/15 3:41:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/16/15 6:00:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/16/15 6:46:41: empty i2c int 00000000 07/16/15 7:48:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/16/15 8:49:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/16/15 12:28:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/16/15 16:47:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/16/15 20:04:31: empty i2c int 00000000 07/16/15 22:04:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/17/15 1:08:04: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/17/15 1:08:04: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/17/15 3:10:14: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/17/15 3:10:14: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/17/15 3:47:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/17/15 6:01:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/17/15 6:45:11: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/17/15 6:45:11: empty i2c int 00000000 07/17/15 8:33:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/17/15 10:21:13: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/17/15 13:23:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/17/15 23:21:18: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/17/15 23:53:59: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/18/15 1:02:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/18/15 1:32:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/18/15 2:02:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/18/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00 07/18/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01 07/18/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=02 07/18/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=03 07/18/15 3:01:05: EVT#06153-07/18/15 3:01:05: 39=Patrol Read started 07/18/15 3:03:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/18/15 3:03:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/18/15 3:34:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/18/15 3:42:06: prCallback: PR completed for pd=00 07/18/15 3:42:40: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01 07/18/15 3:50:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/18/15 4:22:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/18/15 4:49:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/18/15 5:46:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/18/15 5:46:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/18/15 5:46:43: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/18/15 6:13:48: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/18/15 6:41:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/18/15 7:22:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/18/15 8:17:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/18/15 9:35:17: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/18/15 10:43:10: prCallback: PR completed for pd=03 07/18/15 10:43:19: prCallback: PR completed for pd=02 07/18/15 10:43:19: PR cycle complete 07/18/15 10:43:19: EVT#06154-07/18/15 10:43:19: 35=Patrol Read complete 07/18/15 10:43:19: Next PR scheduled to start at 07/25/15 3:01:05 07/18/15 11:16:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/18/15 17:55:31: empty i2c int 00000000 07/18/15 17:55:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/19/15 1:31:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/19/15 7:18:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/19/15 7:18:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/19/15 7:49:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/19/15 13:22:11: empty i2c int 00000000 07/19/15 14:07:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/19/15 17:29:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/20/15 5:20:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/20/15 6:07:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/20/15 10:15:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/20/15 14:06:57: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/20/15 17:34:07: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/20/15 20:16:22: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/20/15 23:51:24: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/20/15 23:51:24: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/20/15 23:51:24: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/21/15 1:37:24: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/21/15 1:37:24: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/21/15 7:46:16: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/21/15 8:01:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/21/15 10:16:41: empty i2c int 00000000 07/21/15 10:35:58: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/21/15 10:36:00: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/21/15 21:33:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/22/15 9:26:41: empty i2c int 00000000 07/22/15 16:17:40: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/22/15 22:28:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/23/15 1:15:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/23/15 1:43:02: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/23/15 1:43:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/23/15 4:49:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/23/15 4:49:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/23/15 6:07:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/23/15 6:07:24: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/23/15 9:22:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/23/15 13:55:41: empty i2c int 00000000 07/23/15 15:29:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/23/15 17:01:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/24/15 1:36:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/24/15 5:09:42: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/24/15 5:40:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/24/15 9:30:41: empty i2c int 00000000 07/24/15 14:29:29: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/25/15 2:37:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/25/15 2:38:05: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/25/15 2:38:05: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/25/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00 07/25/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01 07/25/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=02 07/25/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=03 07/25/15 3:01:05: EVT#06155-07/25/15 3:01:05: 39=Patrol Read started 07/25/15 3:41:55: prCallback: PR completed for pd=00 07/25/15 3:42:27: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01 07/25/15 4:09:51: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/25/15 4:09:51: empty i2c int 00000000 07/25/15 4:10:01: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/25/15 4:10:01: empty i2c int 00000000 07/25/15 5:41:35: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/25/15 8:26:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/25/15 8:27:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/25/15 10:24:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/25/15 10:25:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/25/15 10:43:15: prCallback: PR completed for pd=03 07/25/15 10:43:28: prCallback: PR completed for pd=02 07/25/15 10:43:28: PR cycle complete 07/25/15 10:43:28: EVT#06156-07/25/15 10:43:28: 35=Patrol Read complete 07/25/15 10:43:28: Next PR scheduled to start at 08/01/15 3:01:05 07/25/15 12:42:14: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 07/25/15 12:42:14: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/25/15 13:03:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/25/15 15:53:21: empty i2c int 00000000 07/25/15 16:08:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/26/15 1:01:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/26/15 1:13:31: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/26/15 1:13:31: empty i2c int 00000000 07/26/15 2:26:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/26/15 4:13:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/26/15 7:41:21: empty i2c int 00000000 07/26/15 7:55:02: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/26/15 9:10:21: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/26/15 9:10:21: empty i2c int 00000000 07/26/15 9:10:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/26/15 9:56:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/26/15 9:56:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/26/15 9:56:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/26/15 12:57:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/26/15 22:19:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/27/15 3:09:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/27/15 3:23:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/27/15 3:45:59: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/27/15 5:55:04: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/27/15 8:03:42: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/27/15 9:03:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/27/15 11:52:41: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/27/15 11:52:41: empty i2c int 00000000 07/27/15 18:19:58: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/27/15 23:40:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/28/15 1:26:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/28/15 10:18:31: empty i2c int 00000000 07/28/15 10:48:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/28/15 16:44:08: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/28/15 18:28:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/28/15 21:10:59: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/29/15 1:01:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/29/15 2:01:34: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/29/15 2:01:34: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/29/15 8:37:24: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/29/15 8:37:24: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/29/15 10:07:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/29/15 13:44:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/29/15 14:45:51: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/29/15 14:45:51: empty i2c int 00000000 07/29/15 15:47:51: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/29/15 15:47:51: empty i2c int 00000000 07/29/15 15:48:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/30/15 0:46:31: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/30/15 0:46:31: empty i2c int 00000000 07/30/15 1:32:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/30/15 1:48:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/30/15 7:40:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/30/15 10:41:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/30/15 13:03:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/30/15 14:47:31: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/30/15 14:47:31: empty i2c int 00000000 07/30/15 15:32:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/30/15 20:51:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/30/15 21:25:28: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/30/15 21:54:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/30/15 22:23:11: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 07/30/15 22:23:11: empty i2c int 00000000 07/31/15 0:42:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/31/15 1:55:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 07/31/15 2:10:54: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/31/15 3:59:37: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/31/15 5:29:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 07/31/15 11:25:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/01/15 1:28:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/01/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00 08/01/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01 08/01/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=02 08/01/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=03 08/01/15 3:01:05: EVT#06157-08/01/15 3:01:05: 39=Patrol Read started 08/01/15 3:11:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/01/15 3:53:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeprCallback: PR completed for pd=01 08/01/15 3:55:51: prCallback: PR completed for pd=00 08/01/15 5:40:16: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/01/15 5:44:18: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/01/15 6:02:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/01/15 6:12:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/01/15 6:32:07: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/01/15 7:20:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/01/15 9:52:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/01/15 10:43:14: prCallback: PR completed for pd=02 08/01/15 10:43:20: prCallback: PR completed for pd=03 08/01/15 10:43:20: PR cycle complete 08/01/15 10:43:20: EVT#06158-08/01/15 10:43:20: 35=Patrol Read complete 08/01/15 10:43:20: Next PR scheduled to start at 08/08/15 3:01:05 08/01/15 11:26:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/01/15 12:26:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/01/15 14:45:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/01/15 18:48:51: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/01/15 18:48:51: empty i2c int 00000000 08/01/15 22:38:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/02/15 0:18:22: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/02/15 0:33:01: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/02/15 0:33:01: empty i2c int 00000000 08/02/15 0:47:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/02/15 0:47:52: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/02/15 1:33:11: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/02/15 1:33:11: empty i2c int 00000000 08/02/15 2:41:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/02/15 4:10:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/02/15 4:26:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/02/15 5:09:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/02/15 6:10:01: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/02/15 6:10:01: empty i2c int 00000000 08/02/15 6:37:34: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/02/15 7:32:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/02/15 14:37:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/02/15 16:42:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/02/15 22:34:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/03/15 4:56:23: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/03/15 5:25:31: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/03/15 5:25:31: empty i2c int 00000000 08/03/15 5:40:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/03/15 9:13:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/03/15 11:31:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/03/15 13:05:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/03/15 13:20:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/03/15 13:50:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/03/15 15:37:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/04/15 1:04:16: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/04/15 2:49:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 08/04/15 9:02:14: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/04/15 9:43:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/04/15 11:14:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/04/15 11:30:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/04/15 13:17:42: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 08/04/15 15:52:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/04/15 20:58:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/05/15 8:07:34: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/05/15 8:07:38: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 08/05/15 11:42:34: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/05/15 14:28:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/06/15 0:05:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/06/15 0:20:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/06/15 18:33:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/06/15 18:33:35: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 08/06/15 18:33:35: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/06/15 21:12:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/06/15 22:00:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/07/15 1:11:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/07/15 1:27:34: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/07/15 1:27:34: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/07/15 4:30:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/07/15 16:16:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/07/15 23:08:24: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/08/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00 08/08/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01 08/08/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=02 08/08/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=03 08/08/15 3:01:05: EVT#06159-08/08/15 3:01:05: 39=Patrol Read started 08/08/15 3:06:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/08/15 3:06:32: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/08/15 3:06:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/08/15 3:39:36: prCallback: PR completed for pd=00 08/08/15 3:40:16: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01 08/08/15 6:12:10: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/08/15 8:12:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/08/15 10:14:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/08/15 10:43:06: prCallback: PR completed for pd=03 08/08/15 10:43:17: prCallback: PR completed for pd=02 08/08/15 10:43:17: PR cycle complete 08/08/15 10:43:17: EVT#06160-08/08/15 10:43:17: 35=Patrol Read complete 08/08/15 10:43:17: Next PR scheduled to start at 08/15/15 3:01:05 08/08/15 11:47:11: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/08/15 11:47:11: empty i2c int 00000000 08/08/15 14:21:01: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/08/15 14:21:01: empty i2c int 00000000 08/08/15 14:52:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/08/15 17:56:11: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/08/15 17:56:11: empty i2c int 00000000 08/08/15 18:41:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/08/15 20:29:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/08/15 20:29:51: empty i2c int 00000000 08/08/15 20:30:02: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/08/15 23:50:14: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/08/15 23:50:14: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/09/15 4:40:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/09/15 6:10:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/09/15 8:38:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/09/15 10:35:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/09/15 10:35:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/09/15 11:30:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/09/15 18:41:01: empty i2c int 00000000 08/09/15 19:57:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 08/09/15 23:00:14: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/10/15 1:10:11: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/10/15 1:10:11: empty i2c int 00000000 08/10/15 1:24:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/10/15 3:53:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/10/15 4:09:04: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 08/10/15 4:09:04: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/10/15 7:44:29: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/10/15 12:10:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/10/15 18:01:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/10/15 18:01:42: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/10/15 19:48:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/10/15 21:05:41: empty i2c int 00000000 08/10/15 21:05:51: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/10/15 21:05:51: empty i2c int 00000000 08/10/15 21:06:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/10/15 23:04:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/11/15 0:00:24: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/11/15 0:46:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/11/15 1:17:52: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 08/11/15 3:33:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modePatrolReadTimer: Clearing PR completion bitmaps; next clear scheduled for 08/11/15 16:35:15 08/11/15 18:20:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/11/15 20:08:14: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/11/15 20:54:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/11/15 21:40:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/12/15 1:24:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/12/15 1:24:51: empty i2c int 00000000 08/12/15 6:08:21: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/12/15 6:08:21: empty i2c int 00000000 08/12/15 6:23:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/12/15 10:49:02: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 08/12/15 14:54:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/12/15 16:09:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 08/12/15 17:41:51: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/12/15 23:15:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/12/15 23:44:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/13/15 3:04:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/13/15 9:22:51: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/13/15 9:22:51: empty i2c int 00000000 08/13/15 9:53:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/13/15 10:09:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/13/15 10:22:51: empty i2c int 00000000 08/13/15 11:08:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/13/15 13:12:31: empty i2c int 00000000 08/13/15 13:55:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/13/15 16:10:03: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/13/15 16:29:30: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/13/15 19:22:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/13/15 21:24:31: empty i2c int 00000000 08/13/15 21:40:11: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/13/15 22:26:51: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/14/15 1:42:02: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 08/14/15 1:43:01: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/14/15 1:43:01: empty i2c int 00000000 08/14/15 2:27:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/14/15 5:01:41: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/14/15 5:51:08: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/14/15 5:51:09: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/14/15 9:09:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/14/15 13:47:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/14/15 19:09:11: empty i2c int 00000000 08/14/15 19:09:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/14/15 22:43:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeprDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00 08/15/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01 08/15/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=02 08/15/15 3:01:05: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=03 08/15/15 3:01:05: EVT#06161-08/15/15 3:01:05: 39=Patrol Read started 08/15/15 3:45:16: prCallback: PR completed for pd=00 08/15/15 3:45:22: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01 08/15/15 3:48:21: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/15/15 3:48:31: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/15/15 5:45:21: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/15/15 5:45:21: empty i2c int 00000000 08/15/15 5:58:46: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/15/15 6:12:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/15/15 6:34:54: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/15/15 6:34:54: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/15/15 6:35:46: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/15/15 6:52:52: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/15/15 7:29:56: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/15/15 10:43:24: prCallback: PR completed for pd=03 08/15/15 10:43:35: prCallback: PR completed for pd=02 08/15/15 10:43:35: PR cycle complete 08/15/15 10:43:35: EVT#06162-08/15/15 10:43:35: 35=Patrol Read complete 08/15/15 10:43:35: Next PR scheduled to start at 08/22/15 3:01:05 08/15/15 10:49:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/15/15 13:51:44: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 08/15/15 13:51:44: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/15/15 16:07:11: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/15/15 20:28:31: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/16/15 1:57:02: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/16/15 2:15:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/16/15 6:49:01: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/16/15 9:50:58: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/16/15 9:50:59: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/16/15 13:20:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/16/15 22:17:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/17/15 2:06:01: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeIn I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/17/15 8:37:41: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/17/15 8:37:41: empty i2c int 00000000 08/17/15 8:52:21: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/17/15 11:12:11: empty i2c int 00000000 08/17/15 11:12:24: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 08/17/15 11:12:24: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/17/15 14:55:41: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/17/15 21:18:02: EVT#06163-08/17/15 21:18:02: 30=Event log cleared 08/17/15 21:18:45: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete 08/17/15 21:18:45: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command 08/17/15 21:18:45: EVT#06164-08/17/15 21:18:45: 42=Shutdown command received from host T3: EVT#06165-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0073/1000/1f4e/1028) T3: EVT#06166-T3: 1=Firmware version 2.121.14-3416 T3: I2C 0 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: I2C 1 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: Temperature sensor handle opened as 1 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - config 83 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - status 0 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - config 80 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - conv rate 2 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - int hi lim 7f T4: Temperature sensor is responding - int low lim c9 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - ext hi lim 7f T4: Temperature sensor is responding - ext low lim c9 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - dev id 4d T4: request temp sensor i2c T4: I2C 2 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [2]0x20 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: SBR: I2Chandle obtained for SBR 21 T4: Raw SBR Image data: T4: DRAM SIZE=0 MB T4: Init flash timings : FlashTimeNs c8 NvsTimeNs 78 T4: setPhyMap: phy = 0 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 2 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 3 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 4 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 5 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 6 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 7 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 8 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 9 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 10 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 11 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 12 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 13 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 14 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 15 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 16 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 17 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 18 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 19 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 20 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 21 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 22 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 23 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: Environment data: T4: VERSIONS=BIOS_4.37.00_4.12.05.00_0x05290003,HIIM_01.41.00,APP_2.121.14-3416,PCLI_03.02-015:#%00008,CTLR_3.00-0024,NVDT_3.09.03-0039,BTBL_2.02.00.00-0001 T4: PACKAGE=20.13.0-0007 T4: Flashable=1000_0073_1028_1f4e T4: VALIDATION=GCA_05/02/14_13:06:48 T4: MFC data: T4: vendorId/deviceId=1000/0073, subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f4e, OEM=2, SubOem=0, isRaidKeySecondary=0 T4: MFCF: clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=0, disableWideCache=0 T4: disableRaid5=0, enableSecurity=0, enableReducedFeatureSet=0 T4: enableCTIO=1 enableSnapshot=0 enableSSC=0 T4: MFCD: sasAddr=5c81f660d254e700, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00 T4: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4 T4: writeBack=0, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0 T4: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined) T4: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None) T4: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0 T4: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0 T4: maxChainedEnclosures=4, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1 T4: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0 T4: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1 T4: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=1 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 T4: enableLedHeaders=0 useFdeOnly=1 delayPOST=0 enableCrashDump=0 enableLDBBM=1 T4: allowUnCertifiedHDDs=1 treatR1EAsR10=1, maxLdsPerArray=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T4: failPdOnSMARTer=0 nonRevertibleSpares=0, T4: snapVDSpace=a, autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a T4: disablePowerSavings=7f spinDownTime=1e T4: enableJBOD=1 ttyLogInFlash=1 T4: breakMirrorRAIDSupport=1, disableJoinMirror=1 T4: MFC MFG data: T4: date=10/11/13, sn="3A70006", reworkDate=10/11/13, rev="A05" T4: can_flush = 0 T5: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex) T5: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10 T5: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e T5: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e T5: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=4, spinupDelay=c T5: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0 T5: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=1, eccBucketSize=f T5: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0 T5: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0 T5: disallowHostRequestReordering=0 T5: abortCCOnError=0, copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0 T5: prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1, useFdeOnly=1 T5: disableNCQ=0, SSDSMARTerEnabled=0, SSDPatrolReadEnabled=0 T5: enableSpinDownUnconfigured=0, disableSpinDownHS=1, spinDownTime=1e, autoEnhancedImport=0, enableSecretKeyControl=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T5: enableJBOD=1 T5: allowBootWithPinnedCache=0 T5: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, useDiskActivityForLocate=0 T5: OnOffProperties=c0447118 T5: autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a, snapVDSpace=a T5: defaultPSPolicy=fe autoPSPolicySupported=0 T5: maxPSPolicySupported=0 cachedWritesSupported=0 T5: disablePSTime=0 disablPSInterval=0 T5: spinupEnclDriveCount=6 spinupEnclDelay=8 T5: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 0x280 bytes T5: powerSaveInit: Init structures T5: EVT#06167-T5: 261=Package version 20.13.0-0007 T5: EVT#06168-T5: 266=Board Revision A05 T5: RAID_READY_QUEUE_START_ADDR=c0600000 T5: ready_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=74e0 T5: rebuild_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=1760 T5: line_info startAddr=c05e74c0 len=dec0 T5: ready_list=c05f6b60 (e9c elements) T5: rebuild_list=c05f53c0 (2ec elements) T5: lines_info=c05e74c0 (dec elements) T5: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=0 T5: MEM_END_ADDR=0 T5: KM_KeyMgmtInitTRNG: security is not enabled T5: Device Module Version 1.1 Date May 2 2014 Time 14:33:13 T5: PCI Device Info: T5: vendorid = 0 T5: deviceid = 0 T5: bar0 = 1 T5: bar1 = 4 T5: bar2 = 0 T5: bar3 = 4 T5: bar4 = 0 T5: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1 T5: Chip=0 vendorId 0000 deviceId 0000 T5: Pl firmware version T5: Do not set SEP GPIO Bit during Init T5: PLMEM INFO : start address = 0xc0079900 End=0xc0089900 T5: index 0x00, size 0x00001600, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc0079900 T5: index 0x01, size 0x00000800, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007af00 T5: index 0x02, size 0x00000010, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b700 T5: index 0x03, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b720 T6: index 0x04, size 0x00000840, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047d2a0 T6: index 0x07, size 0x00000c00, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047dae0 T6: index 0x08, size 0x000000b0, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e6e0 T6: index 0x09, size 0x00001400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e7a0 T6: index 0x0a, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007fba0 T6: index 0x0c, size 0x00000014, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffa0 T6: index 0x0d, size 0x00005000, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffc0 T6: index 0x0e, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e50c0 T6: index 0x0f, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x04, Addr 0xc05e5060 T6: index 0x10, size 0x000000a8, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e4f60 T6: index 0x11, size 0x00001a40, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e34e0 T6: index 0x12, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3480 T6: index 0x13, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3420 T6: index 0x14, size 0x0000030c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e30c0 T6: index 0x15, size 0x0000001a, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3060 T6: index 0x16, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2c20 T6: index 0x17, size 0x00000360, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2880 T6: index 0x18, size 0x00000090, Attrbute 0x13, Addr 0xc01e27a0 T6: index 0x19, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2740 T6: index 0x1a, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc0484fc0 T6: index 0x1b, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e26e0 T6: index 0x1c, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2680 T6: index 0x1d, size 0x00000074, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc0084fe0 T6: index 0x1e, size 0x00000334, Attrbute 0x14, Addr 0xc01e2300 T6: Total Memory allocated to PL: static = 0000b754 Dyn=4502 total=fc56 T6: Current head after allocating PL mem: c0085054 T6: SGL FRAME INFO: Start address in SRAM is : xc0085060 T6: DM_PL_AllocReqFrames: Max SGL frames in SRAM: 48 T6: From SRAM: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames x48 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc0485060 T6: Total memory allocated for SGL Frames in SRAM is : x4800 T6: Allocating left over xb8 SGL frames in DDR at address : xc05d6ac0 T6: From DDR: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames xb8 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc05d6ac0 T6: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete T7: Disabling UART for 120s due to discovery T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_ENCL_DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGE T7: DM_HndlEnclStatusChgEvnt: EnclosureHandle x0001 Reason x01 PhysicalPort 0 T7: ELI 5c81f660d254e700 NumSlots x0009 StartSlot x0000 PhyBits x00000000 IOCLogInfo x00000000 IOCStatus x0000 T7: Ctrl enclosure device added T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x8 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x08 devHandle x0009 parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x08 slot x09 deviceInfo=x00004801 sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700 T7: Device is SEP T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x4 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x04 devHandle x000a parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x04 slot x03 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b58629 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x5 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x05 devHandle x000b parentDevHdl x0002 phyNum x05 slot x02 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x6 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x06 devHandle x000c parentDevHdl x0003 phyNum x06 slot x01 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b214495 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x7 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x07 devHandle x000d parentDevHdl x0004 phyNum x07 slot x00 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T7: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T7: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T7: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte T7: I2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T8: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T8: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x04 StartPhy=x0 T8: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T8: Phy changed - phy 00 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 01 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 02 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 03 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 2 Count 0 InitState 0 T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T8: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T30: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 0 Count 0 InitState 0 T30: First discovery completed in 23 seconds T30: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = c05e7000 size 150 T30: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0 T30: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8 T30: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY1: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY2: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY3: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY4: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY5: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY6: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY7: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0 T30: DISM: Queued! T30: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400 T30: DevId=0 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T30: DevId=1 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T30: DevId=2 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T30: DevId=3 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448000) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448040 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T30: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 0 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T30: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 1 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x0 uniqueTag = 0x27f7f747 T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x27f7f747 T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x1 uniqueTag = 0x400159db T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x400159db T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x2 uniqueTag = 0xfc7731b T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0xfc7731b T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x3 uniqueTag = 0x5e4e470a T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x5e4e470a T30: Dell Encl Found !! enclPd = 20 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x1 T30: devId 0 - slot num - 0 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x3 T30: devId 1 - slot num - 1 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x7 T30: devId 2 - slot num - 2 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0xf T30: devId 3 - slot num - 3 T30: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal T30: DISM Complete T30: gDevInfo=c0566ca0, size=160 T30: Total Device = 5 T30: PD Flags Size S N F Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH WU BFw BRev T30: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T30: 0 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 00 5000c5001b213cb5 03 07 0d 0 NA NA T30: 1 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 01 5000c5001b214495 02 06 0c 0 NA NA T30: 2 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 02 5000c50057b584e1 01 05 0b 1 NA NA T30: 3 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 03 5000c50057b58629 00 04 0a 1 NA NA T30: 20 01400005 0 0 0 0 DP BP12G+ 1.00 0 0 20 5d81f060d254e700 00 08 09 0 NA NA T30: 42 00400005 0 0 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 3416 0 0 ffff 0 00 ff 00 0 NA NA T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b58629 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b584e1 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b214495 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b213cb5 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 5 Path1PDs 0 T30: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 15 T30: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started T30: SES_GenericCallback: enclPd=20...RDM_STATUS =1 retries: 0 T30: Cmd Details: 1c 01 00 00 20 00 T30: SES General Error on EnclPd:20 sts:1 RetryCount:0 msg:c0450400 txfrAddr:c05870c0 T31: SES_InitSMNextState: Supports BP Bay ID T31: SES_InitSMNextState:SES_INIT_STATUS_PAGE_GET:SES_BPBayElmIdentified is set T31: Dell slot Offset = 0 T31: EVT#06169-T31: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p1) communication restored T31: EVT#06170-T31: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20 T31: EVT#06171-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=00, sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06172-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) T31: EVT#06173-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06174-T31: 236=PD 00(e0x20/s0) is not a certified drive T31: EVT#06175-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) T31: EVT#06176-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5001b214495,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06177-T31: 236=PD 01(e0x20/s1) is not a certified drive T31: EVT#06178-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) T31: EVT#06179-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06180-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) T31: EVT#06181-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50057b58629,0000000000000000 T31: StaggeredSpinUp complete T31: Fusion Mfi init: Hi Priority FIFO: c0446e7800000002 T31: KM_KeyMgmtInit: security is not enabled T31: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=c05cd820 T31: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config T31: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0 T31: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=1, span=0 from pd=2 at partition=0 T31: missingSpan =0 T31: missingSpan =0 T31: ddfInitStatus: 0 T31: configRaid: adding to raid config T31: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0 T31: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=1 span=0 T31: ddfInitStatus after CheckForOfflinePRL11VDs : 0 T44: Leave init_cache early because cal_cache_size returned TRUE T44: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T44: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T44: GetCacheMemoryFromHost: Get memory from host T44: Host Mem Base address=cd42c000 T44: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 T44: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 T44: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 T44: Cache initialization complete...Config info T44: ARs configured: 2 T44: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) T44: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) T44: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T44: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 T44: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T44: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 T44: wjNBInit: Initializing write journal NB entries T44: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs T44: DDF_TimestampGet: using nvram time=08/17 21:18:45 + rtc=44 to set timestamp T44: EVT#06182-T44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T44: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd T45: EVT#06183-T45: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T45: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T45: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T45: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd 08/17/15 21:20:48: EVT#06184-08/17/15 21:20:48: 44=Time established as 08/17/15 21:20:48; (45 seconds since power on) 08/17/15 21:20:48: ccScheduleSetNextStartTime: RTC_TimeStamp=1d650cb0, nextStartTime=1d6aa272 08/17/15 21:20:48: Next cc scheduled to start at 08/22/15 3:01:06 08/17/15 21:21:07: Total memory available for disk cache: 1bf0000 08/17/15 21:21:07: Total Number of Cache Lines 447 08/17/15 21:21:07: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=447 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 08/17/15 21:21:07: Cache initialization complete...Config info 08/17/15 21:21:07: ARs configured: 2 08/17/15 21:21:07: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 08/17/15 21:21:07: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 08/17/15 21:21:07: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 08/17/15 21:21:07: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 08/17/15 21:21:07: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 08/17/15 21:21:07: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 08/17/15 21:21:07: LOAD section: src=fe0c01ce, size=59241, dst=0, mode=1...done 08/17/15 21:21:07: appLoad: set flag to stop loading bios in MfiCmdDone 08/17/15 21:21:07: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 08/17/15 21:21:07: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 08/17/15 21:21:07: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 08/17/15 21:21:07: Cache initialization complete...Config info 08/17/15 21:21:07: ARs configured: 2 08/17/15 21:21:07: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 08/17/15 21:21:07: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 08/17/15 21:21:07: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 08/17/15 21:21:07: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 08/17/15 21:21:07: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 08/17/15 21:21:07: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 08/17/15 21:21:18: FS: Running in iMR Mode 08/17/15 21:21:18: FS: Running in iMR Mode 08/17/15 21:21:18: EVT#06185-08/17/15 21:21:18: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:21:18: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:21:18: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 08/17/15 21:21:18: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:21:18: EVT#06186-08/17/15 21:21:18: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:21:18: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:21:18: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 08/17/15 21:21:18: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:21:19: FS: Running in iMR Mode 08/17/15 21:21:19: FS: Running in iMR Mode 08/17/15 21:21:19: EVT#06187-08/17/15 21:21:19: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:21:19: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:21:19: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 08/17/15 21:21:19: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0462400) Cmd=3, Sns=c0462440 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:21:19: EVT#06188-08/17/15 21:21:19: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:21:19: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:21:19: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 08/17/15 21:21:19: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0462200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0462240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:21:21: FS: Running in iMR Mode 08/17/15 21:21:22: FS: Running in iMR Mode 08/17/15 21:21:22: EVT#06189-08/17/15 21:21:22: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:21:22: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:21:22: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 08/17/15 21:21:22: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0463200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0463240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:21:22: EVT#06190-08/17/15 21:21:22: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:21:22: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:21:22: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 08/17/15 21:21:22: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0463600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0463640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:21:22: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/17/15 21:21:22: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/17/15 21:21:23: FS: Running in iMR Mode 08/17/15 21:21:23: FS: Running in iMR Mode 08/17/15 21:21:24: EVT#06191-08/17/15 21:21:24: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:21:24: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:21:24: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 08/17/15 21:21:24: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0464200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0464240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:21:24: EVT#06192-08/17/15 21:21:24: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:21:24: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:21:24: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 08/17/15 21:21:24: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0464600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0464640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:21:45: PS policy is disabled on ld=0 08/17/15 21:21:45: PS policy is disabled on ld=1 08/17/15 21:21:45: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 08/17/15 21:21:45: EVT#06193-08/17/15 21:21:45: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 08/17/15 21:21:45: skinny Reclaim memory reserved for pre-boot: All IO over - re-initializing cache 08/17/15 21:21:45: Total memory available for disk cache: 2000000 08/17/15 21:21:45: Total Number of Cache Lines 512 08/17/15 21:21:45: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=512 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80000000 LDs: 0 1 08/17/15 21:21:45: Cache initialization complete...Config info 08/17/15 21:21:45: ARs configured: 2 08/17/15 21:21:45: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 08/17/15 21:21:45: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 08/17/15 21:21:45: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 08/17/15 21:21:45: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 08/17/15 21:21:45: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 08/17/15 21:21:45: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 08/17/15 21:21:45: MSI-X Enabled: MSIX offset = 00002000 08/17/15 21:21:45: MSIX[0]: 00000000:fee00000 - 4083 08/17/15 21:21:45: MSIX[1]: 00000000:fee02000 - 4083 08/17/15 21:21:45: MSIX[2]: 00000000:fee04000 - 4083 08/17/15 21:21:45: MSIX[3]: 00000000:fee06000 - 4083 08/17/15 21:21:45: findMsiState: Setting MSI Mode to 2 (0=Legacy, 1=MSI, 2=MSI-X) 08/17/15 21:21:45: MfiCmdInitQueue[0]: FW now OPERATIONAL 08/17/15 21:21:45: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 08/17/15 21:21:45: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb880 08/17/15 21:21:45: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb800, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb804 08/17/15 21:21:45: producerIndex=0 08/17/15 21:21:45: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 08/17/15 21:21:45: EVT#06194-08/17/15 21:21:45: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 08/17/15 21:21:45: MfiCmdInitQueue[1]: FW now OPERATIONAL 08/17/15 21:21:45: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 08/17/15 21:21:45: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb940 08/17/15 21:21:45: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb810, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb814 08/17/15 21:21:45: producerIndex=0 08/17/15 21:21:45: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 08/17/15 21:21:45: EVT#06195-08/17/15 21:21:45: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 08/17/15 21:21:45: MfiCmdInitQueue[2]: FW now OPERATIONAL 08/17/15 21:21:45: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 08/17/15 21:21:45: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eba00 08/17/15 21:21:45: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb820, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb824 08/17/15 21:21:45: producerIndex=0 08/17/15 21:21:45: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 08/17/15 21:21:45: EVT#06196-08/17/15 21:21:45: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 08/17/15 21:21:45: MfiCmdInitQueue[3]: FW now OPERATIONAL 08/17/15 21:21:45: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 08/17/15 21:21:45: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2ebac0 08/17/15 21:21:45: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb830, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb834 08/17/15 21:21:45: producerIndex=0 08/17/15 21:23:36: EVT#06197-08/17/15 21:23:36: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:23:36: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:23:36: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 08/17/15 21:23:36: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0467e00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0467e40 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:23:36: EVT#06198-08/17/15 21:23:36: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:23:36: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:23:36: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 08/17/15 21:23:36: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0450600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0450640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:23:36: EVT#06199-08/17/15 21:23:36: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:23:36: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 08/17/15 21:23:36: EVT#06200-08/17/15 21:23:36: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:23:36: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 08/17/15 21:30:04: EVT#06201-08/17/15 21:30:04: 30=Event log cleared 08/17/15 21:30:24: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete 08/17/15 21:30:24: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command 08/17/15 21:30:24: EVT#06202-08/17/15 21:30:24: 42=Shutdown command received from host T3: EVT#06203-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0073/1000/1f4e/1028) T3: EVT#06204-T3: 1=Firmware version 2.121.14-3416 T3: I2C 0 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: I2C 1 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: Temperature sensor handle opened as 1 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - config 83 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - status 0 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - config 80 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - conv rate 2 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - int hi lim 7f T4: Temperature sensor is responding - int low lim c9 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - ext hi lim 7f T4: Temperature sensor is responding - ext low lim c9 T4: Temperature sensor is responding - dev id 4d T4: request temp sensor i2c T4: I2C 2 reset! T4: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [2]0x20 T4: I2C 0 reset! T4: SBR: I2Chandle obtained for SBR 21 T4: Raw SBR Image data: T4: DRAM SIZE=0 MB T4: Init flash timings : FlashTimeNs c8 NvsTimeNs 78 T4: setPhyMap: phy = 0 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 2 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 3 internalIndex = 0 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 4 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 5 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 6 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 7 internalIndex = 1 externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 8 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 9 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 10 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 11 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 12 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 13 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 14 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 15 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 16 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 17 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 18 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 19 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1a internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1b internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1c internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1d internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1e internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 1f internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 20 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 21 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 22 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: setPhyMap: phy = 23 internalIndex = ff externalIndex = ff T4: Environment data: T4: VERSIONS=BIOS_4.37.00_4.12.05.00_0x05290003,HIIM_01.41.00,APP_2.121.14-3416,PCLI_03.02-015:#%00008,CTLR_3.00-0024,NVDT_3.09.03-0039,BTBL_2.02.00.00-0001 T4: PACKAGE=20.13.0-0007 T4: Flashable=1000_0073_1028_1f4e T4: VALIDATION=GCA_05/02/14_13:06:48 T4: MFC data: T4: vendorId/deviceId=1000/0073, subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f4e, OEM=2, SubOem=0, isRaidKeySecondary=0 T4: MFCF: clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=0, disableWideCache=0 T4: disableRaid5=0, enableSecurity=0, enableReducedFeatureSet=0 T4: enableCTIO=1 enableSnapshot=0 enableSSC=0 T4: MFCD: sasAddr=5c81f660d254e700, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00 T4: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4 T4: writeBack=0, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0 T4: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined) T4: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None) T4: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0 T4: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0 T4: maxChainedEnclosures=4, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1 T4: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0 T4: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1 T4: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=1 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 T4: enableLedHeaders=0 useFdeOnly=1 delayPOST=0 enableCrashDump=0 enableLDBBM=1 T4: allowUnCertifiedHDDs=1 treatR1EAsR10=1, maxLdsPerArray=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T4: failPdOnSMARTer=0 nonRevertibleSpares=0, T4: snapVDSpace=a, autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a T4: disablePowerSavings=7f spinDownTime=1e T4: enableJBOD=1 ttyLogInFlash=1 T4: breakMirrorRAIDSupport=1, disableJoinMirror=1 T4: MFC MFG data: T4: date=10/11/13, sn="3A70006", reworkDate=10/11/13, rev="A05" T4: can_flush = 0 T5: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex) T5: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10 T5: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e T5: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e T5: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=4, spinupDelay=c T5: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0 T5: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=1, eccBucketSize=f T5: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0 T5: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0 T5: disallowHostRequestReordering=0 T5: abortCCOnError=0, copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0 T5: prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1, useFdeOnly=1 T5: disableNCQ=0, SSDSMARTerEnabled=0, SSDPatrolReadEnabled=0 T5: enableSpinDownUnconfigured=0, disableSpinDownHS=1, spinDownTime=1e, autoEnhancedImport=0, enableSecretKeyControl=0, disableOnlineCtrlReset=0 T5: enableJBOD=1 T5: allowBootWithPinnedCache=0 T5: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, useDiskActivityForLocate=0 T5: OnOffProperties=c0447118 T5: autoSnapVDSpace=a, viewSpace=a, snapVDSpace=a T5: defaultPSPolicy=fe autoPSPolicySupported=0 T5: maxPSPolicySupported=0 cachedWritesSupported=0 T5: disablePSTime=0 disablPSInterval=0 T5: spinupEnclDriveCount=6 spinupEnclDelay=8 T5: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 0x280 bytes T5: powerSaveInit: Init structures T5: EVT#06205-T5: 261=Package version 20.13.0-0007 T5: EVT#06206-T5: 266=Board Revision A05 T5: RAID_READY_QUEUE_START_ADDR=c0600000 T5: ready_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=74e0 T5: rebuild_list startAddr=c05f6b60 len=1760 T5: line_info startAddr=c05e74c0 len=dec0 T5: ready_list=c05f6b60 (e9c elements) T5: rebuild_list=c05f53c0 (2ec elements) T5: lines_info=c05e74c0 (dec elements) T5: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=0 T5: MEM_END_ADDR=0 T5: KM_KeyMgmtInitTRNG: security is not enabled T5: Device Module Version 1.1 Date May 2 2014 Time 14:33:13 T5: PCI Device Info: T5: vendorid = 0 T5: deviceid = 0 T5: bar0 = 1 T5: bar1 = 4 T5: bar2 = 0 T5: bar3 = 4 T5: bar4 = 0 T5: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1 T5: Chip=0 vendorId 0000 deviceId 0000 T5: Pl firmware version T5: Do not set SEP GPIO Bit during Init T5: PLMEM INFO : start address = 0xc0079900 End=0xc0089900 T5: index 0x00, size 0x00001600, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc0079900 T5: index 0x01, size 0x00000800, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007af00 T5: index 0x02, size 0x00000010, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b700 T5: index 0x03, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x11, Addr 0xc007b720 T6: index 0x04, size 0x00000840, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047d2a0 T6: index 0x07, size 0x00000c00, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc047dae0 T6: index 0x08, size 0x000000b0, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e6e0 T6: index 0x09, size 0x00001400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007e7a0 T6: index 0x0a, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007fba0 T6: index 0x0c, size 0x00000014, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffa0 T6: index 0x0d, size 0x00005000, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc007ffc0 T6: index 0x0e, size 0x00001b80, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e50c0 T6: index 0x0f, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x04, Addr 0xc05e5060 T6: index 0x10, size 0x000000a8, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e4f60 T6: index 0x11, size 0x00001a40, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e34e0 T6: index 0x12, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3480 T6: index 0x13, size 0x0000001c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3420 T6: index 0x14, size 0x0000030c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e30c0 T6: index 0x15, size 0x0000001a, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e3060 T6: index 0x16, size 0x00000400, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2c20 T6: index 0x17, size 0x00000360, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2880 T6: index 0x18, size 0x00000090, Attrbute 0x13, Addr 0xc01e27a0 T6: index 0x19, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2740 T6: index 0x1a, size 0x0000000c, Attrbute 0x02, Addr 0xc0484fc0 T6: index 0x1b, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e26e0 T6: index 0x1c, size 0x00000020, Attrbute 0x03, Addr 0xc05e2680 T6: index 0x1d, size 0x00000074, Attrbute 0x12, Addr 0xc0084fe0 T6: index 0x1e, size 0x00000334, Attrbute 0x14, Addr 0xc01e2300 T6: Total Memory allocated to PL: static = 0000b754 Dyn=4502 total=fc56 T6: Current head after allocating PL mem: c0085054 T6: SGL FRAME INFO: Start address in SRAM is : xc0085060 T6: DM_PL_AllocReqFrames: Max SGL frames in SRAM: 48 T6: From SRAM: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames x48 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc0485060 T6: Total memory allocated for SGL Frames in SRAM is : x4800 T6: Allocating left over xb8 SGL frames in DDR at address : xc05d6ac0 T6: From DDR: SgInIo Frame xd SgInSg Frame x15 TotSg Frames xb8 Frame Size x100 sgBaseAddr xc05d6ac0 T6: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete T7: Disabling UART for 120s due to discovery T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_ENCL_DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGE T7: DM_HndlEnclStatusChgEvnt: EnclosureHandle x0001 Reason x01 PhysicalPort 0 T7: ELI 5c81f660d254e700 NumSlots x0009 StartSlot x0000 PhyBits x00000000 IOCLogInfo x00000000 IOCStatus x0000 T7: Ctrl enclosure device added T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x8 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x08 devHandle x0009 parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x08 slot x09 deviceInfo=x00004801 sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700 T7: Device is SEP T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x4 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x04 devHandle x000a parentDevHdl x0001 phyNum x04 slot x03 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b58629 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x5 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x05 devHandle x000b parentDevHdl x0002 phyNum x05 slot x02 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 1 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x6 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x06 devHandle x000c parentDevHdl x0003 phyNum x06 slot x01 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b214495 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 2 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T7: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x01 StartPhy=x7 T7: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T7: Device ADDED - phy x07 devHandle x000d parentDevHdl x0004 phyNum x07 slot x00 deviceInfo=x00000c01 sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 3 T7: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T7: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T7: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery started on Port 0 T8: iopiEvent: MPI2_EVENT_SAS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_LIST T8: DM_HandleTopologyChgEvnt: PhysicalPort=0 NumberOfPhys=x08 NumEntries=x04 StartPhy=x0 T8: ExpStatus=x00 PhysicalPort=0 EnclosureHandle=x0001 Expander devHandle=x0000 T8: Phy changed - phy 00 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 01 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 02 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: Phy changed - phy 03 devHandle 0000 linkRate 00 curLinkRate 0 T8: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 2 Count 0 InitState 0 T8: iopiEvent: EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY T8: DM_HandleDiscEvent: Discovery Completed on Port 0 T8: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1 T30: iopiDiscoveryComplete SubSystem 0 Count 0 InitState 0 T30: First discovery completed in 23 seconds T30: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = c05e7000 size 150 T30: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0 T30: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8 T30: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY1: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY2: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY3: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=00, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY4: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY5: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY6: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0 T30: PHY7: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate=aa, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0 T30: DISM: Queued! T30: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400 T30: DevId=1 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T30: DevId=0 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=1 idle_b=0 idle_c=0 T30: DevId=3 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T30: DevId=2 IdleModes: standby_y=0 standby_z=1 idle_a=0 idle_b=0 idle_c=1 T30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448240 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T30: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 1 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T30: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 0 ff 0 T30: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0448000) Cmd=3, Sns=c0448040 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cf T30: DM_VendorInquiryCallback dev 0 Sense Data: Len 40 RespCode 70 senseKey 5 asc 24 ascq 0 T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x1 uniqueTag = 0x400159db T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x400159db T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x0 uniqueTag = 0x27f7f747 T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x27f7f747 T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x2 uniqueTag = 0xfc7731b T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0xfc7731b T30: DM_DevIdentifySystemDrivesCallback :codSignature = 0x11de11de for devide = 0x3 uniqueTag = 0x5e4e470a T30: isPdPresentInNvram:Pd unique id found uniqueId = 0x5e4e470a T30: Dell Encl Found !! enclPd = 20 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x1 T30: devId 0 - slot num - 0 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x3 T30: devId 1 - slot num - 1 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0x7 T30: devId 2 - slot num - 2 T30: sataBBMMapSet :sataSBBMMap =0xf T30: devId 3 - slot num - 3 T30: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal T30: DISM Complete T30: gDevInfo=c0566ca0, size=160 T30: Total Device = 5 T30: PD Flags Size S N F Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH WU BFw BRev T30: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T30: 0 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 00 5000c5001b213cb5 03 07 0d 0 NA NA T30: 1 f1400005 22ecb25b 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST3300657SS 0006 0 0 01 5000c5001b214495 02 06 0c 0 NA NA T30: 2 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 02 5000c50057b584e1 01 05 0b 1 NA NA T30: 3 f1400005 1d1c0beaf 0 0 0 SEAGATE ST4000NM0023 GS0A 0 0 03 5000c50057b58629 00 04 0a 1 NA NA T30: 20 01400005 0 0 0 0 DP BP12G+ 1.00 0 0 20 5d81f060d254e700 00 08 09 0 NA NA T30: 42 00400005 0 0 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 3416 0 0 ffff 0 00 ff 00 0 NA NA T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b58629 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50057b584e1 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b214495 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5001b213cb5 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0 T30: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 5 Path1PDs 0 T30: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 15 T30: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started T30: SES_GenericCallback: enclPd=20...RDM_STATUS =1 retries: 0 T30: Cmd Details: 1c 01 00 00 20 00 T30: SES General Error on EnclPd:20 sts:1 RetryCount:0 msg:c0450400 txfrAddr:c05870c0 T31: SES_InitSMNextState: Supports BP Bay ID T31: SES_InitSMNextState:SES_INIT_STATUS_PAGE_GET:SES_BPBayElmIdentified is set T31: Dell slot Offset = 0 T31: EVT#06207-T31: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p1) communication restored T31: EVT#06208-T31: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20 T31: EVT#06209-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=00, sasAddr=5d81f060d254e700,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06210-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) T31: EVT#06211-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c5001b213cb5,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06212-T31: 236=PD 00(e0x20/s0) is not a certified drive T31: EVT#06213-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) T31: EVT#06214-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5001b214495,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06215-T31: 236=PD 01(e0x20/s1) is not a certified drive T31: EVT#06216-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) T31: EVT#06217-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c50057b584e1,0000000000000000 T31: EVT#06218-T31: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) T31: EVT#06219-T31: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50057b58629,0000000000000000 T31: StaggeredSpinUp complete T31: Fusion Mfi init: Hi Priority FIFO: c0446e7800000002 T31: KM_KeyMgmtInit: security is not enabled T31: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=c05cd820 T31: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config T31: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0 T31: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=1, span=0 from pd=2 at partition=0 T31: missingSpan =0 T31: missingSpan =0 T31: ddfInitStatus: 0 T31: configRaid: adding to raid config T31: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0 T31: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=1 span=0 T31: ddfInitStatus after CheckForOfflinePRL11VDs : 0 T43: Leave init_cache early because cal_cache_size returned TRUE T43: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T43: pdFailHistInit: count=0 T43: GetCacheMemoryFromHost: Get memory from host T44: Host Mem Base address=cd42c000 T44: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 T44: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 T44: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 T44: Cache initialization complete...Config info T44: ARs configured: 2 T44: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) T44: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) T44: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T44: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 T44: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] T44: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 T44: wjNBInit: Initializing write journal NB entries T44: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs T44: DDF_TimestampGet: using nvram time=08/17 21:30:24 + rtc=44 to set timestamp T44: EVT#06220-T44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T44: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd T44: EVT#06221-T44: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 4d 00 2f 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00, Sense: 5/24/00 T44: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 04 cd 00 02 T44: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 4d 0 2f 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 T44: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0452a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0452a40 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00cd 08/17/15 21:31:07: EVT#06222-08/17/15 21:31:07: 44=Time established as 08/17/15 21:31:07; (44 seconds since power on) 08/17/15 21:31:26: Total memory available for disk cache: 1bf0000 08/17/15 21:31:26: Total Number of Cache Lines 447 08/17/15 21:31:26: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=447 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 08/17/15 21:31:26: Cache initialization complete...Config info 08/17/15 21:31:26: ARs configured: 2 08/17/15 21:31:26: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 08/17/15 21:31:26: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 08/17/15 21:31:26: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 08/17/15 21:31:26: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 08/17/15 21:31:26: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=447 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 08/17/15 21:31:26: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 08/17/15 21:31:26: LOAD section: src=fe0c01ce, size=59241, dst=0, mode=1...done 08/17/15 21:31:27: appLoad: set flag to stop loading bios in MfiCmdDone 08/17/15 21:31:27: Total memory available for disk cache: 1c00000 08/17/15 21:31:27: Total Number of Cache Lines 448 08/17/15 21:31:27: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=448 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80400000 LDs: 0 1 08/17/15 21:31:27: Cache initialization complete...Config info 08/17/15 21:31:27: ARs configured: 2 08/17/15 21:31:27: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 08/17/15 21:31:27: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 08/17/15 21:31:27: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 08/17/15 21:31:27: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 08/17/15 21:31:27: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=448 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 08/17/15 21:31:27: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 08/17/15 21:31:37: FS: Running in iMR Mode 08/17/15 21:31:38: FS: Running in iMR Mode 08/17/15 21:31:38: EVT#06223-08/17/15 21:31:38: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:31:38: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:31:38: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 08/17/15 21:31:38: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c045e200) Cmd=3, Sns=c045e240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:31:38: EVT#06224-08/17/15 21:31:38: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:31:38: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:31:38: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 08/17/15 21:31:38: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c045e600) Cmd=3, Sns=c045e640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:31:38: FS: Running in iMR Mode 08/17/15 21:31:39: FS: Running in iMR Mode 08/17/15 21:31:39: EVT#06225-08/17/15 21:31:39: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:31:39: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:31:39: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 08/17/15 21:31:39: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c045f200) Cmd=3, Sns=c045f240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:31:39: EVT#06226-08/17/15 21:31:39: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:31:39: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:31:39: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 08/17/15 21:31:39: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c045f600) Cmd=3, Sns=c045f640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:31:41: FS: Running in iMR Mode 08/17/15 21:31:41: FS: Running in iMR Mode 08/17/15 21:31:41: EVT#06227-08/17/15 21:31:41: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:31:41: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:31:41: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 08/17/15 21:31:41: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0460200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0460240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:31:41: EVT#06228-08/17/15 21:31:41: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:31:41: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:31:41: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 08/17/15 21:31:41: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0460600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0460640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:31:43: FS: Running in iMR Mode 08/17/15 21:31:43: FS: Running in iMR Mode 08/17/15 21:31:43: EVT#06229-08/17/15 21:31:43: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:31:43: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:31:43: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 08/17/15 21:31:43: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461200) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461240 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:31:43: EVT#06230-08/17/15 21:31:43: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 22 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:31:43: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:31:43: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 22 0 08/17/15 21:31:43: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461600) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461640 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:32:04: PS policy is disabled on ld=0 08/17/15 21:32:04: PS policy is disabled on ld=1 08/17/15 21:32:04: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 08/17/15 21:32:04: EVT#06231-08/17/15 21:32:04: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 08/17/15 21:32:04: skinny Reclaim memory reserved for pre-boot: All IO over - re-initializing cache 08/17/15 21:32:04: Total memory available for disk cache: 2000000 08/17/15 21:32:04: Total Number of Cache Lines 512 08/17/15 21:32:04: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=512 ldc=2 ps=4 cm=0 ba=80000000 LDs: 0 1 08/17/15 21:32:04: Cache initialization complete...Config info 08/17/15 21:32:04: ARs configured: 2 08/17/15 21:32:04: Ar 0: size=22dc0000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1) 08/17/15 21:32:04: Ar 1: size=1d1b00000, activeLd=2, numPd=2, seq=0, powerSave=0 powerSaveInProgress=0 PDs: 02(20/2) 03(20/3) 08/17/15 21:32:04: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=22dc0000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=00,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 08/17/15 21:32:04: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=22dc0000, ar=0 08/17/15 21:32:04: LD 1: L=1 SS=128 Size=1d1b00000 NL=512 Status=3 DT=0 BT=0 , Encr=0, prop=[ID=01,dcp=00,ccp=00,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0,S=0|0,dps=00,cps=fe] 08/17/15 21:32:04: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=1d1b00000, ar=1 08/17/15 21:32:04: MSI-X Enabled: MSIX offset = 00002000 08/17/15 21:32:04: MSIX[0]: 00000000:fee00000 - 4083 08/17/15 21:32:04: MSIX[1]: 00000000:fee02000 - 4083 08/17/15 21:32:04: MSIX[2]: 00000000:fee04000 - 4083 08/17/15 21:32:04: MSIX[3]: 00000000:fee06000 - 4083 08/17/15 21:32:04: findMsiState: Setting MSI Mode to 2 (0=Legacy, 1=MSI, 2=MSI-X) 08/17/15 21:32:04: MfiCmdInitQueue[0]: FW now OPERATIONAL 08/17/15 21:32:04: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 08/17/15 21:32:04: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb880 08/17/15 21:32:04: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb800, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb804 08/17/15 21:32:04: producerIndex=0 08/17/15 21:32:04: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 08/17/15 21:32:04: EVT#06232-08/17/15 21:32:04: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 08/17/15 21:32:04: MfiCmdInitQueue[1]: FW now OPERATIONAL 08/17/15 21:32:04: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 08/17/15 21:32:04: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eb940 08/17/15 21:32:04: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb810, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb814 08/17/15 21:32:04: producerIndex=0 08/17/15 21:32:04: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 08/17/15 21:32:04: EVT#06233-08/17/15 21:32:04: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 08/17/15 21:32:04: MfiCmdInitQueue[2]: FW now OPERATIONAL 08/17/15 21:32:04: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 08/17/15 21:32:04: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2eba00 08/17/15 21:32:04: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb820, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb824 08/17/15 21:32:04: producerIndex=0 08/17/15 21:32:04: Driver Version: percsas2.sys 6.802.19.00 08/17/15 21:32:04: EVT#06234-08/17/15 21:32:04: 389=Host driver is loaded and operational 08/17/15 21:32:04: MfiCmdInitQueue[3]: FW now OPERATIONAL 08/17/15 21:32:04: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0 08/17/15 21:32:04: q.responseQueueEntries=1f, responseQueueStatr=cd2ebac0 08/17/15 21:32:04: q.producerIndexPtr=cd2eb830, q.consumerIndexPtr=cd2eb834 08/17/15 21:32:04: producerIndex=0 08/17/15 21:33:27: EVT#06235-08/17/15 21:33:27: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:33:27: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:33:27: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 08/17/15 21:33:27: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0464a00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0464a40 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:33:27: EVT#06236-08/17/15 21:33:27: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:33:27: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/17/15 21:33:27: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 08/17/15 21:33:27: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0464e00) Cmd=3, Sns=c0464e40 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/17/15 21:33:27: EVT#06237-08/17/15 21:33:27: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:33:27: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 08/17/15 21:33:27: EVT#06238-08/17/15 21:33:27: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/17/15 21:33:27: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 08/17/15 21:33:27: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/17/15 22:17:32: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/17/15 22:32:45: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/17/15 22:32:45: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/17/15 23:49:42: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/18/15 6:40:42: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/18/15 8:27:32: empty i2c int 00000000 08/18/15 10:45:02: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/18/15 11:00:32: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/18/15 11:47:12: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/18/15 22:46:52: empty i2c int 00000000 08/19/15 0:34:52: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/19/15 0:34:52: empty i2c int 00000000 08/19/15 1:37:32: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/19/15 3:22:12: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/19/15 12:06:02: empty i2c int 00000000 08/19/15 13:39:42: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/19/15 14:41:42: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/19/15 17:28:22: int for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/19/15 17:28:22: empty i2c int 00000000 08/19/15 21:47:55: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/19/15 21:47:55: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/19/15 23:04:42: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 08/20/15 9:48:45: In I2C Slave Mode: Nack sent for received byte 08/20/15 10:58:42: Spurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/20/15 12:31:52: Spurious interrupt received in task modeint for invalid i2c ctx c058c368 intStatus 00000000 08/20/15 12:32:12: empty i2c int 00000000 08/20/15 12:52:45: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/20/15 15:51:34: EVT#06239-08/20/15 15:51:34: 30=Event log cleared 08/20/15 17:21:21: EVT#06240-08/20/15 17:21:21: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Path 5000c5001b213cb5, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/20/15 17:21:21: Raw Sense for PD 0: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/20/15 17:21:21: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 08/20/15 17:21:21: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461000) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461040 DevId[0] devHandle d info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/20/15 17:21:21: EVT#06241-08/20/15 17:21:21: 113=Unexpected sense: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Path 5000c5001b214495, CDB: 12 01 dc 01 1d 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/20/15 17:21:21: Raw Sense for PD 1: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 c8 00 03 08/20/15 17:21:21: DEV_REC:IllegalReq- CDB: 12 1 dc 1 1d 0 08/20/15 17:21:21: ILLEGAL REQ: pRdm(c0461400) Cmd=3, Sns=c0461440 DevId[1] devHandle c info:0, aslen= 0, asc= a, Ascq 24, Sks: 0, fp=00c8 08/20/15 17:21:22: EVT#06242-08/20/15 17:21:22: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/20/15 17:21:22: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 08/20/15 17:21:22: EVT#06243-08/20/15 17:21:22: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5d81f060d254e700, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00 08/20/15 17:21:22: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 08/20/15 19:28:22: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/20/15 21:45:42: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/21/15 0:32:32: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task modeI2C 1 TXFifo has data on entry 08/21/15 9:45:13: I2C 1 cannot find idle bus! 08/21/15 10:52:32: Spurious interrupt received in task modeSpurious interrupt received in task mode